I see people advertising GDKP in SoD already- and I can’t stand how lax of a stance you take on this Blizz- It’s sickening. GDKP IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE INTENTION OF THIS VERSION OF THE GAME! How often are you going to allow this in your games until you realize it ruins the game?
You as a company have allowed this in various forms of your game for years- it’s contributed to rabid gold purchasing just for people to run GDKPs in exchange for actual money!
The point of this version of the game should move away from this tired trope of what makes this game BAD.
If the intent of your design team is to allways allow this- and the seemingly lackluster response to people that buy gold- it’s insane to me that anyone would keep playing this after next phase- because that’s all this will become just another slightly different version of classic.
I for one want to see you take a stern stance on that on at LEAST ONE VERSION of your game. Please for the love of anything you people have made and been part of over the past 20 years cant possibly think this is good for your player base or product.
Or maybe I’m wrong maybe you’ve designed the game around this being the primary point of the game to sell the gear and gold people make in your game for real life dollars.
Maybe it’s your lackluster support system and staff not having the resources to deal with things? You’d figure a company with 74.28 Billion dollars would be able to piece together a full support staff- and would be able to take a stern stance about people abusing parts of the game to gain real life money as well as devalue the work and time for people who actually put forth the effort to farm and have items in the game.
Why play any part of your game when you can pay someone to run you through dungeons to max level- then pay someone to give you all the gear that drops every raid until you’ve got all the items that anyone could want? What value is there in that? There isn’t any except $$$.
If you as a company feel the game should run like this- I can’t understand why anyone would take time or effort to play this at all. Who cares about all the effort and time you and your friends took to get gear and beat content, when J P Johnny Spent 300 dollars and got the same thing? If this is the stance the company takes just add the WoW Token to SoD already and end anything that this could be.
I guess its kind of like watching streamers, why play the game yourself when someone else can tell you what to think and do it for you. Maybe people are just lazy or don’t have time. Personally I don’t agree with it because I think it ruins the games economy and there is no sense of pride or accomplishment acquiring gear through them. But the world has changed and people don’t seem to care anymore.
I remember back when the game first came out while i was on my lowbie seeing people in raid gear in the city and thinking how cool it looked and wondering how much time it took them to get it. I haven’t felt that way about this game in a long time.
In theory, GDKP gives everyone a reason to stick with the whole raid and actually try, rather than leaving on their drop or just running on autopilot, and if you don’t get gear, you get gold instead.
The problem with GDKP doesn’t exist in a vacuum, but when it RMT and GDKPs create a feedback loop.
Question: Do streamers like/benefit from an activity in game?
If the answer is “yes” then that’s why it’s in game. The Classic devs are bad at what they do and take no pride in their work. They only focus on what streamers want because that’s their marketing department. It allows them to do as little as possible while streamers provide a false sense of health in the game, keeping the Classic grift going. These devs NEED to simp to streamers because they lack the ability to improve the game in meaningful ways. They are the room temp IQs of their industry and this is why they work for Blizz, a company essentially wearing the corpses of previous IPs created by people with actual talent. Corporate Blizz chases off any devs that actually give af about the product and attracts yes men that put all their efforts into marketing over content.
Every single one of their choices in game has to deal with supporting streamers and giving streamers what they want. Streamers want GDKPs. Streamers want to buy gold. Streamers want pug stomping premades that make them look good. People need to understand that these devs are bad at what they do and are not listening to them.
I haven’t seen the bodies spelling out gold selling sites since OG WotLK. I also never heard of GDKP until Classic launch in 2019. I’m sure the explosion of botting and gold selling we’ve seen since then is just a coincidence. I literally get gold selling advertisements in the mail weekly in both SoD and WotLK. I keep reporting them but the mail keeps coming. SoD proved once and for all GDKP is the main driver of RMT in Classic. It needs to be banned.
A gaming company that allows players to play as they want? Crazy talk!
Blizzard doesn’t aggressively ban gold buying because that’s what players want. And GDKPs or AH gear is their preferred method to use that gold, and half the reason they bought it.
You’re not going to change Blizzard’s position when changing their position would hurt their legitimate sub numbers.
They’re allowing players to have what they want. The people not speaking up in the forums about gold buying, are the majority of players who don’t care about, or actively are participating, in the gold buying.
The same players that buy gold for GDKBs to get their best in slot also buy gold to get the auction house bis items, true. I don’t think you can really make a defense for GDKPs just because bis items go for a lot. There are way more items to buy in BFD. If blizzard takes a stance against GDKPs it will reduce RMT significantly.
I can only speak for my server specifically which is Crusader Strike but we have guilds like polar which are running 20 GDKPs a week by themselves. I saw about 50 different ones advertised just today. It’s a huge issue.