Why are warlocks complaining?

oh really.

Lets start at a baseline: Your feedback thread. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/shadowlands-betaptr-compiled-feedback-thread/488534 0 of the issues that are live were pointed out, 0.

Now for the Praise Threads:

First: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/affliction-feels-really-damn-good/613450/5


I went back nearly 2 months and not once did Warlocks complain about MR outside of tuning and thinking aff would suck. A majority of the posts went to Demo/Destro but now that its live now people wanna take issue with how aff plays. Like i said.

So much for being ā€œa load of rubbishā€ right?


You are confusing ā€œAff is no longer how aff used to beā€ with ā€œAff is badā€

A lot of people are enjoying it, both the vocal majority on the forums and itā€™s the most represented warlock spec in any content, both among the masses and among ā€œthe eliteā€.

If you donā€™t enjoy it, as I do not, you donā€™t have to play it. Get over it.

Who says im playing it?

No i am not. quite literally in this same thread someone said they didnt like the rotation

Shadow Priest was the most represented spec in BFA and it still got reworked. Most represented doesnt mean anything especially with Pure classes like Warlock, most people will play the best best spec. This isnt a metric you can use to guage peopleā€™s enjoyment of something.

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It was because it gave us the ability to play the spec in mythic+ again after an entire expansion of not being able to play it. I admit I was in on this hype initially because I focused more on being able to do mythic+ again and was exclusively trying it in that environment when pre-patch hit. It wasnā€™t till week 1 of the raid that I tried single target and realized how clunky the single target is now.

Iā€™d gladly play Destro in every Mythic+ if Affliction could be a dot spec again.

Aff takes some effort and knowledge of ones class, most of the whiners just want a 3 button rotation and top of the charts. A money for nothā€™n and chicks for free crowd - to steal a line.

Ill admit it used to but current aff is kinda braindead which is why i left it.

I feel the community, Iā€™ve been playing my lock since 2004. This is the most off putting I think it has been in a long time. The rotation is murder, it is not fun at all, it feels like a lot of effort to be competitive with other classes that hardly break a sweat to produce similar or better output. And as far as pvp goes, we fold like cheap laundry as soon as we are focused, or a half competent player (melee) wants us dead. I get that numbers are there but the enjoyment factor is totally gone. And PVP is just not happening this expansion. We require significant changes in all three specs, and all content.

More ā€œIf you donā€™t like it, donā€™t play itā€ nonsense. You have a little brown on your nose there. Your entire head, actually.

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Braindead? How do you mean?

Iā€™d argue affliction has never been as complicated or challenging as it currently is. There were times where it was way more OP, way easier, or way more consistent for sure. But ā€˜brain dead?ā€™ Iā€™d argue it is perhaps one of the LEAST brain dead specs of any DPS spec/class in game - at least the top tier specs. Moonkin can be a bit challenging, but only if youā€™re non-convoke in which case you just press convoke every time itā€™s up and top meters. Hunter is fairly straightforward, as are fire mages and (I believe, though Iā€™m not as sure) rogues.

? I donā€™t like Affliction so I donā€™t play it. I preferred it back when dots did damage on their own, but that lead to extremely broken multi dot scaling where Aff was objectively too strong.

This build is necessary to make Aff more functional in the long run.

I just decided to re-roll to Ele Shaman and am going to heal Mythic Plus until my Ele is geared. Warlock as I discovered this expansion is weak and not built to perform in anything except raids and I personally find Affliction to be super boring. If Demo or Destro was viable, quick, and competitive I would have never left the class. Super disappointed.


You are missing the pointā€¦Multi DoT Scalingā€¦can be scaledā€¦

All you do is increase the damage DoTā€™s currently do, and reduce the damage Malefic Rapture does. The issue back then was that DoTs was our ONLY form of damage. So literally all our damage was there. Now we have a shard spending that isnā€™t a DoT, that can hit multiple targets. We have the ability to ā€œscaleā€ it correctly.

This is not accurate at all. They could literally do so many different things to make Affliction feel good, be viable in more aspects of gameplay, and not be overpowered.

That would literally still lead to aff being stupid broken OP on multidot situations

lol no

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Because i donā€™t enjoy DoT management in the slightest and my sped (demo) needs love.
Also PvP is really not good for walocks rn just on accout of being so bursty and warlocks having so little mobility- you basically have to be night fey affliction in arenas or youā€™re bonedā€¦ which i guess is somewhat the same in raids, but at least in a raid i can pull decent damage with the spec i want to play, even if itā€™s not toping meters outside my tyrant.

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I feel like shifting power to DoTs from Malefic Rapture would end up making MR feel worse than it already is. Not a very elegant solution.

It would be tough to rework MR though because I think Blizzā€™s big solution is that whatever the resource spender, i.e. shards, it should be the main source of damage, so naturally our DoT damage gets sidelined. If DoTs are powerful, and then you have a shard spender that has significant impact on the playstyle, the scaling might end up being pretty insane. And weā€™re already seeing how well Affliction is performing in terms of damage. As much as weā€™d all like it, we donā€™t want to risk another Legion Affliction breaking loose.

My hope would be that our spender did something unique with the way our DoTs acted, and not simply a damage dump. Pulse AoE, % of remaining damage dealt, spread, faster tick rate, or even temporarily making their next tick do more damage for each shard spent.

I also like the idea of some kind of toggle ability for each shard you spend. Like you could toggle to make your next shard spread your current DoT lineup to a nearby target, you could toggle to make them tick faster/harder, you could toggle to consume them for instant damage of their remaining durations.

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Honestly this is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen a warlock described as ā€œmobileā€.


Kinda miss dumping a huge amount of UAs on people in pve/pvp. Nothing made my heart giggle more than to dot someone and literally melt them that way. MR just feelsā€¦meh.

Must be talking about portals and Soulshape.

Even demoā€™s rotation is bad enough, having itā€™s dps be mediocre at best is almost like making afffliction mandatory. I main demo and damn is it punishing for small errors. Miss your window for tyrant by half a second and 3 imps despawned? Almost -0.5k dps right there because you miss timed by 0.5sec. Got badluck and your felguard died? Easily -2k dps. Doesnā€™t help that they feel like paper and die from anything reallyā€¦