Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

By the way, expect more of this as you argue with Joyson.

Enjoy it!


you must have ignored my reply then

like i said guys, there is an ongoing effort to discredit me, led by jealous night elves mostly

Im going to go back to refer to very good reasons why copies don’t work. From a person whom posted in the past.

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citation needed on ‘half’

None of us know, but I’d wager that the majority of the community don’t care a bit about keeping their mains in classic forever. The thought of staying on a static final phase classic server for all time is something that likely does not appeal to many.

While it will technically ‘fracture’ the community, I think most of us believe that the people who choose to stay behind are a tiny minority. People don’t care because it’s a non-issue for most of us.

I mean if the issue was you were going to lose a kidney, or didn’t have enough to eat, then altruism and basic decency comes into play. But the issue is that you want to keep your level 60 paladin in classic forever while also being able to copy it to progress into the next expansion. Truly a first world problem that I could not care less about lol

opinions and only opinions

Here it is.

#nocopies is born.

Do you honestly expect Blizzard to do both instead of the bare minimum? Which would result in one or the other.

Expanding on this a bit. The solution you want would work to allow players to have a copy of their character. Completely disregarding the fact you would now be getting a free character.

It would be heavily exploited. As the only way to accomplish this would be to allow players to copy a given character from their realm to the forever classic realm. In allowing this you allow players to duplicate everything on a factor of x10 at maximum. Meaning a player that has 2000 gold would suddenly have 20000 gold. Thus massively inflating everything in the economy of forever classic.

This and I would add that they did multiple surveys on this. They have at least some data on it.

take whatever fraction you want. doesnt matter. stop misdirecting and lying.

Maybe you can play one of your neglected alts since you’ve done everything on Classic already.

The amount of people that will go to TBC will be far greater than the amount of people that want to stay on a stagnant vanilla server. And the way they are doing this will also nudge more people to make the choice to go to TBC. If that wasn’t the case, they would be doing this differently.

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i actually like playing one character

i think this is the most logical argument the other side has come up with so far. makes the most sense.

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Wow that sounds really familiar…kind of like that’s how it’s been for going on 20 years now. Trust me, if they let me choose the MoP “era” I wouldn’t have gone to WoD.

Nothing new is going on here, why you’re surprised is astonishing to me.

There aren’t going to be enough people playing classic forever to justify allowing copies.

This will keep all the active people together, we know most will go to TBC.

Allowing copies will just mean that there’s going to be tons of unplayed characters on vanilla servers.

You’ll end up with a lot of empty realms.

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Then just pick one favorite version of wow to play your one favorite character…

Look ill go first. My one favorite character is noobshot. I want to play TBC as my favorite version. When wrath comes. I will opt out to a TBC era Server and not progress.

IF i liked classic better than TBC i would stay in classic with noobshot. Simple…

what. lol. i have one character, 2k gold. suddenly they multiply my character 10 times? lol what are you even saying dude.

Okay so you won’t be able to exploit but others 100% will.

copies dont need justification lmao. its a two step process. press control c, then control v.