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Until they state they are canon, they have no lore relevance, just like the WoD or Legion ones.

Until you have a source saying they’re not canon you don’t actually have a point.

The mission table would lead you to believe the night elves were doing well in Darkshore, Ashenvale and even attacking Org before 8.1, or still evacuating Teldrassil long after it was a burnt husk. In 8.1 you can see the night elves had no presence in Darkshore and you do the warfront by invading on boat not some night elf foothold. So from that they really have no basis in what was happening in the game.

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Mission table descriptions have never held any water unless direclty tied to some sort of quest line. Which they haven’t done, to my knowledge, since the Class Halls in Legion.

Darkshore was the Night Elves Elwynn forest, For a long time the only non-elf presence was a formerly neutral Troll Village that you could not reach from Darkshore itself in the pre-flying days. I’m trying to remember wheteher it was green in the old days of PVP servers but it was not a leveling area for Horde players, unlike Ashenvale.

Perhaps I misunderstood you, but here are some of your previous statements about Darkshore:

And now we have Word of God that it is the case that the Night Elves won Darkshore.

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These are the missions involving Darkshore:

None of them talk about a foothold, nor are we able to go to Teldrassil to see for ourselves if anything is going on there, so the Darkshore Warfront content does not contradict any of these missions as you claim.

You can ride mounts in traditional boomkin form now.

Even better for a dramatic entrance, you can dismiss your mount in mid air and … Flap your way down.

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That and apparantly she could not get her own Sentinels to release Illidan save by killing them all.

I like the Glyph of Stars, it’s awesome looking. “Flap” works with the glyph, too. Just gets changed to “You descend on starry dust, slowing your falling speed.”

Flapping in Moonkin form is far more entertaining.


But the pretty trail of stars!

I really wish vulpera could have been druids. :cry:

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They are. Just because you don’t like it when your repeated genocide target decides to talk much deserved trash on you while you’re questing in Val’sharah is your own problem.

Wrong again. It was the ancient protectors. Specifically male dryads and treants. Sentinels were not involved. Seriously why do you even play a Night Elf?

There are female Night Elves fighting against Tyrande as well (19:51 mark):

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Okay so I forgot about 2 Wardens. Those still aren’t “Tyrande’s own sentinels”

There are a lot more than two if you keep watching the video.

Also, did you play the Frozen Throne expansion?

    IconSmall Maiev.gif Maiev Shadowsong: Priestess Tyrande, I’m surprised you came in person. Are you here to absolve your guilty conscience?
    IconSmall Tyrande.gif Tyrande Whisperwind: I did what I had to do, Maiev. You are in no position to judge me.
    IconSmall Maiev.gif Maiev Shadowsong: What you did was murder my Watchers and set the Betrayer free! It is you who should be locked in a cage.


I think those all fall under Watchers even if they’re not wardens. I don’t know how their chain of command works but maybe they only answer to Maiev.

Also bring back the Watchers! And with moonkin among their ranks!

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What part of this statement makes them “Tyrande’s Sentinels” ???

You are technically correct that they were an independent group from the Sentinels. Though you are missing the spirit of the point, as the Watchers were still appointed by Tyrande, who was the leaders of the Night Elves after the Sundering and during Warcraft III. Malfurion only became co-leader after his return just before the Cataclysm.