Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

when something is possible, and it is beneficial, you should do it. giving players the option to have their characters on both servers is beneficial

why are you defending a company that is billion dollars rich? i see you folks around reddit and here, something must really be wrong with your brain thinking that us not wanting to delete our hard earned characters is somehow entitlement, when blizzard for sure has the easy solution of letting us copy? Seriously what is wrong with you?

Character copies are a bad idea. Someone will figure out a way to exploit the feature. They are avoiding this issue by opting for transfers.

I think forcing people to choose is a good idea.


Create a new Paladin, level him to 60. When the time comes, transfer your paladin with all his accomplishments and achievments to a forever classic server. Do nothing with your new Paladin as the server goes from classic -> tbc. Boom. Now you have a Paladin to play in TBC and your fancy pants BiS Paladin to play in Classic forever.

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They hired some of the folks who were involved with the private servers scene. They’ve also hired some folks who worked on Everquest. I don’t understand why they couldn’t have at least tried or maybe put out feelers to see what the community wanted.

none of that is specific, thats why you copy pasted it instead of pointing to the specific part of the past you were talking about

none of that is true in any way

Rogmarr gets it.


For you.

You want two of the same character, then earn it and level up a second character.

I just think it it’s a bit hypocritical—because it seems it’s the same people who have been saying things like “no server xfers…just re-roll scrub” or generally implying that they should have to work for what they want—who are advocating for character copies and want to skirt/bypass the work that comes with re-rolling.

“Just re-roll” was a good enough argument when people wanted server transfers or the likes…but now those same people are being forced to re-roll and now they are the ones kicking and screaming. So yes…it is a bit frustrating.


So what you do then is consolidate the vanilla servers when copying everyone to vanilla. Consolidation does not mean you can’t have both.

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why? i already leveled this character up. why do i have to do it again? what makes it me “earning it” when i have to do it twice? i never did that in vanilla

Did you get a 2nd paladin with everything you earned on the first back in 07 when TBC launched?


No I simply qouted the post you kept avoiding that was specific because you wanted to boil it down to “The history of wow” and how that is somehow not important, nonapplicable, and not exactly how things will go because that is the way the majority of the player base area. Do you see million of players on the forums arguing with a clear troll or being a troll. As I only see about a dozen of us in here… not the millions of players so we are all in the minority.

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citation needed.

Copies have been tried in other games and even in other wow iterations or private servers. They are always exploited in some way. Even if you put restrictions on the copy, someone will figure out a way to exploit it.

Yeah, let me just grind out another Scarab mount with my guild while I’m at it too.

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nope. 1 paladin that i leveled up should be available in two different versions of the same game, seeing as how i wont be able to play both on the same server at the same time on the same game anyways, and wont be able to interact cross game whatsoever, and that the effort required to make it happen is literally zero, but go on keep being an antagonistic reply bot like ive already explained how everyone on the other side of this argument is, you level 33 tauren warrior

Exactly! I was waiting for when someone would finally post this.

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lol to prove your opinion is an opinion? lmao

i cant believe you actually posted that lmao