As someone who plays on an RP server, who used to be known for its RPvP wars. They have TOTALLY died off as the alliance on my server would rather watch the horde destroy Stormwind then do something about it. Back in the day you would be forced to battle for the city and it felt alot more lively and real for an RP server. It brings me to the question why remove PvP and PvE servers and implement warmode? Am I just too nostalgic? Do I like WPvP too much??? Will they ever remove it and go back to the old ways???
Because ion doesn’t pvp and kept getting ganked so he decided to remove it.
Their reasoning was:
Many players felt “forced” into a pvp realm because all their friends or raiding guild was there, despite them not wanting to participate.
Now everyone can “choose” whether to play on/off.
And to a degree that was accurate. Many, many, many people through the years begrudge that they had no escape from Wpvp due to having to follow their friends/guilds.
Sadly the implementation needs improvement and it’s been left entirely untouched since launch.
In addition to the above
The idea was to utilize their sharding tech with PvP via Warmode to ensure that there would always be a relatively even number of combatants in open world PvP at any given area… but due to unforeseen complications this endeavor completely failed to pan out as intended… instead of having shards linked across all servers that kept the field even, we ended up with horribly uneven shards and an even worse wPvP scene than we had before…
They really need to take some time and put some real effort into ironing out the kinks with Warmode shards so that there is actually the evenly matched population they had originally been aiming for… In all honesty if they fix the sharding to Do what they had originally intended, there would very likely be more alliance joining in on Warmode and we might actually see a completely even (or as close too as possible) matchup between alliance and horde in Warmode… it wouldn’t be horde dominant all the time anymore… tbh if they had it workin g properly from day 1 it never would have gotten as bad as it did… they never would have needed to implement any sort of incentives to coax more alliance players into Warmode… and Warmode would have been a complete success…
most of the alliance on your server went to a server on classic called grobbulus.
the few people remaining are the big horde wpvp guilds bragging on twitter about winning on a pretty much dead expansion.
I love ED, I miss the days of active Horde/Alliance beefs, and while I know that is probably still alive and well in Classic I do prefer retail for its updates and are you talking about Clan Battlehammer the all Dwarf guild? haha they made a return to retail this past week.
Different times, sadly. All good things must come to an end,my friend. I am sure there are still pockets of activity in other servers.
i presume it is a step towards being able to connect more realms together in the future.
apparently it’s big issue to connect different realm types
im talking about the majority of guilds, but you honestly should take what i say with a grain of salt because i know in general most people from ED went to grobby when they were dissatisfied with retail and i constantly see grobby be active.
its possible that most of them might be coming back to retail, but im not sure.
i know a few people important on ED ally quit Classic, but im not sure if they’re back to retail
Drink for every system this sentence applies to
I would have no functioning liver left.
Blizzard got tired of listening to players whining about PVP happening on a PVP server. And yes, this change did wreck ED.
imagine joining a pvp server and complaining about pvp couldn’t be me. I just hope they realize the whole “marked” system was much better and struck a great balance… but they probably wont…
It was inevitable that PvP servers would become increasingly imbalanced until they were essentially PvE servers. Balance is inherently unstable.
Some people rolled on a PvP server to play with their friends, most of whom no longer play. They rolled when they were much younger, at which point no one knew that their server would become unplayable for the minority faction more than a decade later. They ended up doing PvE because you can do that without going out into the world.
Add to that level scaling and world quests, both of which put players of different levels doing the same content at the same time. Things got even worse in Legion when they joined PvP servers into crz.
I’m sure they had the data showing the trend. When I leveled up toons on Tichondrius during wod, it was dangerous out in the world. I didn’t quest in draenor until after I reached 100 and was geared. When I started playing that main again in mid-Legion, the server was only a dangerous place for alliance.
I feel like this would be tricky (maybe, I dunno) but how can they balance the population when not all players are going to pvp? Even if they got the system to perfectly place 100H vs. 100A in every shard you could get 100H that are top tier pvpers and then 10A that are top tier pvpers and 90A that are “I just want my WQ reward buff”. Do they remove the rewards so only people who actually want to pvp are there?
I think driving people to PvP would make them better, and possibly give them the rush the rest of us feel when winning an even matched PvP battle. And therefore feed into PvP as a whole, which is needing it to my knowledge.
Ideally… yes…
Admittedly fixing the problem this late after implementing the failed rendition of Warmode won’t see immediate results and it could still fail to see a fully balanced system as we very well could end up with 5 perfectly matched shards and then 200 shards with nothing but horde…
But even still… if it were fixed properly, then the vast majority of alliance who join Warmode won’t experience being vastly outnumbered by horde in Warmode, which will lead to more alliance joining Warmode willingly without added coercion…
The inability of the system to match up players in shards evenly is what ultimately lead to the alliance population decline in Warmode… combined with the immediate incentive that blizzard created with the Warmode bonus… it was pointed out from the very moment that they announced the bonus that it was going to result in a higher population of horde players simply due to the fact that there are more horde players online at any given moment… but that was supposed to be a “non-issue” since the system was supposed to even out populations on shards… if there were more horde in Warmode then alliance, then there would simply be an overflow of shards that are waiting for alliance to join… but that didn’t pan out and we ended up with hundreds of shards consisting of 175 Horde vs 25 Alliance… and every day that went by with shards like that saw fewer and fewer alliance players willing to turn Warmode on at all… and now with the AOO bonus, we just see Alliance pop into Warmode long enough to do their dailies then turn it off… very few leave it on…
Incentivized wPvP was never a good idea… hell, me personally, I absolutely hate PvP all together… but because of the bonuses for playing with Warmode On, I level all of my alts with it on until I hit level 110, then it it promptly turned off and never touched again… I only have it on at low levels because, quite frankly there is almost zero risk anywhere besides BfA zones… I can run around literally anywhere on the map at any level until 110 and see maybe one other person… and if they are on a different faction usually they are just as intent on avoiding confrontation as I am… half the time when I run into someone of the opposite faction we end up progressing the same quest together and then part ways without any engagement… the remainder of the time we just avoid each other… to this day I have never had PvP happen while Warmode was on (not counting the one time I forgot my hearth was still in boralus for my Kultiran Druid and walked out right into a war happening on the docks and instantly died to an AoE while trying to get to the portal chamber) The incentives do nothing to incentivize joining in to wPvP… they just irritate those of us who don’t like PvP into turning it on just for the rewards while trying to avoid engaging in PvP…
Getting about sick of hearing how there are so many horde and alliance are so outnumbered blah blah blah. Fact is this isn’t true…at all.
The ONLY reason alliance has a higher % bonus every week is because they know how to game the system and do so on a regular basis.
The % is determined by participation in WM the previous week. So…while alliance only turn on WM to go out in BIG groups to do their thing and get their rewards…Horde sit around afk in WM like morons because “i’m too edgy to turn off WM”
Anytime there is actually something to compete for there are ALWAYS more alliance there than there is horde. Thinking of faction assaults mostly when I say something to compete for.
If horde would also turn off WM when not using it to gain increased rewards and not sit around afk…then those %'s would change VERY quickly.
My server had a H-to-A ratio of ~3 to 2 during the BC.
By Legion, it was ~20 to 1.
If it weren’t for CRZ, it would essentially be a PvE server.
Frustrating being the underdog, boring being dominant.
The fact that only a small percentage of people bother with warmode is proof that the player base didn’t really want pvp servers.