Why do druids get so much attention?

Nope ! Vengeance DH is wicked awesome, just saying. Awesome self healing, double jump glide to avoid many things, sigils to eleviate many special situations that mobs have, and we can go full demon for amplification of abilities. Plus, we’re glorious elves !

Druids were A) always available to both factions and B) all three specs were virtually useless in vanilla WoW, with Balance and Feral being worse than useless. And that’s not even getting into the goofy stuff about how Druids are always good at everything (they have not been).

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it’s not that druids want to be at the top of the pack…they just want a fun gameplay experience.

the current dev team broke the class across all 4 specs…it’s got to be fixed ASAP, so i’m glad we’re finally getting some attention.

this is one of those classes where the design has to excel in both gameplay mechanics & class fantasy. it’s soooooo important!

You’re right on them being available, totally put them in the shaman and paladin bracket, and people have been whining about all of their specs being useless since vanilla. Gotta give you that.

I mean, they weren’t, and certainly aren’t now…but yes, people have whined about it.

Because druids are the one class I won’t kill for fun. That’s why.

They’re the class you won’t kill for no reason (or for fun) because it takes an hour whether you win or not.

A lot of stuff in vanilla was actually useless. In retail WoW people lose their minds when a spec does 20% more damage than another one. Fury Warrior was more than twice as much damage as Balance Druid in vanilla/classic.

Balance is top tier for a lot of fights in VOTI, feral performs pretty well to.

Is this a troll post? Lmao

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not once did i say i want to be top ofthe pack and if you read my words you would see that all i said is im not a fan of being just above the tank. but since you brought it up with how feral has been treated all these years not a single other class deserves to be top of the pack other than feral to make up for over a decade of bad treatment. im content with being middle of the pack because it means were not in a bad spot but the people at the top are always the same specs so its time for some of them to be at the bottom and see how it feels

That’s kind of what happens when you make the game a pure min/max timer chasing circlespank.

Balance druids and even shadow priests were still getting carried through raids in vanilla because 1. It could be done and they served their own purposes, and 2. We didn’t judge people for not having the meta spec with every meta talent.

It was great when we let people alternate playing what they wanted with what was the top of the meta. Miss it compared to this “If other people are parsing 20% higher than me then I’m useless and should kms” catastrophizing.

It’s more than 87%, my math was just bad.

BWL DPS parses:

Fury Warrior: 1257 DPS
Balance Druid: 492.94 DPS

The problem is most people play the spec not the class.

I mostly heal. I hardly ever touch balance, feral only while leveling, and will never tank.

Some people tank and will never heal/dps.

Saying specs outside of your preferred role or good even if the spec for the role you play is trash is a bad take.

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Are you uninformed or serious?
I want to viciously mock you, but I think you just might be uninformed.

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Furries are special and need more tlc

Also, i barely play one of my specs and i only have 3. Where do Druids get the time?

Druids are the same way, though of course there are outliers that play all 4.

I want to mock you to because you must not know how to use the internet to check logs to see that balance/resto are the best specs for mythic+ and feral is rated 1 point behind windwalker. Idc about mythic voti a majority of the playerbase plays Mythic+ and no one cares about heroic raiding at this point.

Well… we did.
In Sl the druid only shone for a moment, but was overshadowed for a long time by other classes…
So yeah, we’ve been through a pretty dark time already.
No one is a golden child for Blizzard, because previously he was the “mage” and look at him now as he is.
Each class and spec has its expansion.
The druids go through SL being very weak for M+ (except for some moments of seasons).
Just like the mages right now in DF (at least as far as M+ is concerned).

Well let’s see…

  1. The druid in all the development of DF was ignored, except the Rdruid (even though it was worse than the current version before). They are literally trying to fix the months that they have been ignoring us.

  2. As you say, the Druid has 3 out of 4 specs being meta or S using based on logs. I’m sorry to tell you that there are only 2 specs out of 4, since the feral is B.
    And it seems strange to me that you haven’t thought about the DH who with their two specs are S or at least A or the rogue with Outlaw and Subtlety who are S.
    And that is that currently the Spriest is scaling a lot thanks to his recent buffs, so the Boomy may be displaced very soon or who knows.

  3. Do you know the changes that have been made to the Rdruid and the other specs in each patch? Wow, because I have to warn you that with each patch they end up making it worse rather than better.
    Take the class tree for example, before it was bad… but thanks to its recent update… it went from bad to very bad… literally adding useless, unnecessary, repetitive talents and on top of that with more restrictions.
    Regarding the talent spec trees… many were nerfed as in the case of the feral druid. Others were ignored for their part, such as the guardian druid. And now with 10.0.7 that is coming… I see that they have made the Rdruid’s worse for a talent that nobody wants to use… but they try to take it from us by force.
    The changes… can be good or bad… in this case, many are bad instead of good (except for the guardian druid buffs next week).

  4. Don’t you think that just as you say in this post… many people are happy for the mage? Several expansions practically shone just like the druid… but of course, 1 is where they fell a lot (SL in the case of the druid) and (DF according to what I see from the mage).

In any case, I’m not against mages being in a very bad place… however, focusing frustration on a class that has nothing to do with the development of yours or another’s… doesn’t suit me. seems very logical. Still I hope that in the future they improve the mage