Who will canonically win the Warfronts in Arathi and Darkshore?

I think thats the whole point.
The Horde could not do it so Azshara did it instead.

Honestly this weewee measuring to who is stronger should not delve in deeper than necessary.
We just got to take Blizzard’s word for whatever vague description and leave it at that.
Its not like Blizzard has a consistent narrative when it comes to troop numbers, supplies, strongholds and whatnot.
Hence why most of the conflicts are so… odd.

yeah i agree it’s all dumb. blizzard is just gonna decide on a whim who is stronger at what time and where for whatever reason to fit whatever dumb story they wanna tell.

My feeling on Darkshore, is the Alliance wins, but it turns out it has all been a delaying action to take as many resources as we can while Ashenvale is fortified.

Arathi is more of a coin flip, the Horde could have goblin sappers blow the bridge and win, by cutting off Alliance reinforcements, or the Horde could just retreat to Thoradin’s Wall and mount a new defense there. As far we know the Forsaken still hold the Bulwark and Andorhal, which even with the Alliance retaking Gilneas , still leaves the Horde with solid control over Lorderon.

three ships isnt the navy

But it does make an Admiral’s fleet by the bare minimum. It depends entirely on what sort of vessels they are for it to concern someone logistically. The loss of three man o’ wars is certainly an abundance, for example. Or three carracks.

I’m sure it was more than just 3 ships, though.

If we look at the “Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire” missions, the Alliance was already back in Ashenvale before the Darkshore Warfront was playable, so doesn’t seem like there had been any delay.

Alliance could just go through Faldir’s Cove instead:

Seems the Horde are already having problems at Thoradin’s Wall:

Exorcising Dun Garok:

    The dwarves of Ironforge marshal their forces to retake Dun Garok. Drive them back through Thoradin's Wall.

Not necessarily Andorhal. We don’t really know what’s going on with Andorhal, but we do know the Alliance is marching through the Plaguelands and Undercity forces are acting out of Strahnbrad instead from these two missions:

Dancing with Dark Rangers:

    An army of Alliance soldiers from the Plaguelands marches towards Hillsbrad. Attack from the shadows to slow their progress.

Dancing with the Dark Rangers:

    The dark rangers of Undercity conduct a guerilla war from the abandoned town of Strahnbrad. Send our agents to root them out.

Beyond that, the “Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron” missions have Alliance establishing themselves all over Lordaeron.

She’s a character that doesn’t want to accept the reality that the alliance did something to cause a schism between belfs and humans

This isn’t correct. In fact, it was Anasterian Sunstrider who refused to aid Lordaeron as the Scourge invaded, deeming it a ‘human problem’, which caused a major political divide long before anything Kael or Garithos did. Kael actually went to aid Lordaeron anyway in defiance of his father, which is where the Blood Elf campaign in WC3:TFT begins.

Turns out Anasterian was dead wrong, eh? Blahaha.


I’d LOVE for them to have Delaryn end up faking her allegiance to the Forsaken and end up being a modern twist on the Sylvanas/Arthas dynamic …especially since Sylvie specifically targeted her for reanimation out of spite much like Arthas raised Sylvanas herself out of spite. Not necessarily kill her (since Sylvanas failed in her original gambit to kill Arthas as well), but at least give us a dramatic scene to prove that Delaryn isn’t all mindlessly (and stupidly) ‘team banshee queen even though she burned my home and murdered thousands of my people out of hateful (and strategically stupid) malice’.


And yet, despite that event you’re talking about in Dalaran with Garithos, the Blood Elves returned to Dalaran. And then they almost rejoined the Alliance because of Garrosh. And then, even after the Purge of Dalaran, the Blood Elves returned to Dalaran again in Legion. And even now, coming up in Nazjatar, Lor’themar is willing to join up with Jaina again.

If anything, Alleria has a lot of history to go by that it would be entirely plausible for the Blood Elves to rejoin the Alliance despite what happened at Dalaran with Garithos.


Actually, in Chronicle 3, it notes Quel’thalas did send aid in spite of not being in the Alliance anymore. Which is assumedly why you have those units in Warcraft 3.

Even Quel’Thalas, which had cut its ties to the Alliance, dispatched high elf priests to help defeat the undead. - p55


I’m not sure that is true either (depending on your meaning). Kael’thas was already in Dalaran when the Scourge attacked because he was part of the Kirin Tor. He wasn’t in Quel’Thalas during the invasion. And that Anasterian is already dead by the point The Frozen Throne starts. He died before Kael’thas was able to make it home.

