Why Bliz doesn't care about class balance and never has

This massive class/spec disparity has been going on for so long for so many expansions there are only two possible explanations. Incompetence or Intent. I think its Intent. I really think they are under the impression that constant new FOTM classes/specs are good for the game and drives up engagement. Its not and its probably one of the top reasons people quit, but I think its what they believe.


Yea, but consider the following


No. I will not



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The fact is most classes are always within 10% of each other. There is usually 1 outlier on either end of the spectrum, but we players whine if our classes are at the bottom on any wowhead list.


Alright, you balance the classes.

You two made me look like a fool by not giving a good rebuttal and letting me take credit for it by being the one saying to consider them

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I’m not Canadian enough to apologize


Damn it, I fell for it

I can’t help myself damn it! :sob:

  1. The disparity is not really that massive.

  2. It would be impossible to balance the wide variety of skills in every situation without homogenizing the classes…which would be horrible.

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You do realize that in your attempted rebuttal of my post you just gave data to support my position. The mere fact that even someone disagreeing with me automatically admits there is always one outlier that ahead of the pack (or the FOTM) shows that its either a problem or intentional.

It’s impossible to 100% balance classes in any game. There is no game out there with a complex combat system and dozens of classes that has perfect balance. You either live with it, or go play some FPS or something.


All classes and specs can do all but the very tippy top of content.

Classes are balanced.

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Or… hear me out… I could try to get bliz to get better at it.

This. I want people to point to me which game with a multiple class system is perfectly balanced? There isn’t one really. It’s either make everything the same and balanced. Or risk variety and depth for imbalance.

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Suspect this is the case as well.

It’s a very bad experience for every player that has a favorite spec. They’re either forced to play a spec they don’t want to or accept they are inherently handicapped.

Shadowlands ended M+ with some DPS getting out performed by tanks and doubled by other DPS.

But I think it could be incompetence. Institutional memory loss, new class devs, lost ability to work with internal tracking data, and overall bad decision making based on things other than balance.

8.3 is where they started making wild balance adjustments post launch. Would seem to indicate little testing and they have no idea what anything will actually do.

Something something FFXIV

Or maybe they understand that it doesn’t really matter what the top X% of mythic raiders or those clearing +30s are capable of.

A weak player isn’t going to magically become better at the game just because they roll a warlock (or whatever is FOTM that season). And a player who is very good at the game is still going to top the charts in the average group, regardless of what spec they’re playing.


The classes don’t need to be perfectly balanced, they need to not flatout make talents trash which Blizzard ALWAYS do.

When people avoid Full Moon because it results in a DPS lost being a garbage capstone there’s your problem.

Well theres one constant. Warlocks thrive every xpac and the second enhancement does well they get nerfed to the ground.

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