Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

Well then you can play one character in Classic and one in TBC, just gotta pick a new one for Classic or a new one for TBC.


wrath is my favorite version. i also like vanilla. my guild is progressing to tbc. i want to play with my guild. i also want to be able to play vanilla with my uber geared pally sometimes. why is this a problem?

But what’s wrong with making a choice? I’ll level another warrior for TBC and gear it up there.

But after it hits 70, I’ll probably mostly go back to vanilla. It makes sense to me to force people to choose an era.

I think more people will commit to one char in one era that way instead of splitting time more.

based on what?

Also, and I imagine this enters Blizz’s thinking process here. Instead of copies, people will have to gear out a whole new toon in the other one.

That means countless hours spent (obviously much less in TBC than classic).

Either way it makes sense to force people to choose imo, makes each char more valuable.

what the heck? Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them a bot or wrong or any other insults you’ve been throwing around.

I’m just as upset about this news but will wait for clarification from Blizzcon.

I said this before but copies have been tried in other games and on private servers and tournament / beta realms. They always result in some exploits.

Copies aren’t worth the effort and hassle. Again, I really don’t think many people are going to choose legacy vanilla over TBC, especially when faced with this choice. So really putting ANY effort into legacy vanilla realms isn’t going to happen.

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exactly. not only that. people will just quit out of frustration, get a bad taste for the game, and never want to come back.


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its easier to call them all a bot and sort them out later than just assuming none of them are bots.

I think the choice is pretty easy. If you’ve spent >100 days played on your char, and have even a mere thought of going back to vanilla… just leave the char on vanilla.

Level 70 blues and early epics will be good enough to start with in TBC. I’m fine with it. Yeah there’s rare titles or Thunderfury that will be tough to get a second time.

I’d rather not lose all these rare items that I use (like my full flask set with WGS and other awesome items or Tidal Charm or whatever else).

I think it’s pretty obvious that if you ever have even a thought of playing vanilla, leave your char there. Make a new one for TBC.

Easy decision imo.

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Expect? No. But it’s what I think would be best for the players.

Any engineer with half a brain cell can figure out how to prevent such exploits. You don’t need to give players a button to transfer their characters to the vanilla realms. It would be done for you and it would be a one time thing.

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Or, it could have just been easier to code that way, or inexperienced product managers didn’t foresee issues with future levellers wishing to progress naturally through expansion content.

not only that, but at least a full week leveling up to 60. and thats just some of the stuff you gotta do again just to be able to raid with your guild again.

Sure, but getting back to 60 isn’t the tough part here. It’s all the rare items/tier gear that really matter (and HWL/GM/Scarab Lord) type of stuff that people care about…

I’m already leveling another warrior now to account for this. It’ll be a shame being underpowered again, but I imagine with TBC will come easy to get PVP gear.

I’ll just grab the easy to get (pre-patch) level 60 r12-14 gear for my alt. I’d advise anybody else to do the same. That’s really the best way to handle this. Don’t even have to raid all that much, just PVP for when honor is currency.

right the point isnt the viability of leveling a new character on tbc, the point is why is blizzard making us delete our characters off vanilla to play tbc with them?

I don’t think they are. It sounds like all realms will advance to TBC, but then some new classic realms will pop up and allow people to move chars to those to save them in a museum.

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My question is, what if you miss the initial period to move the char to vanilla servers? Or will the option always be available as long as you havent crossed the dark portal?

  • Choose Your Era – Prior to Burning Crusade Classic’s release, WoW Classic players can decide whether to advance each of their characters to the Burning Crusade era with the rest of their realm, or to continue playing the original WoW Classic content on new Classic Era servers.

player choice is a big issue here. why is it a choice? why is it not just a mirrored copy on both games?

This and more tomorrow when this information was intended to be revealed instead of debated and argued over in forums!