Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

War mode is not the same as pvp servers were. It’s been explained by many people in this thread.


I see you chose to double-down on this ignorant take. Congrats.

Bye Cutie-Pie :kissing_heart:

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I was on a pvp server. I know exactly what its like. Lazy, bored high levels camp ganking lowbies all day because theyre too afraid to go fight against someone who might beat them lmao.

I see MORE players coming to Orgrimmar to die NOW than I ever did when my server was PvP, lol
So either you all are lying, or you are living in a misremembering fantasy.
People who want to pvp will have warmode on, just like they were on a pvP server before warmode went live.


Still don’t understand why pve and pvp players can’t just agree to disagree, and give us a pvp server that we want to play on, and is not forced upon anyone. Have blizzard put a warning on it sayin “do not join this server unless you are prepared to die to other players” that should take care of the problem

Just another pvper looking to gank people that can’t run.



Its not the same in that someone like myself who made the mistake of rolling on a pvp server was their lazy camp ganking chum for months before I figured out i was going to have to move to a PVE server if I actually wanted to be able to level a character in some semblance of peace.
Youre trapped with the camp gankers until you finally decide to pay $$$ to move or restart…and most of us dont want to do either just to play a damned video game, lol

Other than that, its pretty much the same and they all know it.
Those who WANT to pvp will have warmode on just like theyd have been on a pvp server previously.
What irritates them is now someone can flip warmode off while theyre leveling and they cant be camp ganked mercilessly for hours on end, lmao.
That tells me all I need to know about their idea of ‘player versus player’ …which this game AINT. lol

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I think it’s a combination of the lead developers being PVE players. Also PVP is built on emergent user behavior so technically you don’t have to create a lot of content for it because people create it on their own.

Feedback loop you get with World of Warcraft is the lead developers are PvE centric resulting in the PvP portions of the game going undeveloped and further lose participation.

At this point the wow developers have created an environment where PVP will never succeed the way PVE does.

Ultimately I think the wow developers are wrong when it comes to PvP. The top games in the world are player versus player environments. I wonder if they just don’t feel comfortable developing in that space because it’s not relative to them.

Im all for it.
Im just telling you what I read out of blizzards own mouth.
They wanted ONE server type to work on…to update…instead of two.
Warmode was the solution they came up with.

YOu all cannot possibly be naive / gullible enough to actually believe that this company…Ion…woke up one morning and a few whiners who refused to move to a PVE server caused him to put in all the man hours to create warmode.
No one could be that naive lol.
It was ABOUT having ONE server type instead of two. I read the words they said myself.

warmode is here to stay because theyre not gonna create more pointless work for themselves over it now.

Nobody here is lying. Real experience last night, I actually was chillin in org, no BS, and I went outside to get smoked by 10 alliance camping the org gates. And you know what? On a pvp server, the whole city would be be out there clearing up that mess. But because of war mode, those players didn’t even know what was going on and couldn’t even see it. “War mode” would shard or phase in a few horde players from org to the gates and that’s all. It was basically 3v10 and 50 horde players in the city who either didn’t have war mode on, or did have it on but were not in the same phase/shard, because wow treats inside the city different than outside. From my experience war mode has actually been worse for the community than pvp servers were. At least I’m pvp servers I could get some help.

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What I think, as someone who loves pvp going back to the very first REAL pvp games that came out, is that this particular game is an abject joke where pvp is concerned.
I think REAL lovers of Pvp should go play a game specifically designed solely for pvp so we dont have this jokey hoax of ‘pvp’ where lazy, bored level 70s are capping level 15’s all day long for nothing better to do with their miserable days, lol.

PvP should be SOLELY about SKILL. Character and gear level shouldnt be a thing in a REAL pvp game.

uh…yeah…duh? they didnt WANT to PVP so they had warmode turned off lol
not seeing the issue here.
youre upset because they are ON a realm now where pvp CAN happen, but decided they didnt want to participate?
Tell me who are the selfish ones here again? lol

Those players wouldn’t be on the PvP server ideally. I doubt we are ever getting PvP servers back I’d like to see them work on the phasing issues of War Mode since as it stands it is kind of worthless.

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I kind of agree that Battle Royale games have taken the place of MMO PVP.

I also think that World of Warcraft has way too many abilities to be approachable as a PVP game for a mass audience.


Honestly, I get it that some love pvp. In a REAL pvp game where skill is the ONLY factor, count me in.
But again…

…its the epitome of absurdity to be in here running your mouths on US when WE arent the ones who designed warmode, thought it up or cried to Ion to get it or anything like it.
if anything PLAYERS would have simply asked for cheap or free server transfers.

Ion and crew thought warmode up. Designed it. took it live. Players werent the factor there…the company wanting ONE server type to work on instead of two was THE reason they did it this way.

OTHERWISE theyd have put out a flippin memo telling whiners on PvP servers to MOVE TO PVE realms instead lmao.

easy math here folks.

Are you even reading my comments? I said there were players WITH war mode on too. They also couldn’t do anything about it, because inside org and the outside gates are different according to the war mode system.

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Well, there’s a big lack of rewards that’s linked to issues like this one. Invasions died because most players already have the mount or achievements and there’s 0 incentieves for doing that kind of activity multiple times.

Blizzard needs a whole revamp of casual rewards regarding PvP.

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Its a bit much with all the abilities for PvP, for sure.
For me its also about the bad math.
They cant even keep this game tuned for pve for god sake…lol…and we’re expecting them to do it for PVE and PVP?

how many threads in here about bad tuning in both every month? lol.

Toss in character levels being THE deciding factor in who ‘wins’ and yeah…this game SUCKS for PVP as far as Im concerned.
But evidently that ganking lowbies thing is why some like it more than REAL pvp games.

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Yeah they can do something for the casual rewards as it stands the only thing I can really think of is the honor level rewards but thats just horse recolors some pets and such.

uh…ok…game is glitchy. lol. It was glitchy long before warmode. I cant count the times ALL of my macros went dead ,not workign at all until a hard restart of the game. lol

That has nothing to do with US here. Not one thing.

thread is boring me now.

I tried multiple times in the PTR to report this, because Devs should revamp the whole system and provide new ways to acquire honor.

Maybe a weekly to kill each Faction leader or kill X enemy players while defending your leaders for a lot of honor…etc

There’s a lack of interest to fix Causal and even Ranked PVP.

Council did also a thread but there’s a big lack of PVP content and rewards :person_shrugging:

I hope next expansion bring some new life but I don’t think players even know who’s leading PvP nowdays.