Why do druids get so much attention?

Balance is the #1 ranged dps spec atm feral has been solid A tier most of the expansion.

Because druid got exactly 0 attention in beta except feral.

Balance and Guardian were practically ā€œdevelopedā€ in less than one month(in the end of the beta) and then were released in such a twisted state that even blizzard did not know what to do with them apart from vomiting out random aura buffs/nerfs on them. This is why.


Yes so you agree with me that Druids get constant tuning and specs like frost Dk need to be worked on.

Uhhā€¦ Shadow, Beast Mastery, and Devastation are better without a doubt and Iā€™d argue that Arcane and some Warlock specs are better on the relevant fights one spec is good on (i.e. Demo for Raszageth/Broodkeeper or Destro on Kurog/Dathea). Fire is better too after its recent 5% buff.

Uhhhā€¦ no? Feralā€™s the single most outclassed spec in the entire game right now. Boomkin is almost strictly better than it and most melee are much better than it numerically and utility-wise, including but not limited to Arms, Unholy, Frost DK, Enhancement, all three Rogue specs, and Windwalker. Feral offers absolutely nothing to a group and isnā€™t even close to ā€œA-tierā€ by any metric.


They have the most specs and most vocal players.

Resto-cat and resto-owl, silly.

Guardian was / is in a bad spot. The problem is all 4 of their specs do different roles. My post was more directed at mages crying because they arenā€™t #1 across the board with all 3 specs.

Ok you seemed to be concerned with mythic raiding Iā€™m more focused on Mythic+ where most players put their time. Majority of the playerbase does not do mythic raiding. So yes my point about feral/balance/resto being top tier is true for pushing keys.

In regards to Mythic+ you are completely wrong about feral it is a very strong spec even though its underrepresented mainly because Balance is stronger. Doesnā€™t change the fact that it is a solid A tier spec. Too be fair this is melee season so all the melee classes are doing pretty well.

Feralā€™s even worse there. It doesnā€™t even do bad damage like it used to, but itā€™s outclassed by Boomkin as is, which struggles to compete against SPriest nowadays, damage-wise. Meanwhile, Sub/Outlaw, Havoc, and Enhancement cast a massive shadow over all other melee and that includes Feral.


Yes out of the 4 specs guardian aint looking to good but druids have 3 very solid specs to choose from. 10.0.7 is tuning for restoration again. I donā€™t care about mythic raiding neither does most of the player base who spend most of their time in Mythic + where classes like mage who have to stand in Rune of power with all these mechanics are having a hard time. Its not just mages, there are many specs being completely ignored yet druids get tuned every single patch.

Ah and by the way Guardianā€™s recent rework which was supposed to make it less horrific actually only deepened the issues even more. If you want such rework for any of the mage specs you can have it, but I think your fellow mages will be pretty irked if this really happens.

Like do you realize the how insane this situation is? Look at the talent tree before and after 10.0.5. Whoever is in charge of this class/spec clearly has no idea of their own work, otherwise 10.0.5 guardian changes would have never went live as they were.


The attention is bad attention. I wish theyā€™d leave druid alone because every time they try to fix it they scuff all specs badly.

Give druids the hunter treatment at this point.

Only on high level keys. In low keys weā€™re trash tier because everything is almost dead by the the we get dots up.

Yes guardian is in a rough spot but they are tuning restoration next patch not guardian even though restoration is top tier. This is why I said 3/4 specs. Every patch druids gets tuning while still being strong yet many specs deserve to be worked on but are ignored.

Balance druids use the same form since vanillaā€¦ just saying. No new forms, no updates, nothing. :no_mouth:

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The general paladin tree would like to say hello :stuck_out_tongue:

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Itā€™s been someoneā€™s favorite class since BC, which is why there has never been a time when resto druid was actually bad.

That is an entire slew of problems in itself haha

I agree. Merge Guardian and Feral back into one spec and be done with this messing around trying to make 4 specs work for a class.

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Like I said, all 4 specs play different roles. One is tank. One is healer. One is ranged dps. One is melee dps. All 3 mage specs are the same. Ranged dps. Arcane and frost are doing just fine from what Iā€™ve seen.