Why Bliz doesn't care about class balance and never has

I’m not really sure how you could expect perfect balance in this game.

If you’re using warcraft logs as a reference, or raiderio, it’s probably a good thing to keep in mind that even if 1 class is 2% better than the second class, it’ll be played the most. So the class distribution at the highest level will always be mostly the same 3-5 specs.

If all classes are equal but ww monk, fire mage, and rogue are only 2% better guess what’s going to be played at the highest key level, and those specs will be the most represented.

Yeah this.

Even with tight balance ,there are biases that make it appear less balanced than it actually is.

But if you are good at your spec, you will be fine if you aren’t in the top 2% or so.

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It wouldn’t matter if a spec was statistically only 0.1% better than the others, the majority would funnel into playing that spec, because that’s the type of mentality that blizzard has created within the game.

There is nowhere near the amount of character commitment left in the game to force people into sticking with one true main toon, most are just worried about what’s going to be best for the upcoming season and have no loyalty to a singular class or spec. It could be the smallest advantage statistically, or community perception based off content creators and that alone means you either roll that spec for the season, or simply don’t get invited and your path becomes infinitely harder.

Class imbalance is 100% completely intentional. If you have players swapping to new classes and specs each season, than everyone who switches then has to put quite a lot of hours into getting those characters up to par, as well as investing the time learning how to play it. This keeps it fresh and avoids people getting bored and unsubbing to the game.

I don’t know, for some reason me blaming blizzard for players gravitating towards a meta doesn’t feel right

players will always do this, this is a human nature thing more so than a blizz thing

Exactly, blizzard will never get balancing to a point where every single class is literally the exact same throughput, survivability, group utility etc. it’s literally impossible.

They could potentially get everything very close, but as long as it’s only “close”, that means there will always be a best still. As long as there’s a best, it doesn’t matter by how much, people will gravitate to that and deem it the “meta”.

The only thing blizzard can ever do about this, is to make nothing account wide, and have character progression be so time consuming that switching for a 5% dps increase on another spec isn’t worth the amount of time investment you will need to make to get that new character up to what your main is

Because having diverse and immersive classes is more important than balance in an MMORPG? Did I win?