Why are people afraid of player freedom?

Yes I know many times I experienced this where that one guy would get all his tier slots first and then just dip out of the guild raid for the rest of the patch.

Because it was, specifically and almost always, if one guys gets a tier slot first, he gets to finish set first

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thats how it is in classic wow,classic tbc and it will be in classic wrath.the gm his boyz then officers then all the other scrubs this is what will happen when master looter comes back.

less people raiding

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Master loot was removed to bring all players under one loot system , this has everything with do what Blizzards wants as its their game. If you are an extreme Ml supporter and are still paying the game, you are the problem to your ML community

You can blame the mythic former heroic raiders who abused NBG in cata LFR which resulted in PL. Everything else was ML fanatics denying it won’t be removed with their fallacy and now believing it will come back with no hard proof AGAIN just like in 2012 to now.

ML gives ONE player freedom, the rest have to hope the loot dealer isn’t bias or corrupt. Which happened…a LOT.

Apparently bias/corruption were quite common Alliance-side. Never heard much issues on the Horde, though.

I’d be fine with looting options returning only for Horde guilds. If the Alliance playerbase can’t handle options, so be it.

it happened on both sides a lot, it was a plague of corruption.

Yet the people complaining about it are overwhelmingly Alliance, it’s positively uncanny.

You weren’t around at the right time/place to see it happen on horde side.

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A quick check on the first post shows about a 40-60 split. Not exactly as overwhelming as you think .

This too. I think Horde raiding became more popular at the tail end of ML. So Horde players probably had less opportunity to have those bad experiences.

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There have been more Horde raiders than Alliance since Burning Crusade.

Not really. The Alliance by their very nature were generally more popular in Wrath to about MoP. It was only after the revamp racials did Alliance end up mass migrating to the Horde.

Still my point stands, a 40-60 is not some “overwhelming” majority Alliance not liking ML. It is clear a good chunk of Horde player don’t like ML either.

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Well yeah, the Alliance was the majority of the playerbase up through the end of Legion. But not the majority of raiders. Alliance players just don’t seem to like raiding.

Again, you are wrong. There were plenty of Alliance raids back in the day, at least when I still raider regularly which was MoP. WoD/Legion slowly changed that dynamic with all the OP racials the Horde got.

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Um… Horde racials were gutted in WoD.

Ah yes.

Master Thief threads.


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I don’t really do raids or dungeons so master loot will never affect me…but I do get why some people are hesitant. But if they do this it sounds like a great way to re-add it and very little to complain about (specifically guild groups only).

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I don’t care one way or the other if some people groups/guilds want it let them have it.

If you don’t want, don’t join that group/guild

It’s freedom as it is now.

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Master loot can stay gone. Nothing more I hate then getting a pug that starts dictating loot, not just for their guild, but for the pugs too. Of course, they never tell you this ahead of time, and just surprise you with it.

It already happens now when they say, roll for X, you roll, then they say, “Oh sorry, it’s only for our guild.” I say sorry, but when you decide to pull in pugs, you give up the right to dictate loot. I can only imagine how terrible it will be with master loot.

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Biggest issues with ML

Items drop that no one in the raid can use (ex plate in raid where everyone wears mail and below). With tier tokens if you only get tokens for classes that arent in the raid can delay progression for weeks.

Functionally most valuable to finish tier sets on people with existing pieces than start another person on a tier set. So Raid Leadership would be dumb not to keep gearing the people who got the first tier drops.

Not really viable for pugs as if your in a guild raid as a pug your not really getting gear, your just there for the achievement.

Creates options for silly loot systems like GDKP, suicide kings etc most of which force people to take stuff they dont want.

You could make ML usable with a few changes.

  1. The old extra roll token (to allow a person to force a personal roll for themselves on a boss dropping their BiS).

  2. Increase great vault gear to 1 slot per row filled that you can select (so fill 2 rows pick 2/6 items, fill 3 rows pick 3/6) increases deterministic gear and lets people get those 2-3 tier pieces to end up first in line for completion.

  3. Gear can only drop for loot specs in the raid.

  4. Wasted gear is converted to tokens at the end of the raid which can be used by raid leader to buy a specific item and give to a raider (if the whole raid is there for 1 drop should get it in 1 run).