Why are warlocks complaining?


#3 in Raids

Amazingly strong single target and cleave. Mobile through instant cast DoT and portals. Strong utility via healthstones. Why are there so many complaints?


9 button single target rotation. Doesn’t play smooth at all. Ramp up outside of raid feels cumbersome.


I don’t mind my demonology lock at all. I do see the complaints regarding raids /PvP but for the questing aspect of the game, I’m loving it.

Lots of boom boom and rawr

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Yeah now go back and compare the rotation of unholy/balance/Marksman to ours and come back.


Rotation sucks, takes too long to ramp. Mediocre in dungeons, actually terrible in pvp.

Other 2 specs are a joke.


woah-hoh-hold up there. affliction is not terrible in pvp. Its a glass cannon that melts the hell out of teams and with just a minor buff to survivability would make it extremely strong. It needs the survival buffs for sure, but it is not “terrible”.

You can do ok in BG’s if you’re allowed to free-cast in the back.

In Arenas you get absolutely annihilated. Any competent team is going to dogpile you because they know that you have no survivability and only a single spell school. There’s a reason the class is so underrepresented on the leaderboards right now. You have to bank on the enemy team being bad in order to win.


Seems like some people enjoy it enough to parse that high in warcraftlogs to show that affliction is an amazing spec for raiding and maybe it’s a player issue.

I would argue that it’s warlock mains that don’t want to class change, but you made up your mind before you made the thread so I’m not going to waste any more time.


You think parsing high means you enjoy your class? Do you even know how competitive people can get for those high numbers? They are not thinking about how clunky it is or how enjoyable. They are looking to clear content as fast as possible and as best as possible even at the expense of playing a crappy, clunky rotation like afflictions.


Go do some arena now


Mostly talking about PvE here. Affliction warlocks are doing great and maybe that’s the playstyle: high risk high reward and yes you are getting rewarded for playing a complicated spec because you rank at the top of the charts! Imagine playing a frost mage in raids where you do amazing but still can’t even reach the middle of the pack.

It’s a rotation issue. Its a brutal rotation that is exhausting and clunky to play compared to every other dps spec out there. It also is punishing more than others if you mess it up. Throw in paying attention to mechanics and its just a painful experience and not fun at all. Sure the damage is there but the effort to do it is so much higher than everyone else and still not the highest.

That’s just single target PVE, throw in Mythic+ and its a better rotation but its locked behind so many GCDs that it rarely shines and generally is fairly mediocre.

Now, PVP is just not worth playing. None of the specs are any good and you basically are a free kill for the opponents. Destro/Demo suffer from the removed of our silence prevention and the reduced survivability from BFA. Aff suffers because the dots tickle and are almost meaningless.


Because the only spec that is competitive plays like vomit.
Destro is extremely undertuned, demo is also undertuned.


The affliction rotation is physically exhausting. And if you’re not doing it correctly, you’re not getting that showcased dps spot.

And here is the main problem Blizz dosent balance based on that stuff. They see warlocks middle of the road dps and pat themselves on the back for a well deigned spec, meanwhile us dudes out there raiding playing piano just to stay competitive with other rdps.

So much work, barly any payoff.


There’s a good reason for the complaints. From what I’ve gathered the last few days most of it stems from playstyle issues and not actual DPS performance. I’ve been playing Affliction since MoP and I’ve seen this spec go through a rollercoaster of playstyle changes. Right now it’s not in a great spot. It has improved over BfA’s interation, but it’s really showing its age right now. It feels very clunky, as if we’re not fighting the boss so much as we are the global cooldown and our weakauras.

If DoTs are not our main source of damage, then they need to be much easier to maintain (considering we have a ridiculous amount of them) and they need to be much easier to apply. I enjoy the idea of a ‘ramp up’ DPS spec, but it’s really gone overboard right now. Our initial setup is painfully slow and exhausting to maintain.

But only in Legion did I see actual playstyle changes happen to the spec midway through the expansion. I don’t have high hopes for Blizzard coming back to this class and saying “you know what, something doesn’t feel right about this”.


Lock might be good in raids, but that doesn’t really mean it’s good anywhere else.


There warlocks are prob destruction and demo, these 2 need buff in pve. PVP all 3 specc need buff ands they all pretty much suffer the same issue = being the squishiest class of all .


Pretty sure it is paying off or else you guys wouldn’t be at the top of the logs. You guys are literally one of the best DPS specs. Yes, harder to play but better than being a frost mage, playing your best and still in the middle or bottom.

Stop looking at logs and play one, but please come back when you do.