M+ DPS Balance Per Spec 9.2

M+ DPS per spec for +15 dungeons as of 5/7/22

Pos Spec 9.2 Avg 9.1.5 Avg 9.1 Avg %C %T RIO
1 Survival(11)(17) 17,747 9,459 7,743 +87 100 3671
2 Destruction(20)(18) 16,895 8,296 7,595 +103 95 3681
3 Fury(3)(4) 15,565 10,581 8,754 +47 87 3542
4 Marksmanship(4)(2) 15,478 10,176 8,973 +52 87 3486
5 Demonology(23)(23) 15,329 7,773 6,864 +97 86 3439
6 Windwalker(1)(1) 15,276 11,698 9,317 +30 86 3523
7 Subtlety(10)(11) 15,109 9,681 8,193 +56 85 3683
8 Frost Ma(2)(6) 14,242 10,624 8,695 +34 80 3534
9 Frost DK(18)(19) 13,918 8,574 7,464 +62 78 3439
10 Fire(9)(9) 13,823 9791 8,348 +41 77 3504
11 Havoc(5)(5) 13,633 9967 8,699 +36 76 3566
12 Enhancement(22)(22) 13,573 7,938 7,097 +70 76 3439
13 Elemental(6)(3) 13,217 9927 8,951 +33 74 3358
14 Retribution(19)(20) 13,103 8,452 7,320 +55 73 3282
15 Balance(12)(13) 12,255 9,287 7,967 +31 69 3347
16 Unholy(17)(14) 12,212 8,769 7,924 +39 68 3244
17 Shadow(16)(16) 12,180 8,804 7,757 +38 68 3392
18 Arcane(14)(10) 11,951 9,019 8,333 +32 67 3318
19 Beast Master(15)(15) 11,564 8,966 7,910 +28 65 3195
20 Arms(8)(7) 11,471 9,797 8,508 +17 64 3154
21 Feral(24)(24) 11,236 7,743 6,743 +45 63 3294
TA Prot Pally 10,840 61 3552
22 Outlaw(13)(12) 10,261 9,041 8,051 +13 57 3134
23 Affliction(7)(8) 10,079 9,892 8,367 +1 56 3010
24 Assassination(21)(21) 10,047 8,117 7,224 +23 56 3137

Pos The rank based on 9.2 avg

Spec The spec ( ranking from the 9.1.5 thread ) ( ranking from the 9.1 thread )

9.2 Avg The average of the 25th best parse from every dungeon at 5/7/22.
9.1.5 Avg The average of the 25th best parse from every dungeon at 1/5/22.
9.1 Avg The average of the 25th best parse from every dungeon at 9/2/21.
%C The percentage change from the 9.1.5 average based on the 9.1.5 average.
%t The specs percentage of the top specs DPS ( Survival 17,747 )
RIO The 20th best IO score for the spec at 2/7/22.

Why 15’s?
Because this is a higher key with the most data for all specs.

Why 25th best parse?
Because this is where the difference between adjacent parses is in the 10’s and not the 100’s or 1000’s. So it throws out any outliers and is probably a good representation for the performance of the average good players in optimal conditions. Probably 95th to 99th percentile depending on how WCL defines that.

Data comes from Raider IO and warcraftlogs as of 5/7/22 from pages like these:

Dungeon Data (25th best parse for 15’s)

Pos Spec DOS HoA MoTS NW PF SD SoA ToP Str Gam
1 Survival(11)(17) 18,272 20,223 19,111 20,340 15,647 20,982 14,059 14,161 13,916 20,759
2 Destruction(20)(18) 17,754 22,278 19,361 17,111 14,047 17895 13,349 13,231 12,770 21,161
3 Fury(3)(4) 15,262 17,889 17,198 18,231 13,648 17,560 12,732 13,174 12,991 16,965
4 Marksmanship(4)(2) 15,192 17,456 17,357 17,661 13,980 17,469 13,163 13,525 12,709 16,270
5 Demonology(23)(23) 14,810 17,550 17,580 17,142 14,545 17,079 12,470 12,794 12,371 16,958
6 Windwalker(1)(1) 16,006 17,087 16,438 17,374 14,286 17,426 12,458 13,089 12,038 16,567
7 Subtlety(10)(11) 15,040 17,759 16,298 17,239 13,337 18,024 12,754 12,024 11,684 16,938
8 Frost Ma(2)(6) 13,960 16,751 16,119 15,895 12,801 15,489 11,814 12,315 10,708 16,569
9 Frost DK(18)(19) 14,143 15,471 15,125 16,323 12,014 15,810 11,301 11,881 11,686 15,430
10 Fire(9)(9) 13,637 16,166 15,407 15,491 12,037 15,696 11,774 11,295 11,013 15,714
11 Havoc(5)(5) 13,164 14,728 14,609 15,742 12,600 15,710 11,494 12,015 11,528 14,743
12 Enhancement(22)(22) 12,876 15,660 15,668 15,344 11,931 14,807 11,462 11,945 11,290 14,749
13 Elemental(6)(3) 12,761 16,207 15,222 15,441 11,735 14,827 10,664 10,465 10,031 14,824
14 Retribution(19)(20) 13,727 14,650 14,708 15,233 11,151 13,694 10,876 11,722 11,082 14,194
15 Balance(12)(13) 11,948 14,552 14,227 13,042 10,683 13,522 10,563 10,833 10,013 13,162
16 Unholy(17)(14) 12,500 14,053 13,073 13,715 10,751 13,186 9,975 10,859 10,442 13,568
17 Shadow(16)(16) 12,072 14,621 13,998 13,107 11,379 12,883 10,328 10,676 9,664 13,075
18 Arcane(14)(10) 11,386 13,374 14,628 13,491 10,411 12,553 11,137 10,681 9,977 11,873
19 Beast Master(15)(15) 11,233 12,657 12,796 12,522 10,692 12,730 10,181 10,384 10,251 12,201
20 Arms(8)(7) 11,419 12,355 13,006 13,560 10,247 12,706 9,333 10,387 10,106 11,652
21 Feral(24)(24) 11,521 12,315 12,475 12,406 9,831 12,019 10,018 10,013 9,785 11,979
TA Prot Pally 10,613 12,107 11,986 12,637 9,803 12,585 8,549 9,148 8,793 12,186
22 Outlaw(13)(12) 9,521 11,179 11,838 11,610 9,574 11,505 9,165 9,875 8,451 9,901
23 Affliction(7)(8) 10,004 12,428 11,130 11,691 9,179 11,207 8,573 8,350 7,887 10,342
24 Assassination(21)(21) 9,587 10,899 11,461 11,317 9,591 11,213 8,535 9,449 8,250 10,173

