Why are alliance still allowed to make a full premade in AV?

Your whining is extremely amusing. You’re asking for Blizzard to make a change to the game because you don’t want a change made to the game - somehow stop people from communicating so you win more, but don’t change the map so it’s actually even.

If the map was even, we’d have a closer winrate, and it wouldn’t have had specific changes done to it at a later date post-vanilla to balance it out.

You loved your quick, easy wins. Don’t deny it. That’s all the Horde wanted - and now it’s not happening and they whine, instead of adapting.


Sure is nice WOOOPIN THAT AS. lol you horde SUCK so bad. qq more please, its so invigorating.


Wrong, I’ve been on both sides of the AV. Tried getting alliance to stop hiding at SHGY and push forward. Assumption is a mother of all failure’s.

I’ve seen and been on the alliance discord for pre-made sync queueing. Horde can’t compete with this and gives alliance an unfair advantage

I do not want to win this way

The factions that make up the BG pool are not lopsided. Just the motivation of alliance to play AV as intended is lacking.

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Cry me a river

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Dude, I am pretty convinced that the sudden appearance of a couple alts are simply an alliance player sock puppeting to make it appear like horde cares about premades.

What? I’m on my main, not puppeteering for anything

Duly noted.

Weird how alliance don’t want to play AV stuck north of SHGY 95% of the time and losing.

I can’t possibly think of why they don’t like that.

Of course there are other metas horde could play that would change that.

Awwww QQ, poor horde player doesn’t win every game anymore due to map imbalances so he cries to daddy blizz.

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I love watching threads like this causing spontaneous explosion of alt posting.

Its less that they are allowed and more of there is nothing blizzard can do about it when there are 2 or 3 avs worth of alliance.

I just love watching it for the tears.


They need a true classic AV and move on from this mess

thats only b/c paladins . horde can turtle even better to prevent this

just a few mages can prevent a premade with the port spot is in front of ramp that LoS ranged dps with one blink. unlike alliance entrance thats flat

horde stop winning 95% of their matches and start losing their minds



Welcome to the most entitled faction since vanilla. They started out being the special child, and they stayed that way. They keep suggesting otherwise - often calling the Alliance, “kids” and “baddies”, but in reality whenever something like this happens they’re so loud and whiny and Blizzard usually caves for them.


FOR THE LOVE OF THE LIGHT, it’s queuing…

I’m sorry to target you there, but it’s a pet peeve of mine.

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