Why do casuals care?

I couldn’t care less about it. I have army of alts and they will join whatever one is thematically appropriate for their class and/or race.

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Corruptions weren’t even supposed to be a thing, but Azerite received such a colossal back lash Blizzard literally came up with a system doomed to fail.

Stealth is just one ability and doesn’t even change to rotation of Rogues all that much.

But you’d never PvP without it.

I exaggerate slightly, the Covenant abilities aren’t that impactful, but they’re pretty close. Some examples of PvP Covenant abilities would be:

Necrolords CC Immunity.
DK’s pulsing Death Grip.
DH’s LoS ignoring Shadowstep.
Hunters LoS ignoring arrow.

To name 4 off the top of my head, and then you’ve got stuff for Door of Shadows for Raid, which is basically a personal Warlock Gateway, only better.

So yeah, you can PvP without them. But it’s like PvPing without PvP talents, it accomplishes nothing but make your life harder in that content than it needs to be.

Two weeks was the off-hand answer given in one of the interviews IIRC. Could be longer, could be shorter.

And Preach criticized that way back in the BFA Alpha/Beta as well.

For someone who isn’t right about everything, he sure is right about a lot of things.

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It almost always means time-consuming with Blizzard’s track record on the subject.

I agree, as long as it doesn’t feel like one. Problem for me is I’ve never felt that way in BFA, everything became tedious very fast where in Legion I didn’t really mind it. Could just be burning out from two expansions of WQs though.

I hope I’m wrong about covenants and they end up being well received but nothing in BFA shows that will be the case. And the dev team is very slow at revamping an entire system, there are only so many little tuning knobs you can turn on something that’s flawed from its foundation.

I didn’t realize being vaguely right about one thing means he’s a truth teller instead of a mouth piece for Limit.

Nah, it’s purely a coincidence that all the criticisms of systems like Legiondaries, Azerite and Corruptions were proven true, and the people who were like “lol ur wrong, it’ll be balanced” were all proven wrong.

Covenants will be different this time for sure!

Can’t wait til they act on the feedback and let you swap Covenants easily in 9.3.


Sure, but stealth also isn’t a requirement. If you jumped into a battle without going into stealth first, that doesn’t mean you’ll instantly lose. It just means that you have the option to stealth, get the jump on your opponent, and have a better chance of winning.

Much like how Rogue stealth isn’t that impactful, but it’s pretty close…?

I can’t argue individual abilities all too much as, honestly, I haven’t looked into each one to really get an idea of them. But for what it’s worth, their difference in power, still, will be much like switching spec and having different strengths and weaknesses when swapped.

Like, you can’t be as tanky as a Frost DK compared to a Blood DK.

Sure, but I PvP (casually) just for fun here and there and I take two seconds to pick random passive honor talents and usually perform just fine. In theory, yes, I could make my life easier by taking the most optimal route, but I just don’t care enough about being that good.

Then I won’t believe it until 100% confirmed. I have my doubts that rejoining a covenant will take two weeks lol

Sure, but they’ve changed a lot lately in terms of how they behave.

Artifact weapons felt more rewarding than Azerite armor did by a long shot.

Yeah, I look forward to these WQ 2.0 things that they’re talking about. Legion WQs were great but BfAs felt like a slog considering the fact that they were much more mandatory, imho.

How did his ‘Pay-to-Win’ crying work out?

Can’t wait for ‘good players’ to say how tough the Mythics were after Blizzard made the game easier for them.

Well, they wont be if you just open them up. Now you have four renown bars to grind (AP) and multiple systems (soulbinds, legendaries, conduits, anima power), to grind out (azerite, essences, corruption). And on top of this, you get to do it on every single character you decide to level up. They all get to start at zero and do the exact same grind across all four covenants to be viable.

Sounds like an amazing game! Im sure no one had an issue with it the last time they rolled it out. i can see why so many of you cant wait to play it.

Can you please point to 3 such posts, specifically??

Because I haven’t seen a single post like that.

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I’m with you. Why lock the choice once it’s been made?! I feel like the factions should be treated like talents: you’re not locked out once you choose a spec on a toon so why on this?

Because they’re not talents.

He was correct. Spending a ridiculous amount of gold on Corrupted BoE’s gave you a HUGE advantage in progression.

Bit of a self-goal, but you do you.

Which matters in rated PvP, where you’ll face opponents who are skilled enough to punish such gaps in character power.

Which is to be expected. But when you compare specs to specs, the Covenants become an issue.

If you pick the best Covenant for a F DK, you can’t be as Tanky as you could if you picked the best Covenant for Blood, and if you picked the Blood Covenant you couldn’t do as much damage as you could as Frost.

It’s not an issue for low levels of content, but if you play higher levels of content in multiple roles, it’ll become a big issue.

That’s on you. Many people do however.

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He was NOT correct. Just because Limit and the rest of the bronies couldn’t be bothered to farm the same corruptions they bought from other players does not make it pay to win.

It just makes World First Raiders super lazy.

“These ridiculously powerful items that can be bought for Gold aren’t P2W”.

That’s a spicy take.

And it only gets spicier.

I haven’t seen takes this bad since the last Ralph thread.


My third reference will be to send you over to YouTube. Check out Asmongold’s reaction to Preach’s interview with Ion. I believe that’s the video I was watching where Asmongold deliberately spoke about how people won’t be taking specific covenants. It’s either that video, or another one. I can’t remember. I see so many things.

Those posts by the way were a simple scroll-down to find. I even remember seeing one the other day titles “I Will Be Blacklisting Certain Covenants” and another threat titled “Making an Addon That Blacklists Certain Covenants,” etc.

Gold prices set by other players that farmed those pieces on their own. It’s not pay to win, just a bunch of lazy raiders taking the estrogen instead of the testosterone.

Ardalene is basically a less qualified Ralph


That was mine and it got me a 3 day vacation from the forum.

This other thread you hotlinked has been mass flagged and restored by Blizzard three times now because people don’t like the harsh reality awaiting them.

Which is also rated PvP. It’s not exactly the most casual play - plus, anyone can theoretically sign up for a rated PvP battleground or arena.

This one’s big yes, because obviously. The tankier spec will always be tankier. That’s the point.

I mean if you could describe, in detail, how it will become a big issue, then I’ll be happy to discuss it. We’re getting to a point where nitty-gritty and numbers, facts and examples will do the trick better than just going back and forth on it. All the issue I’m reading here is that Covenants can’t be changed and therefore individual players won’t be able to be “as optimal” as someone else.

Sure, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It just doesn’t mean that the covenant abilities will make the difference. I can see, down the line, people using the non-optimal covenant abilities and making montages on YouTube showing how they can be destructive with them. People do that… it’s on you, then, to pick and play the way you want.

Ah, thought so. Unfortunate.