9.1.5 Thread


Ayy not bad!

Glad to see the numbers are relatively close.

Bottom specs are doing 56% of the top DPS.
In 9.1.5 it was 66%
in 9.1 it was 72%


You’ve got to be trolling.


Sorry lord, haha I misread it.

Just I mean I’ve done 9.8k average before and for the +13 we did that was more than sufficient.

It’s good to see that all classes are more than capable of completing it.
Another to factor in, is that I’ve tried Survival (specifically NF) and with the set bonus, yes the burst windows go upwards of 40k at times but it is very volatile to the ability of the tank to hold aggro. I definitely don’t think that will be the case for a more experienced tank but something to consider (aka there are more than just the numbers to take into account when doing pugs). What is more important is that people are doing mechanics right at that level.


Glad to see Outlaw and Assassination rocking it out as usual.


For whatever reason, Bliz could seemingly care less about M+ balance.

You either need to have a set group/guild, be a tank/heals, or be a mage/hunter/lock/warrior.

Life sucks pugging M+ as a SP or my other main toon - a feral.


This is actually useless information. You can’t compare overall meters from different routes.


15s aren’t even that high and lol at 25th percentile

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Uhh Surv plays Kyrian in keys. 40k is also very low.

I have burst up to 70-80k depending on the pull.

As a hunter you should have zero issues with tank aggro


You’re right!

This clearly doesn’t show how far destruction is ahead of everyone else in everything but pure single-target (funnel, cleave, uncapped, etc.). Survival is really the only spec competitive with them in overall, and that’s only if the group doesn’t take advantage of the lock’s potential.


That’s how bad it was, misdirected but got hit afterwards (the next pack didn’t have it back up).

I didn’t say 40k max so I’m not sure of your first statement. But nice flex! :muscle:

you can construct a route where MM hunter will beat a destro lock.

this also doesn’t show anything about priority damage, so damage to spiteful will count for just as much as damage to echelon or mordretha.

Mechanics are more a binary and true for all specs. The groups is either doing them or they aren’t. And if they aren’t then you’re probably not going to be getting good parses.

The one thing about the methodology is no matter what the best circumstances for a spec are, there’s enough data that you can safely assume those were the circumstances that they got the good parse with.

The best parses for spec A were probably in the most ideal runs for spec A. And that’s probably just as true for specs B-Z.


Considering mythic+ has 1 damage profile it’s super surprising that specs that excel at that 1 damage profile (burst aoe) do the best…

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This is something I keep repeating in the hunter forums because people can’t understand BM is a single target spec.

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Useless charts. Not only do the majority of people not log M+ but damage on logs does not match the actual damage in keys. In reality numbers are not even remotely as close as you’re trying to imply especially if we’re talking about Destro and Survival.

To be fair, when is the last times Feral has been decent? You were kind of asking for that!

If you find yourself struggling with aggro, just save your wild spirits / resonant arrow for when you have misdirect available. You’ll definitely see the difference if you go Kyrian in keys though. With Unity I get pretty much every pull, with Urh I’ve gotten it multiple times in a pull. It gets pretty nuts. The cd is my only real issue so far with NF, the damage can be pretty nice though. I use NF for raiding.

WARRIOR?? wtf…

Warrior brings NOTHING to the M+ game.

#1: LUST
#2, #3: LUST

#4: Utility: HS, BRez, etc. Warrior has NOTHING

#5: Sheer DPS: Go look at that chart again, where Arms is more than 50% lower than top specs.

Warrior, you say??? We’re a joke.

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