Why are people afraid of player freedom?

There is lot of player who afraid of Master Loot because it can be use to ninja, toxicity, officer “clique”.
Should we remove chat because its used to be toxic?
Should we remove the auction house because its used to RMT?

“No, that would be silly”
Why is silly? Because just like AH and CHAT: Master loot is giving players freedom to decide loot however they want.

If master loot comes back, there would still be Personal Loot groups you to go to.

Why are you afraid of other player PUGs & Guilds deciding loot in whatever they want?

And beside, Personal Loot has the same sort of toxic game design such as stacking armor types and WF guilds giving gold for u to trade tier pieces (JUST like gdkp).

So what are you really solving by restrict player freedom?


No, it gives one player that freedom. Everyone else has to trust that they’ll do the right thing.

I don’t personally have any issue with ML, but your comparison is complete codswallop.


No, it give all players freedom. Because people chose to go to groups and Join different guild with Different loot rules. Remove ML gets rid of all creativity and options.


No it doesn’t.

If anything it forces them into those groups since no one else wants to share loot.


it ruins the social contract.


You are not forced to join guilds with master loot, nobody is controlling your keyboard.
In essence you are saying ML is bad because everyone would use it.


No one is forced into anything.

As I said in the other thread…

These are your solutions:

  1. Don’t join a guild that uses ML if you don’t like it
  2. Don’t join a guild that has trials for more than a week
  3. Make your own guild that uses PL
  4. Pug your raids, which will inevitably be forced PL
  5. Find/start a Community that won’t use ML
  6. Find/start a Discord that won’t use ML

You have choices. People are just too lazy to use them.


To say personal loot guild and PUGs wouldnt exist alongside ML is complete unfounded and devoid of proof


Of course.

If your job payment was a guarantee rather than a chance of payment, which are you going to choose?


Not really, you only get this impression on the forums and twitter. Most people who actually play the game are largely fine with ML.

Don’t let this place warp your perception, lots of people without the credibility to really comment on these issues around here.


Because removing trade restrictions benefits everyone, master loot doesn’t.


In some circumstances you don’t.

Not if you’re stuck on a low pop server for example.


You make active choice to stay in low pop realm. On classic some people can’t get into raid because they stay on dead server. Should classic put in LFR? Most player would say no.

Yes. You do. No one is stuck anywhere. And you still have the option of Communities, Discords and pugs if you don’t want to leave your low pop server.

The options are there. People need to learn to use them.


wouldn’t be afraid of player freedom if we knew how to treat our fellow man (women) like human beings. But if you think anti master looters like myself are afraid of freedoms just look at the the threads of people being upset about being forced to be nice to players and using “what if scenario” to justify them being victims of this new policy.


No one is forced. :woman_facepalming:t4:

you could write your own game without Pl. or are you just too lazy to do that?


My toons on Frostmourne are.

Why I had to roll a new toon on a high pop server so I don’t have to pay for transfers.

Games not worth enough to fork over for transfers. Not $30.


One of the worst comparisons ever!


Most people do. I play Vanilla, TBC, Wrath + Classic 2019-2022 and I have never been “ninjaed” despite be in LC guilds.

And those who dont treat like human being/ninja using Ml need to be actioned by Blizz