TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

We may all look at this as a game…but it’s also a business.

That business model is based on margins and volume.

Inertia does not work as a large scale entertainment business model. The game will progress forward…because without that forward progress it will bleed customers from those that lose interest over time.

This thread has wonderful suggestions, most, if not all of which, will never be implemented because they are not predictive nor cost effective nor sustainable.

A great idea.

However everyone will hedge their bets, copy all their level 60’s to both…and blizzard won’t be able to plot out who is playing what server, how populations will balance out, and that more servers will be created that will never be needed.

Again a nice idea. However it would “log jam” every player into a single zone that wanted to play TBC…and with that would come a host of technical, layering, and latency issues, that Blizzard, from a cost effective standpoint, wouldn’t want to address.

TBC is going to happen because Blizzard want to retain the most customers it can.

If they do a complete wipe prior to launch it will anger much of its player base, who have no wish to level characters from scratch again.

They may create Classic only servers to transfer to for purists, but I don’t see it being a copy. They will make you choose. Pray its free!

Gold caps are useless. During Wrath I transferred 2 characters to Draka…and moved nearly 4 million gold by moving items and not gold itself. I chose those items carefully by auditing both AH’s…when I was done and had sold inventory I actually had over 5 million. Gold caps don’t work.

Blizzard is here to make money. What makes them the most money and retains the most paying customers is what they will do.

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