Why do druids get so much attention?

How come every single patch so far Druids get the most attention even though 3/4 specs are top tier while there are so many other class/specs that need tuning? More restoration tuning when they are already one of the best healers? Why do mages get nothing this expansion in terms of tree design and 100% reliance on Rune of Power?


So far from reality.


I agree just increase mage damage by 40% all the time and delete rune of power. Time to get our hot mage overlords back to breaking the meters again


probably because they are terrible


MFW they are doing a full talent redesign for ret paladins.

But yea, keeping thinking druids are the main focus xD


what are you talking about, willis? we were ignored through all of alpha/beta.


Good they deserve it. My point is that Druids get huge turnings every single patch and they are already in a great spot.

It isn’t about how viable we are, the problem is with how bad our talent trees were at launch. For example, Balance had to give up like 8% of their damage for an interrupt, and the class tree was just all over the place for every spec.


Resto’s a top healer, and… what are the other two, again?


Cuz they can shapeshift into a fat bird.

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again. what are you talking about? the spec getting huge tunings is guardian, a spec that was ignored through alpha and beta. a spec that went live in such a terrible state, it needed a complete tree redesign just a few weeks into the tier.

all of the druid specs suffer from the basement-garbage-tier class tree. change is needed.


They are so out of wack constantly, they require constant tuning. Other classes don’t suffer from the same problems.

Are you playing a different game than me because logs show restoration/balance are most represented in higher content?

Ah missed the beta where bears got nothing til the very last second I see.

This is damage control blizzard caused.


Now to be fair to Paladins that entire class had one major rework in Cata.
An that rework has plagued an failed Ret so badly basically any an all changes to the class either put them into a spiral of failure or overpowered since conception.(Ignoring Holy/prot).
Blizzards take on Ret paladins has been one awful number increase or decrease with hardly any meaningful change.

If you need huge tuning then obviously you’re not doing good lol especially if all those times are buffs and not nerfs

It does not matter how many Druid specs are top tier. If the last spec is in a bad spot then it should be shored up. Plus you must have missed how Druids, Guardians in particular went through the entire Alpha PLUS beta of talent reworks receiving zero (0) talent changes from their first iteration.

Also 3 top tier specs? Maybe Resto sure but while I don’t think either Balance or Feral are in a bad spot I wouldn’t have called either “top tier.”


Go look at the ptr notes right now. It has tuning for restoration not guardian.

If druid is such garbage why is restoration/balance the most represented for ranged dps and healing in higher content. I’m looking at logs right now all the top healers are restoration/evoker.

Mages crying when they have specs doing well and have received buffs.

Frost DKs over there sucking and have been neglected since beta.

You could have it worse. Be happy.

Balance is one of the best specs on exactly one fight and is at best decent on the others. It does a ton of damage in M+ but it’s horrifically outclassed by Shadow Priest in that environment now.

Resto’s the one I’ll give you. What are the other two specs?