Why are people afraid of player freedom?

No there isn’t.
Most don’t care.
This is a made up issue from a pile of disgruntled players who have had a bad Guild issue. Gone onto vent about it. And Blizzard swinging the pendulum in hopes to think they’ve won over the masses.

Not unless that is forced.

I’d be ok with that option. I wouldn’t join that guild though.

It’s not.

Master Loot has a high ability to be abused until it has some changes made to it.

Thallia has some good ideas, but I still wouldn’t join a guild that used it.

This would be a great idea to include with ML if they ever decided to bring it back. That would make it almost tolerable.

Then join a different Guild. Problem solved. If said Guild is abusing things like that, point being, they probably aren’t good people to hang around with, for your enjoyment needs.

Setting up a system that allows people to be abusive to other players does not solve any problems, it only creates them.

You don’t intentionally make a system like that.

Whoever thought up Master Looter in the first place didn’t think ahead to what could (and eventually did) happen.

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It survived many many many years.
You think we will make things free of abuse etc…


Just give the option to choose PL vs ML and go on your merry way.

Stop making this an issue bigger than it even is.

Just join a different Guild.

People in this game can be abusive to such things, that is how it has ALWAYS been.

Loot drama killed 2 horde guilds I was in during classic.

I think the small bubble of serious mythic raiders who actually care about progression over everything else and use LC and ML well is woefully out of touch with the more vast playerbase.

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Only because the devs were too stubborn to see the problems and remove it

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And they created another adversary. Pointlessly might I add because THEY ARE ALREADY WANTING TO ADD IT BACK IN.

This is stupid on a whole 'nother level.

Like I tell my children, when you behave in a manner befitting freedom, you will be granted more freedom. However, when you behave with such disregard for others, with the little bit of freedoms given, you have not shown you are responsible enough to handle more freedom. The WoW community, are the children in this scenario.


The idea behind this being an Alliance issue only, has no legs to stand on. I raided on Horde as well as Alliance, and in two of my Horde guilds, even after the ML was removed, there were ppl favored for gear and bullied into trading loot over, received by a player in personal loot. This is why I would do Mythic dungeons to gear up on my own so I wouldn’t need to rely on raid gear later, and could just willingly hand my gear over, since I was never allowed to keep it, anyway. Again, this was on Horde.


Well, we’re fine with it being available only for guilds that got Cutting Edge previously. Y’all can do whatever you want, in the meantime.

BONUS: A meaning for Guild Achievements! Like when we unlocked that phoenix pet, back in the day.

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Of course it would be. The Legion system made it so 80% of the group had to be the same guild. Change the number to 100%, which is most likely what they would do.

Removing the AH wouldn’t be a bad thing ngl, it made this expac terrible by gatekeeping the poors out of the content. It’s not silly at all, gold is a bad concept as a whole for this game.

Second ML is a poor system overall. This is what’s going to happen if ML comes back, you’re going to get into a group, you will kill the boss and then suddenly, there’s two warglaives that drop with a bad tank trinket in a group where’s no DH and then you will suddenly realize that the global drop is completely messed up and the boss you wiped on for hours have nothing.

Or what was happening in WoD is that the leader would reserve every single upgrades he could get and then you have to wait 3 days to get a full group because nobody wants to do raid leading because it’s a tedious job so they feel entitled to get whatever they want.

The only place where ML should be allowed is mythic mode where people are doing progression and where the loot goes actually matter.

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On the Subject of Masterloot -
Honestly I feel they should do it for guild-groups: Where if the majority of the raid is of the same guild, masterloot becomes available for selection.

Other than that, people who state ninja looting / toxic groups were scarcely rare & close to non existent with masterloot - I’d say are wrong. I saw it a LOT when I raided in Wrath of the Lich King … But with guild groups? Majority of the time were rather respectable, honourable and organised with it.

This is such a stupid take lol

Um, no, it isn’t. It gives one person in the raid complete control of the loot. ML is the opposite of player freedom.

If so many people are afraid of/ have been the victim of ML abuse, wouldn’t the player base that want it be small and not really your problem?

Raiders would have to pick ML or PL so when pugs show up you could get something like

H Jailer ML must know fight


How about we have RANDOM master looting?

When you go to loot, one raid member at random is chosen to be the master looter. Should be a fun time. :slight_smile:

Honestly I don’t care about ML as I don’t raid anymore but thought I would share a bit of levity

toxic words don’t do anything to me, but trusting some 40 year old virgin to distribute loot to the wrong people does

Then dont trust him and join different group