Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

so from the tbc announce leaks we have learned that we are going to “choose your era” to keep your character in. Seriously? we have to choose? why? why cant i play my same priest in both vanilla and tbc? what is so hard about cloning the character database? why is blizzard forcing us to choose, thus breaking up the server communities that we have build over the last year and a half?

seriously, wtf blizzard?


ITT: feigned outrage


We have learned nothing.

Here’s a leak:

  • TBC is launching from the Wrath 3.0 pre-patch
  • Vulpera death knights will be included (early access for those who sub for 6 months)
  • One-time bonus of double-gold for those who have earned more than 10K gold in WoW Classic
  • Faction transfers available to Paladins that have more than 20 talents points in the Retribution tree

So pick one
The fact you are being given an option is nice enough.


Oh no! I have choices on how I want to play!



no we wont. i wont have the choice on if i want to play TBC that evening or vanilla with the same toon, i’ll have to choose what era that toon gets to play in and then its stuck there.


not official


Send your current one to a classic forever server, and make a new one with the same name, same class, on tbc server or vice versa.

Problem solved.


The hope is that they are going to let us Character Copy, otherwise blizzard creates the same problem that caused the creation for Classic servers.

We should be able to copy to new TBC servers in my opinion with caps on items / gold for the TBC character copy to progress that character on the TBC servers.

We’ll find out tomorrow what the fate is of our Vanilla characters.

The infrastructure for character copy is in place and is quite easy for Blizzard. For example, the PTR character copy system.

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I would really prefer just a copy to play Vanilla or TBC on a given night.


The problem was that there was no new/fresh Vanilla servers…now there will be fresh ones to start on. That’s how they remedy that situation. Not by continuing in P6 forever…it gets stale really fast. You will see.

well it came straight from blizzard’s servers so…

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You didn’t have a choice originally. Now you do. Suck it up.


This decision is an 8.4.

Being able to make a copy of your character would be a 10 but I’m still pretty happy

Nervous Joyson… i know you want copies. And i for one am against copies for the bag of worms it brings. Looks like i was right…

Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60

youre weird. anyways, i just read the actual confirmed leaks.

Ive been saying it for a long long time now

Blizzard posted this “leak” themselves…


doesnt mean its a good idea. blizzard can mirror the character data over without any special effort required yet they are forcing all players to choose.

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where? :question: