Why did Blizzard nerf alliance premades?

this isn’t what happened. It’s amazing how many people are clueless to what actually occurred.

the games that started with low population was due to a setting blizzard set where it would allow games to start with less than 20 players. This was then exacerbated by faction imbalance and the inability to fill games fast enough.

They changed this one thing in a patch and it completely fixed the problem.

Exactly. Alliance still loses in AV 99% of the time, but at least games start with 40v40 instead of 15v40.

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If Alliance actually tried, they wouldn’t lose every time. But they’d rather go to the forums and cry to Blizz!


yeah they changed battleground IDs cuz of a low pop game start bug


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I challenge thee to a duel vile charlatan!


They have been trying harder lately. With the Druid exploit fixed, the “muh rep” people have left for good. Now strategies are being called out, AFKers are being reported, ect. It’s still an uphill battle though.


It was nerfed because only alliance could do it.

Can’t lie I had a ton of fun doing it but it’s not hard to see why it’s unfair for one side to have 40 people in comms, a desirable amount of tanks/heals/dps, and everyone level 60 with 100% mounts vs. random pugs.

Yeah, it’s the same thing with ab/wsg premades but you have the option to create a premade for those if you so desire. Horde didn’t have this option in av.


it’s literally in a blue post. It’s been cited a dozen times or more already. read up sheeple.

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You call me clueless and say something like this? Before people started premading it never happened. Never. Once premades started queue flushing it happened all the time.

You don’t even have to look at the timeline. You can just reason it out yourself. 40 people get invites to a game, 25 of them leave… what’s left? Do this over and over.

This wasn’t some quirk of faction imbalance, this is what happens when people force the system to create more games than it has players available for. It’s just common sense I can’t believe anyone is even willing to argue it.


We’re fixing a setting that allowed the battleground to start with as few as 20 players on a team.> Blockquote



Nothing in that contradicts me. Im not sure why you keep bringing it up.


unless you played both sides during that time, you’re clueless.

after that change went in, premades still existed, dropping queues still existed and no game ever started short of more than 5 players.

so, the entire issue revolved around this setting. but keep trying to fit the narrative to your horde bias.


My first 60 was a dwarf warrior, ty for proving your own bias.

The issue absolutely did not revolve around that setting. It’s utterly preposterous. There were pages and pages of active AV’s going in the early days. New AV’s were spawning every few seconds. There were literally thousands of people playing AV.

Now, if a new AV was spawned and only 20 people were initially invited it would only take a few seconds for 20 more people to fill the game in those conditions. It would only take SECONDS to fill those empty slots, long before the 2 minute waiting period ends and the gate opens. The only way that game doesn’t fill up is if if multiple groups are forcing unneeded new games to spawn over and over and over.

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Yeah but those sub 20 player AVs were 100% created by the premades opting not to take a queue due to undesirable comp or not all their players getting in.


And just changing that setting should have been enough to fix the issue without removing match numbers from join screen.

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The horde complained about it, things that the horde complain about get fixed extremely quickly coincidentally everytime. I’ll give some examples that aren’t the av premades that got fixed within <1 week of it being being posted here.

The horde on like 90% of pvp servers spent all of P2 corpse camping as many people as they could, pvp on a pvp server etc. Come P3 the alliance made AVs that were designed to camp the horde in their cave, 1 week later blizzard literally told us you will be banned for doing this, camping the horde in a battleground is not allowed lol.

The alliance started camping the horde songflower in felwood and mind controlling people off the cliff, immediately you can’t mind control honorless targets anymore even though the horde had been camping fps and mind controlling people to remove honorless target for months.

The alliance started sapping the horde ony head buff npc and less than 24 hrs after the video was posted here it was changed so the npc gives the buff even if he was sapped lol


The later changed wasn’t directly tied to AV, as was previously mentioned.

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Agreed, as a horde player I hated the AV premade days. They were terrible. I could not group with my PVP friends and guildies at all and had to pug every time with total strangers. Meanwhile, the alliance could premade in discords. I complained on these forums about it too and don’t regret that at all.

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Let me illustrate this once and for all. Imagine a world without premades queue purging:

AV # Horde Alliance
AV1 40 40
AV2 40 40
AV3 40 40
AV4 40 40
AV5 40 40
AV6 40 40
AV7 40 40
AV8 40 40
AV9 40 40
AV10 40 20

AV10 is short 20 people due to the ‘quirk’ you keep referencing. It will take seconds for AV10 to find 20 more players. People inside won’t even notice it started with 20 players and the gates will open with 40 on each side.

Now imagine a world with queue purging:

AV # Horde Alliance
AV1 40 40
AV2 40 40
AV3 40 40
AV4 40 40
AV5 40 40
AV6 40 20
AV7 40 20
AV8 40 20
AV9 40 20
AV10 40 20
AV11 40 20
AV12 40 20
AV13 40 20
AV14 40 20

The two tables have the EXACT SAME number of alliance. Instead of needing 20 players to make all games even, the queue system now needs 180 to make all games start with full players.

Now which of the two examples do you think was really the problem?

Yes and simply fixing that issue would have solved that problem, but blizzard also went ahead and removed match numbers.

That was done solely to appease horde whining.

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