M+ Balance DPS per spec 9.1.5

M+ DPS per spec for +15 dungeons as of 1/5/22

Pos Spec 9.1.5 Avg 9.1 Avg %C %T RIO
1 Windwalker(1) 11698 9,317 +25 100 3143
2 Frost Ma(6) 10624 8,695 +22 90 3143
3 Fury(4) 10581 8,754 +20 90 3058
4 Marksmanship(2) 10176 8,973 +13 86 2982
5 Havoc(5) 9967 8,699 +14 85 2993
6 Elemental(3) 9927 8,951 +10 84 3098
7 Affliction(8) 9892 8,367 +18 84 2950
8 Arms(7) 9797 8,508 +15 83 2958
9 Fire(9) 9791 8,348 +17 83 2901
10 Subtlety(11) 9681 8,193 +18 82 3112
11 Survival(17) 9459 7,743 +22 80 2953
12 Balance(13) 9287 7,967 +16 79 3098
13 Outlaw(12) 9041 8,051 +12 77 2987
14 Arcane(10) 9019 8,333 +8 77 2994
15 Beast Master(15) 8966 7,910 +13 76 3000
16 Shadow(16) 8804 7,757 +13 75 2947
17 Unholy(14) 8769 7,924 +10 74 2887
18 Frost DK(19) 8574 7,464 +15 73 2918
19 Retribution(20) 8452 7,320 +15 72 2968
20 Destruction(18) 8296 7,595 +9 70 2881
21 Assassination(21) 8117 7,224 +12 69 3031
22 Enhancement(22) 7938 7,097 +12 67 2847
23 Demonology(23) 7773 6,864 +13 66 2896
24 Feral(24) 7743 6,743 +15 66 2805

Pos The rank based on 9.1.5 avg
Spec The spec ( ranking from the 9.1 thread )
9.1.5 Avg The average of the 25th best parse from every dungeon at 1/5/22.
9.1 Avg The average of the 25th best parse from every dungeon at 9/2/21.
%C The percentage change from the 9.1 average based on the 9.1 average.
%t The specs percentage of the top specs DPS ( Windwalker 11968 )
RIO The highest IO score for the spec at 1/5/22

Why 15’s?
Because this is a higher key with the most data for all specs.

Why 25th best parse?
Because this is where the difference between adjacent parses is in the 10’s and not the 100’s or 1000’s. So it throws out any outliers and is probably a good representation for the performance of the average good players in optimal conditions.

Data comes from Raider IO and warcraftlogs as of 9/1/21 from pages like these:

Dungeon Data (25th best parse for 15’s)

1 Windwalker(1) 11595 13050 12630 13040 10279 13682 9733 9575
2 Frost Ma(6) 10101 12921 12175 11602 9049 12474 8345 8329
3 Fury(4) 9825 11644 11887 12065 9432 12323 8651 8828
4 Marksmanship(2) 9535 11378 11211 11279 8853 12026 8740 8387
5 Havoc(5) 9266 10303 11008 11396 9076 11640 8452 8599
6 Elemental(3) 9564 11735 10904 11426 8574 11451 8043 7723
7 Affliction(8) 9432 11952 10927 11049 8432 11232 8306 7813
8 Arms(7) 9149 10393 10544 11131 8650 11158 8584 8770
9 Fire(9) 9515 11702 10993 10519 8384 10870 8458 7887
10 Subtlety(11) 9445 10678 10472 10630 8591 11722 8090 7826
11 Survival(17) 9134 10420 10380 10646 8185 11320 7783 7808
12 Balance(13) 8739 11064 10465 9865 8042 10669 7852 7606
13 Outlaw(12) 8243 9505 10117 9638 8554 10286 7742 8248
14 Arcane(10) 8538 9523 10340 9988 7782 10278 8134 7571
15 Beast Master(15) 8355 9759 9909 9851 8367 9808 7770 7915
16 Shadow(16) 8233 9913 9834 9469 7963 9968 7742 7313
17 Unholy(14) 8555 9825 9582 9916 7949 9781 7156 7393
18 Frost DK(19) 8256 9564 9420 9410 7408 9770 7363 7402
19 Retribution(20) 7893 9087 9461 9613 7447 9620 7192 7307
20 Destruction(18) 8041 9301 9319 8828 7383 8981 7234 7285
21 Assassination(21) 7606 8532 9063 8550 7509 9370 6982 7330
22 Enhancement(22) 7342 8267 8845 8821 7209 8967 6903 7155
23 Demonology(23) 7378 8505 8956 8375 7193 8352 6728 6699
24 Feral(24) 7463 8189 8761 8172 6845 8458 7012 7050

