Why Bliz doesn't care about class balance and never has

No one asking for perfect blance, but if the top is out performing the bottom by over 5% its a problem, and its typically 10%+.


this would require it to be new all the time

 just the new top of the pack.

yeah thats what i mean

They gotta stop sucking off warlocks.

Also, immunities need to be looked at.

what do you mean? Cause your not making a bit of sense.

do you have any clue how often warlock is top of the pack?

This. A SV Hunter could pump out 40k DPS with ease with less downtime meanwhile Balance could pump out damage every 3 mins and hope to rival them back in S4 M+.

I’m convinced they could’ve done a lot better to balance it out

What is your metric for 5%?

Raids only? What difficulty?

All bosses averaged?

Each boss individually?

What encounter profile? Single target? Spread cleave? Burst aoe? Execute phase?

Mythic+? What key levels? Arena? Battlegrounds?

What gear level? How does boss length align with everyone’s cool downs? How does boss vulnerable phase (if it has one) align with cool downs (aka sludgefist)?


Thats just an MMO trope, wouldn’t be a proper MMO with decent balance.

In M+?


Started tracking this throughout shadowlands. 10% would have been a dream.

Tables don’t show up in previews.

The closest balance was the 9.1 sample with the bottom performer only being 28% worse than the best.

The last one I took the time to record had a spread of 44%

I quit doing these things but a quick look at how season 4 ended shows things didn’t improve.

Season 4 +15’s DPS

Season 4 +15’s Tanks

Season4 +15’s feral

Just Feral, and I’m sure other specs were down there as well, was getting out DPS’d by tanks and doubled by multiple specs.


They have always attempted but never could because of class diversity . It like balancing a shotgun vs a sniper rile, you just can’t until you make every class play exactly the same .

So players care more then Blizz does?
What always happens when players discover an ability/spell combination they didn’t test that does WAY more dmg then intended? Do they:
A. Send Blizz an email explaining it and never use that ability/spell combination because clearly it’s not fair and was not intended? or
B. Run around ganking everyone they can while laughing themselves silly, which then spreads like wildfire to everyone who plays that class causing a huge imbalance until hotfixed.

If classes are not balanced then where are all the topics saying “My class needs fixing because its just too powerful”?

I find it difficult to believe that Class developers sit in their cubicles or huddled around the watercooler trying to decide which Class and Specialization to make overpowered next.

I could, however, believe that the developers sit in their cubicles or huddled around the watercooler trying to decide fun and engaging tier bonuses to shake up how someone may play the Specialization.

The argument that Destruction Warlocks and Survival Hunters were slated to be the best Specializations in M+ for both Season 3 and Season 4 of Shadowlands sounds absurd. If you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras. I think it’s just the way the tier played out.

Similarly, in Legion, Brewmaster Monks, prior to Tomb of Sargeras, were completely outlandish once you had Tier 19 and Stormstout’s Last Keg. Back then, Ironskin Brew (IB) existed, and it didn’t have a duration cap. The synergy between the tier, legendary, and IB’s lack of a cap, Brewmasters could soak any tank-busting ability and purify all the Stagger(ed) damage. This was nerfed the following tier. Hunters and Warlocks were also nerfed going into Season 4, and both classes received follow-up nerfs.

From what I can tell, you’re only considering damage as unbalanced. What about Blood Death Knights all throughout Legion? What about Restoration Shamans in Season 1 of Shadowlands? What about the amount of utility provided by the Shaman class? The biggest factor, and it’s been stated both here and by Blizzard, they do not want to homogenize the classes. This is why Restoration Druids don’t have a group defensive ability like Power Word: Barrier; and for the longest time we also didn’t have an interrupt. However, none of the other healers play like a Restoration Druid.

Thus, I ask you, Xayjin, two questions:

  1. Would you prefer Blizzard remove Specializations, and all we have are Classes? (This would generate at least 1 new problem, while highlighting some existing ones.)
  2. Why do you feel Blizzard has never cared about Class balance? (There’s a follow-up question here on how far back you’re willing to go to consider balance–do you consider only Shadowlands, or do you have more examples?)
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I think they said it before that they give other classes a chance to be on top once a new expansion comes out

The ‘balance’ that many seem to want really isn’t all that balanced and would be better for games like CoD.

Me either!

perfect balance is impossible. As long as different classes are different, there will be imbalance. Not sayin things couldn’t be better, but there will always be room for improvement.


Blizz just doesn’t care about the game anymore.

This game hasn’t even been balanced in the 1st patch of the first initial launch or since.
Aka never has been

Someone’s always on the up and someone’s always on the down.