If i’m expected to pay $15 a month on top of 40 - 60$ every expansion, why am I being forced to play the game at the same pace as everyone else? The game never used to be this time gated but literally every major feature in this expansion feels like it’s rushed:
- PvP imbalances that could’ve been solved in beta but somehow made it to live
- M+ loot problems and recently Blizz made a post saying they’re reducing loot from raids now too??
- Alt catch up with threads takes insanely long and is worse than playing through the same 6 - 9 hour story all over again
- Torghast doesn’t give any other reward for your time besides yet another time gated currency grind that they forced leggos behind
- Not to mention you can’t even do legacy raids anymore due to horrible scaling
And there’s a lot more issues that I didn’t mention because this post would turn to a novel, but my point is that none of these things have been addressed and yet we’re being time gated at the same time so realistically you only have a days worth of ACTUAL Shadowlands themed weeklies (Maw/Torghast/Anima/etc) before you’re stuck with an extremely rushed expansion that promised it would be different than BfA but it really just turned out to be a reskin of the same content.
Well yeah, they want to keep you playing as long as possible to make money off you, timegating is probably the easiest/low effort way to do that.
Messed up as it is.
They like money, so if you want them to listen stop paying. Good luck OP.
OTOH, you could also finish everything in 2 weeks and complain that there is nothing to do
The fact that you probably did Pre-order shadowland is the reason why they can get away with thing like that, They got your money and this is what they want.
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Yea, Blizzard should just shot gun the entire xpansion at launch with everything wide open, so the games over in 2 months as everyone blazes through everything
Things have always been gated. In TBC it was just from Raid locks and having only one difficulty.
Sounds like you already answered your own question. Stop paying.
See ya later. Enjoy your new game.
Also, there are no loot problems with M+. Same as usual.
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it kinda feels like the playerbase are baby birds and blizzard is big momma bird dropping some goodies in our mouth on tuesday.
sit tight, waiting’s 90% of game 
i dont know why we (the playerbase) let em get away with it for so long that its now the norm
After my 145,869th quarter i dropped into PAC-MAN , I realized it was a waste of time.
Unfortunately there wasnt a Pac-Man message board for me to run to back then.
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congratulations youve cleared level 1! wait for next week to access level 2 
pacman has no timegate. itll let you burn through all its content in one sitting if you so wish
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very true… but both wastes of time.
And I spent more on PacMan in a day than I do on WoW in 2 months.
Exactly. People just notice the timegating these days because of the system on system on system crap we have going on. It wasn’t like that back then. Simpler times for simple fun. Not anymore.
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You seem mad you can’t get geared up in 2 weeks and are calling that time gating?
That’s how MMORPGs work.
not get your $0.50’s worth today?
Is that really worse than a system where you might as well come back in two weeks and just play then instead?
I love how it seems like you get gated if you fall behind. Blue posts on catching up on renown are about as vague a description of a solution as I have seen so far in this game. They even punt it to Wowhead for an answer:
It seems to be once again 100% random if you actually get to move up or now.
I understand why some content is gated, but something like renown? Get outta here.
FF14 before it was “reborn”, yeah it had a whole host of problems, tried its version of timegating and had to be shelved and relaunched. This won’t happen here but I think this path they’re going down will permanently damage the game for real this time. If these past “busy work systems” haven’t already.
Timegating just doesn’t work.
It frustrates those who want to excel.
It feels like a punishment for those of us who have jobs and can only get 2 days off in a week to play.
I think at the least it should’ve been more thought out and there should’ve been a way for those of us who can’t play everyday to get extra time in that day to reflect the 5 we won’t be able to play in.
I guess you’d call it a progressive timegate? Or a flexible one?
I’m not buying “wait for catch up mechanics”.
This is really the 1st expansion launch I’ve been in. I’ve always jumped in and out the game between things in WoW and I really wanted to experience an expansion launch. Boy was I wrong.
If you don’t want to pay that you are more then welcome to go play some other other games that require no Subscription and you only have to buy an expac every so often. You’ll be bored as hell but you won’t have to whine about paying a Sub.