Why are people afraid of player freedom?

When you suggest ML be brought back for guilds only, it’s always never enough. Their version of ML must include the ability to invite pug members because we all know how well that worked back in the day.

Afraid is a strong word!

No one is afraid of master loot. It’s just not a useful tool. Current system is just fine.


That’s an absolute lie, and if you really think that little of everyone else, I kinda feel bad for you.

That’s literally every argument against it in all 4 threads that have been going for two days. People are afraid of ninjas.

It’s entirely more useful for any group doing serious prog and people who have terrible RNG luck.

People are just afraid of freedom in general.

If you think your comparison makes sense in this case then trying to argue anything with you would be a waste of time lol

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in this thread…classic victim blaming.

I’m gonna make sure my best friend and girlfriend get the loot before anyone else. And hunters get the staves first.

ill take freedom over authoritarian any day.

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how far did you get tho?

so the RL is a ninjaing jerk and you gquit. you spend the next month looking for a new guild. They tell you a trial doesnt get gear for 2 months. at 2 months they tell you one more month. at 3 months no change you quit. look for another guild, rinse repeat. now you are significantly undergeared for this point in the expansion. The major fault here is the scarcity of gear caused by blizzard. Insted of making gear relatively common so people could participate in end game, they made it rare. human nature took it from there.


it doesnt matter if they are CE or not. Blizzard makes rules for all raiders, not any subset.

Master loot is not about freedom, it’s authoritarianism


People are afraid of the “freedom” of giving 1 person absolute control over where loot goes?

Isn’t that kind of the opposite of freedom?

To me PL with no trade restrictions is freedom. It’s your loot and you get to decide if you give it to someone. Nobody can make you, and if they kick you over it then you still keep your item.


ML is fine as long as it’s limited to 100% guild runs. Outside that PL so PuG runs can’t be screwed by one person deciding to be a jerk.

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You’re impish statement ignores the FACT of what I said:


In actual practice, the answer is “No, there are no personal loot groups, every pug is Master Loot, half of them have reserved loot, and 90% of guilds also use Master Loot because it’s more efficient”.

Personal Loot is great for avoiding most loot drama and concerns about fairness, but it’s not the most efficient method, so it gets avoided in most cases when it’s an option.

if freedom has rules then your not free.

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The rallying cry of every uneducated redneck who can’t think their way out of paper bag.

What you just advocated is that if I disagree with someone, I have the right to SHOOT THEM.


Even 5 year olds can rationalize beyond this level of stupidity.


Master Loot only gives you the illusion of choice.

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master loot feeds the leader and his peeps first then you scrubs next this is why they want it back.

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