9.1 Thread


I’m suprised Sub isn’t higher
 I’m really bad at math and understanding of things like this
 but I wonder if its because not many people play sub? I mean its the most powerful spec for M+(rogue) and last time I checked on raider dot io more people are playing outlaw


Wooo yeah baby, both DK specs still in the bottom third :partying_face:


The bottom third is barely half the dps of the top. Blizzard sure can’t balance classes, can they?


Enhancement still down the bottom, consistency is the key :laughing:


TBH I’m surprised balance isn’t higher on the list with how broken their AoE and ST is right now. Otherwise the rest was not surprising at all, and showcases the poor balance in game right now XD.


The biggest surprise for me was survivals jump. The balance is worse than 9.1 where the lowest spec was 72% of the top ( feral ) which is now 66%. But a lot of that seems to be due Windwalker scaling better or getting buffed more than every other spec despite already being in the top spot.


I’m glad to see some surprise tbh, I’ve said it elsewhere but survival is actually a great spec, just criminally overlooked and underrepresented. I love playing mine, and more people should give it a shot especially in m+


If this list was showing 20s instead of 15s, Balance would be quite a bit higher. Most boomys are playing venthyr, and in 15s, packs die before they can finish a full Sinful Hysteria ramp.


It’s still too low to matter. In 15s people pull small so abilities like wild spirits are pog. In a +30 the pulls are completely different and frost mage destroys everything.


They’re better about it in Raids. I don’t think classes were really designed with the whole TWENTY-SIX MINUTES OF NONSTOP AOE that is M+ content in mind.

Gotta remember that dungeon content before Legion was intentionally trivial entry-level stuff where balance wasn’t really a huge concern for

Outside of weird stuff like CMs I guess.


Here’s the windwalker data for 30’s

Yeah, you’re right. I assumed, you know how bad that is, something incorrectly.

Your link gives this message;

All of the recorded fights for this boss, difficulty, size and region are private.


Yeah Windwalker is just OP with any number of mobs lol.


So nerf WW, buff Frost mages?

Jk. The chart does seem to point out WW is a real problem but it’s interesting that many other top m+ specs are middle of the pack for damage (fire, rogues).

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Get the “the key is to low to mean anything” stuff every time. There’s a few reasons I disagree with this or think that it’s even a useful argument

  • The data doesn’t change that much.
  • “Good” players have non push weeks and run 15’s
  • Only a very tiny percent of players run much over a 16

But lets look at a small slice of data and compare. The 25th best parse for Windwalker in +20

11698 Windwalker @ +15 11595 13050 12630 13040 10279 13682 9733 9575
11615 Windwalker @ +20 11897 12919 12487 13288 9912 13191 9670 9559

Their average goes down by an insignificant amount. In fact, it’s surprisingly close to the same data.

So for ascertaining relative balance and potential of the specs I think the method gives an accurate picture. That a very tiny handful of players can go into higher keys and up their performance isn’t a function of the spec, but the extreme coordination of the team and tactics of the run.

And because only a few specs are really represented in higher keys it would skew the relative balance. In short this isn’t about what the META specs can do in the highest keys, it’s about how they became META specs.

Feral is looking good.


This is correct.

I look amazing as a sparkly kitt
wait, that’s not what you meant is it? :frowning:


I would have expected a stronger correlation between DPS and RIO. It’s still there especially on the tails. The top two DPS have the best RIO, the worst DPS has the worst RIO )

That rogue in the middle appears to be kind of an outlier and always keys with a Windwalker. I would imagine you’d probably see similar patterns with the balance druid.

At any rate there’s probably only a few hundred people in the 2900+ community ( For example, only 29 balance druids and 8 havoc DH’s above 2900 ) and with the extreme grind required to get conduits and domination gear up to BiS there probably a lot of inertia with specs.

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