Why are bots allowed to fly hack farm Tempest Keep and Black Temple?

For people that may be oblivious to this. Tempest Keep and Black Temple have been the main botting area for a while now. These Death Knight/Rogue bots are fly hacking to Solarian’s & Mother Shahraz’s low hp aoe trash. Resulting in farming raw gold at a much higher rate than real players can.This is inflating the economy more and screwing over people actually playing the game.

I will ask “Blizzard, pretty please with sugar on top. Can you stop the fly hacking?”. However I know Blizzard is only a multi dollar indie company and can’t actually put an end to the fly hacking. Which should be done especially considering classic wow is some form will be around for the foreseeable future. However at the very least why not reduce the loot from these areas to bring them in line with other farms? These areas were nerfed in Cata I believe so why not do it now? I would imagine they would of been nerfed back in original Wotlk if bots were fly hack farming them back then.


cuz they add subscription number so bliz gets more cash in the pocket. Will u pay the loss from not having these subs?


They are still a sub number with more cash in the pocket without fly hack farming TK & BT. There is zero reason for them to be able to farm gold at higher rates and in a way that real players can’t even do. That is why this makes no sense that they are allowing them to do this.

Real players can do this too.

They’d need to lose “must be in latest expac” mindset is all.

It breaks down to gold per hour.

3 outland mobs die at 50 silver each. the Northrend mobs dies in the same time for 1 gold.

1.5 gold in outland is more money. Even 1 hour later that 50 silver extra adds up.

Classic can’t fix this. Retail fixed this with squish to make old content useless to run besides mogs. It can do that.

Outland gear (from chromie time leveling there) can be trash ilevel for way reduced vendor sales. Hit DF for last 10 levels…use its gear NOW! It has proper ilevel.

They also scale mobs. Retail’s later trick. IN SL I was going back to BFA and going…these damned mobs have scaled to my now 60 in SL. Not much farming was done in BFA, the prior expac for the time. it was the same work as SL. So I may as well stay in SL.

I am well aware for the purists how “loved” mob scaling of retail went over. Not very much is the answer.

Classic can’t fix this easily. Outland gear has to be good (ilevel) to make northrend runnable for new players who may not have the mains to feed wrath level boe. Ilevel is what determines vendor price for soulbounds.

And scaling would not be applicable. That be the #somechange to really fire up the masses of classic lol.

Real players cannot do this anywhere near as good as fly hacking bots. These farms overwhelmingly benefit fly hack bots. I’ve never even seen a real player solo farming in there on my server. Its the same bots in gibberish name bot guilds every time I look.

Blizzard, battle tags to the forums when?

Sock puppet threads are getting really old.

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They’re not allowed to do it any more than a player is allowed to script there rotation.

Blizzard just lacks in enforcement for many things. There is no reason beyond that. There is too many things for blizzard to enforce vs the work put into enforcement.

People have been asking for awhile for more enforcement but look at rmt bans never get harsher and if anything enforment has gotten less.

I´m a real player and tried to do it.
Its not that easy.

First of all, you need a rogue to do it. I have a rogue, so that was okay.
Second: you need either an ID, or you need to exploit or hack you way into the areas you want to farm.
Finding an exploit on youtube was fairly easy (i did not do it, since i did not want to risk a ban), so instead i opted to get help from guild to clear some bosses for an ID.

Gold gain is immense for a stupid activity, but as a real player i´d never would use it to actually farm, theres better options.
The problem is 100% related to bots doing it for hours and days on autopilot.
Just search for Rogues in Black Temple…

Edit: Easy fix for BT would be to autoban everyone inside that is in an obviously exploited ID without Najentus/Supremus being downed and in the mother trash area, since that is 100% evidence to atleast abusing an exploit where you leave the regular BT area by bugging through walls and running in the void outside of BT.

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1 if not both games losing subs, Bobby is “Motivating” with less bonuse money…yeah, they aren’t rushing to hurt that bottom line is one tin foil hat there maybe.

See retail blowing off yet another mass exploit, again. For crafting, again. With no roll backs or bans, again. Both games are getting real good at not seeing things really.

Blizz has done nothing to stop bots for the past 4 years
what makes you think this thread will make them change their mind

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I’m not expecting them to stop bots as that will lose them money so its not going to happen. Just pointing out that it is a bit silly to have areas like TK Solarian & BT Mother Shahraz’s low hp aoe trash that overwhelmingly benefit fly hacking bots. There is no reason to let these bots farm at much greater rates compared to real players doing other farms. They can easily nerf the loot which was already a change in Cata.

Bots have never been high on their priority list. Censoring people from the forum however… they rush out to do that real quick if you get report spammed.
(This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until May 15, 2023 9:19 am.)


fly hacking n botting r big problems in da game.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

haha. so funny.


oh really now?

Blizzard wont do nuffin theyve been around for ages.

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Why bother moderating old content when you are paid minimum wage, so you can instead follow the streamers around and be at their beck and call instead?

And I’m talking about GMs of course

Heck I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the botters were GMs and that’s why no one wants to do anything about it because who’d want to be a narc?

Wouldnt surprise me, they’ve advertised selling runs before, sound like Jagex with mod Jed.

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