I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

“wHaT aRe yOu tAlKiNg aBoUt tHuNdAh, dRuIdS aRe bAd iN tHe cOnTeNt i dO!!@!”

I’m tired of this class getting everything and it makes class diversity a joke.

Hey, do you need a tank? Here’s one that’s easy to play, easy to heal, and has great HP! RBGs? Great news! You’re the only tank.

Healers - when was a Druid bad? And for you Druid mains, bad does not equal second place.

Damage - you know what your biggest problem is? Perception! People just think you’re bad. Never mind that you’re featured in multiple 3s comps, 3 specs are in the Top 15, and everyone had to save kicks for convoke - the PR nightmare never ends.

How about Druids sit at the bottom of everything next expansion just to change things up for once. God I hate that class.


I gotta say, they have been a little out of hand for a while lol.

My biggest problem has always been that a class should not be able to CC-lock you without incurring into DR’s. And they are the only ones that can with a very overpowered mobility.


Inb4 druids coming in to tell you their class is constantly being neglected by Blizzard.


Now tell us how you really feel, Thunda.


you missed memo its monks>marks hunter> druid>mage>dk>warrior>rogue>everyone else.

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Excuses me but I don’t think that druids are over powered in all specs and I hate it when someone says nerf druid instead of which spec is op. It is like take any class ( warior, mage or warlock as an example) then saying nerf them because one spec of them is op.


actually give druids a new extra form/spec: THUNDERHAWK
we swoop down from overhead in BG or arenas like DH and killstomp you and have several stuns


you sure have some blindingly thick rose colored glasses if you think druids have never been bad.

guardian in 8.0, for example, would like to say hi.


While very very true, I mean… guardian 8.3 sort of compensated wouldn’t you say? Haha good lord 3.0M health was glorious

…wasn’t Guardian just trash tier most of BfA until the health pool scaling made Twilight Dev stacks insane? As in, 8.3?

And…hasn’t feral been trash since pretty much end of Legion?

Boomie can go die in a fire.


I’m still riding that wave, my cotank never lets me forget it LOL


Only time (that I remember) restoration druid was considered bad was vanilla, not quite because the heals were bad but because only one druids HoTs could be on a particular target.

Pretty obnoxious class in pvp nowadays though.


What spec isn’t OP?

And they got buffed, near as I can tell. Mind you, 9.2 isn’t out yet but even the possibility is gross.


Blizz. Pls dumpster all casters

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Said by a holy paladin. Lmao


So this is a pvp thread.

When was boomy ever as good as it is now, in the past? I’ll wait. Same with feral (if it’s even as good as you say)

RBG tanks? Who gives af lmao.

Historically, resto is pretty damn good I’ll give you that.

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for healing raids you want hpal > disc > rsham > mw > holy/rdruid
sometimes x2 hpal/x2 disc

youre missing veng dh

that was the entirety of BFA lol
you see boomkin topping for once and freak out. resto druid hasnt been a thing since legion. relax lol


I think you missed my argument when I said:


What’s the argument here. DH can do it so Druids aren’t OP?



your argument is stupid because its true lmfao


I don’t get it.
Daddy absolutely loves that show.
At the same time.
Mommy thinks that show is just the dumbest show ever.

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