Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Idk it’s not even that “every one” is annoying I love era and sod. And I heroic raid on retail weekly on discord and have a lot of fun while doing it. Granted I only listen my guild if like 3 years have never heard me speak outside of text lmao

Better choice of words would be that most of the classic community is exhausting to deal with

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im chillin

dont care
ban gdkps

Weird, you also admitted to running a GDKP and then swapping your proceeds into SOD in another post. I wonder who you traded your gold to? A seller.

i dont know how you dont understand. we have been having a tempered conversation with gdkpers for 4 years, since classic wow. there is no conversation to have anymore. be done with it. the conversation deserves no more intellect. they derive on assumptions and presumptions to justify their rmt laundering. done with it. no discussion anymore.

dont care
blizzard, ban gdkps

Well now you come across as a much more reasonable person lol :slight_smile:

Ok so I’m very interested, do you GDKP on retail also, and is it conducted in within your guild? or do you prefer GDKP in classic/sod as an avenue avoid the community?

I can understand this, I have come across my fair share of exhausting people in both communities. Retail and classic/SoD.

are you being willfully ignorant? anyone who steps foot in retail knows there are no ‘gdkps’. because it is all sanctioned through wow tokens and funneling of gear because so many classes share the same loot, and the way loot works. which. is their ideal phenomenon for classic, or any future seasons.

dont care
ban gdkps

I’ve sold carry’s in retail (closest thing to Gdkps) but they are sold as a guild run we will sell aotc runs for 300-400k gold (2-3 buyers) and our normal clear team and just pass on all the loot. I don’t have aotc this tier yet so idk how much runs are currently going for

Gdkps are easier for me to run in classic for the shear fact of the community is alot more…idk how to put it…(demanding)? I can run a gdkp whenever I’m online In classic and only have to worry about how much gold I’ve farmed in between lock outs. And I don’t have to be committed to 2 different raid schedules. I already raid 2x a week on retail

imagine my shock

dont care
ban gdkps

We all know that’s the case. People are just making these arguments to deflect. The reality is that people who RMT are doing it to get their best in slot. Why would a casual player care about any of that?

Loot is the exact same now as it is in classic as retail personal loot doesn’t exist anymore

raids are not the same. raids are much more difficult and not accessible. the problem is still the same. encourages rmt, especially for people who boost. i know you love that you do nothing but try to make real money from a video game

dont care
ban gdkps

Weird I’ve never made a dime in any video game. It’s not my fault your too bad at either version to get enough gold to do a gdkp or do enough dps to join as a carry.

And raids in retail are super accessible. Normal is clearable by anyone that has any kind of knowledge on how their class works

i know you are

dont care
ban gdkps

Well i don’t raid in retail any more so I am uninformed. Hence why I am interested and asking questions. To become informed, so no, not wilfully ignorant.

You are not coming off as Chill, Zaigo…

thats fine brother.

dont care
ban gdkps

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If you played Era you’d be well aware of what long term GDKP’s end up doing.

People buy gold, they pay a crap ton of gold for whatever they want. The gold gets spread between the people in the raid. The people in the raid that didn’t buy gold just got a stupid amount of gold. At least a handful of these people use this ill-gotten gold to buy consumes or whatever else, sometimes they buy everything out. People repost things for stupid high prices. People with the GDKP gold don’t really care how much they have to pay for whatever they’re buying from the AH, because they have so much, so they pay whatever the price is for whatever they need. The prices skyrocket because for everything from BoEs to consumes because of this. Now the only way to afford consumes is to either buy gold or go to GDKPs and hope a big “buyer” comes in and pays a stupid amount for an item so they can afford consumes for whatever else they’re doing. After this goes on long enough, the primary raid you see being run in general is a GDKP. Now all you have is GDKPs and a select amount of LC and SR runs that can’t get going because all the people that are actually trying are only doing GDKPs because they need to use their lockouts to afford consumes.


literally see them in trade chat every day on Lone Wolf, just because some random discord isn’t recording means nothing at all

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exactly this.

and gdkpers wonder how wer come to our conclusions.
shocking. i know. i am so shocked i must hear 30 arguments against it
jk, its the truth. gosh. i wonder how blizzard couldnt come to this exact same conclusion that is so obvious.
no sarcasm.
no bull

dont care
ban gdkps

You sound like an angry child that didn’t get the toy in the store he wanted