So, i broke down and went and watched the Preach interview with Ion(because, i dont like streamers i usually wont watch them). Ion said, he didn’t think people would be declined because due to their choice of covenants or legendaries because the people have no choice to change it once its picked.
I am not sure what he is thinking here. If one covenant is unbalanced and is much better than another for lets say hunter, any hunter will be required to be that covenant or the group will just wait for one that is. If one legendary boosts a warriors dps by an exceptional margin and your not using it, then they will wait for someone who is.
Right now, depending on if there is a covenant I can pick that will be optimal for dps and heals I may not be playing. But if there is and I do play any pug group I put together is going to operate in this manner. Its nothing against people and their choices but i’m not going to purposefully gimp myself for people i dont know.
His idea is sound but not based in reality. In theory yes, if you know something isn’t easy to change you’ll be more forgiving/understanding picking it.
In reality though that’s not going to be the case.
It depends. No one is going to directly check what covenant you chose, but they will see your output as a result of that covenant and accept/decline you based on that.
Pray that Blizzard balances them fairly well… or be okay with only having optimal output in the type of content your covenant is built for.
Some will, some won’t just as it is today.
There will be those that care and those that don’t care about minmaxing. In the end, it’s a good thing that everyone will still have the ability to create their own groups with their own preferences.
insert jlaw okay,sure gif
I think the outcry over being “forced” into a covenant is vastly overstated, but what do I know? I never pug lol.
I’m just gonna pick whatever covenant either feels the best or has the best mechanical choice for my spec at launch and roll with it.
Not being mean but why do some people think that their personal opinions are somehow greater then the rest, and instead of posting in one of the all ready 100 threads about the topic, They start a new one…
A very ironic statement from the GM of Elitist Jerks.
I just keep thinking one is going to be super over powered for months, and before its nerfed it would just be silly to take someone who doesnt have it.
Except not everyone will be using it regardless so you will be able to find groups of “non venthyr M+” (as an example)
they dont see posting a new thread as them having a better opinion. im not sure why you would assume they do. everyone knows posting in the middle of a 300 count thread is a dead post.
The other aspect of this is the relative abundance of players via cross-realm group making. If we were all server-locked and forced to spam in /2 to make our groups… we wouldn’t care that much about it. But since at the touch of a button I can get 20-30 dps to sign up… why wouldn’t I select the one with the “correct” choice.
Just like how people nowadays wait for high ilvl and high IO players to queue up. I don’t doubt that this’ll be another knob by which players evaluate their candidates.
It really will all come down to how impactful these abilities are in the long run. If they’re like races, then Ion is right… very few people screen players based on chosen race. If they’re like essences… then ya… I absolutely expect people to be screened on these.
You’re a windwalker monk rather than a havoc dh. Do you get into groups now despite being a worse version of a class with similar abilities?
It’ll be fine.
Thats why im still playing monk, I like the way it plays but its one of the worst classes at the moment. Im just getting sick of trying to ring out every bit of performance I can just to keep up with my friends.
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I’ve run hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of raid and M+ pugs in BFA. I’ve never once been asked what my talents/azerite traits/essences/corruptions are. Not once. Never. Not a single time.
They don’t need to ask, there’s addons that tell them.
LOL no. You know how hard it is to get into a group as a WW monk? I would rather be stabbed with a hammer than to pug on my WW. Im actually a MW i was running as a WW last night with friends.
Iunno, ask enhancement shamans at the start of the expac, or feral druids throughout the expac.
Both specs that can definitely pull similar numbers as havoc DH’s, but both of which have definitely seen the pug community shun them throughout the majority of the expac.
I haven’t had a lot to complain about this expansion (arms warrior), but I’m the same way. I just pick whatever spec feels more fun levelling and roll with it until the end of the expansion.
the only time I’ve swapped due to numerical concerns was in Legion when I got a bunch of items that really, really pushed me towards going arms.
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I don’t think it’s so bad. I mean I get in groups on my frost DK and SV hunter alts. I can’t imagine others are looking for those and avoiding a ww monk.