You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

I’m sorry if there are some of you who put your whole trust in Blizzard to create a system that is close within 1% but the reality is you’re playing a game that for 15 years has had min maxers. You’re playing a genre of game that has had min/maxers for even more. Ion is clearly trying to stamp out there being ‘a meta’. It’s not going to work.

This is unfortunately the game you are playing. I’m not saying you will be declined from every bit of content you sign up for. There will be a lot of groups that don’t care what spec/covenant you are. That being said there will be times you will be punished for your covenant choice, more so if you are looking to push higher tier content. This will likely not impact the try-hards at all is they will have a guild group to run content through. This will damage pug groups mostly.

At least in BFA you were able to change your essences/spec to something more meta if you wanted to get in a group. This isn’t designed to attack anyone, I’m just pointing out it’s a reality that exists. Especially if you’re a DPS Main.

It’s the same reason guilds opt to not recruit a windwalker when there are a sea of stronger melee classes who are chasing after a spot as a melee. When presented with the luxury of choice why bother taking someone who does 10% less than another ?

Pug key leaders will craft the best possible group they can that gives them the highest chance of completing a key, It’s understandable and human nature to want to do the best.

Edit :laughing:
Great news, Blizzard is adding covenant only things you can do in dungeons as stated below:

We've also integrated your Covenant choice into some of our dungeon experiences. There's actually elements of dungeons that only you can interact with as part of a specific Covenant.

An example given is the ability for members of the Kyrian covenant to activate automatons in the Necrotic Wake to gain party buffs.

LF1M Rogue (Kyrian only)


I’m declining everyone with the bad covenants until this crap is made good.

#Untie Player Powers From Covenants


imagine having trust in bliz


Just so we’re clear, this is not a troll post. It’s just important everyone comes to grasp with this sooner rather than later. It will make it easier to swallow when Slands hits.


It is like I’m not saying you will have to change covenants every patch after buffs and nerfs happen to them but you know.


I’m glad you and I have put aside our differences and agree on something.


im crying this is beautiful

#Untie Player Powers From Covenants


Youre right. Thats why I’m choosing the best covenant.


I trust in 3 things:

  1. Blizzard will get them balanced within 10%. That’s good enough.
  2. The 75% of players that aren’t optimal for this piece of content will still want to run it and will be happy to run with me.
  3. Blizzard will make it so that the covenant that’s best for one dungeon will be sub-optimal for another. The covenant that’s optimal for one boss will not be for the next. The covenant that works great this raid tier will not be so great in the next.

If you want to lock yourself out of 75% of the content and players just to be edgy, then knock yourself out. At least the jerks will be outing themselves now.

If you have to say it, then you are.


Do we know what the SL meta is yet or is it still in the air?

1 Like

Still in the air, as Blizzard has the ability to tune based on feedba-

Lol, sorry. I couldn’t finish that with a straight face. Blizzard… listening to feedback.



tbh changing covenants every major patch wouldn’t be a terrible thing if they give you good amount of warning… because there are only like 5 major patches an xpack. But anything mid patch would not be fun

They even able to change covenants in Beta yet? If we don’t know what the system is yet how can we even say its bad.

The idea that we have to change covenants for power is why it’s bad. That cosmetic, key features of the expansion have direct ties to power.


we literally have known for months, and the whole system being introduced to the beta last week have confirmed how we thought it worked all this time.


If blizzard had a track record of hitting the mark I’d be on your side, but they do not.

In fact they’ve proven quite blatantly they have no idea how to balance things, corruption was an absolute travesty.
IS Nerfed, EV nerfed by 50%, TD Nerfs, IT Nerfs.

Let’s say for example your moment to shine is doing AOE damage, can you explain a single fight in Nyalotha where this would have helpful kill the boss? How many bosses were adds not just a nuisance ?

The person who picked this as their speciality would have absolutely sat in 99/100 Mythic guilds.


This was going to be a thing sense they announced it at blizzcon pretty sure. Weird time to get all riled up about it now. This isn’t even the first thing that has been introduced that is both cosmetic and player power related anyways. Why is this so much more a big a deal then Artifact weapons was? Or our Class choice?


Yup, regardless of how anyone feels it’s going to happen. Even if covenants didn’t exist there will still be meta. Just accept it.


That’s just the basic encounter design. It changes every tier. We’ve had bosses that are entirely about add management before. This time they have extra incentive to make sure that they’re mixed up, and in weird ways.


Because you choose what class and spec you liked to play. That’s different from selecting the aesthetic and thematic choice you like.

But it’s still garbage design, just different garbage design. Also bad design in the past isn’t an excuse for bad design now.