I think Nowise mixed up the Orc invasions and the Scourge invasions. But it does all end up tied together:

    Q: Can we get some information on Garithos? Where he was from and on whose orders was he acting? Was there any significant event in his past that caused his hatred of non-human races?

    A: Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos was the only son of a baron who ruled over lands in what would later be the Eastern Plaguelands that bordered Quel’Thalas. While his father ruled from the town of Blackwood on the shores of the similarly-named lake, Garithos joined the army as a knight during the Second War, where he saw combat in Quel’Thalas defending the elves’ homeland from invading orcs. While he was in Quel’Thalas, however, a small band of orcs broke off from the main invading force and burned his home town to the ground, killing all of its inhabitants in spite of the valorous defense marshaled by its lord. Othmar’s family perished doing their duty, defending the homes and lives of their subjects. He blamed the elves for the loss of his town and family, believing that the elves diverted forces away from the Alliance’s true goal: the defense of humanity alone. After his father’s death, Garithos was awarded his title and continued his service in the armies of Lordaeron. By the time of the Scourging of Lordaeron, he had attained the rank of Grand Marshal and was the highest ranked surviving military officer in the region, promoted not necessarily due to his own abilities, but his father’s reputation and title. Cut off from the chain of command, Garithos amassed a small army of volunteers and conscripted civilians, and gave them the mission that he assumed the Alliance should have always had: the preservation of humanity above all else. Despite the ad-hoc nature of his forces, other states recognized him as potentially the last remnant of Lordaeron’s government and certainly the strongest warlord in the area. As such, officials from neighboring non-human states such as Ironforge and Quel’Thalas sent him aid, ignorant of his intolerant policies.

I get what you are saying but the issue is every time Lorthemar is on screen he is desperately pro-horde.
It is almost comical.

There is no ryhm or reason why he should be such a staunch supporter of the Horde. The Horde has done nothing but cause trouble for the Blood Elves and the only thing horde posters could say is very early BC gameplay that even Blizzard has forgotten about.
That being said, Blood Elves will always be Horde and that will never change.

The Horde needed a pretty race and so here we are.

I really don’t know why Jaina is willing to join up with Lor’themar.
Oh right “if we don’t join together then we die shtick” like the other 20 times before this.

Completely true. But doesn’t change the perspective of the characters in the game of its plausibility.

I don’t see any way the Night Elves don’t retake Darkshore. It just wouldn’t make sense.

Arathi, I’m not so sure about. Maybe it’ll just go back to being disputed territory. Or maybe they’ll split the zone in half, with the southern part being Alliance and the northern part being Horde.

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The perspective of the characters in that solitary moment that Blizzard wants to display.
It just pisses me off that Blizzard does all this build up for characters like “Look! Look! They are about to do something great!” aaaaaaaand its another afterschool special about power of peace and friendship

There is zero consistency in this stupid story.

Best part of this is that it is Thalyssra reminiscing about the Alliance and Horde working together to liberate Suramar to Lor’themar and suggesting they all group up again.

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And then she promptly joined Sylvanas to wipe out the night elves.

Man I wish we were as wise as Lor’themar and had the decency to stop fighting so we can have peace.

the irony is so high I think I got iron poisoning.

At the very least she went to recruit the Zandalari for the war to end the Alliance. But yes, that inconsistency was what I was criticizing as well.

One might consider that when it comes down to it, the sin’dorei and shaldorei are culturally pretty isolationist. They haven’t needed to expand their own lands for hundreds or even thousands of years, and that was before recent years culled their populations.

Consequently, as the current war keeps heating up, it becomes increasingly evident that the only thing they’re getting out of it is more of their own people killed and a share of the blame when the Horde loses. And if the Horde wins, they don’t even get to know the war’s over, because Sylvanas will probably just start another one.

They, perhaps more than any other Horde races except possibly most tauren, share the Alliance’s interest in just seeing the thing ended so their people can stop dying abroad with no return on the investment at home. The Lich King was defeated and the Legion is done, so now they’re stuck in this faction whose “protection” at this point serves primarily to fend off the very enemies that the rest of the Horde keeps inciting to attack.

They’re like a designated driver who gets dirty looks from everyone else as their inebriated friends run around making noise and causing property damage.


They will simply just be left behind in time lock like all other previous expansio material.