Who will canonically win the Warfronts in Arathi and Darkshore?

I hope this happens, as I LIKE the idea of each faction consolidating it’s hold over it’s own continent.

They’ll be fine. Once we get to the moon expansion, they’ll build a new city there and be happier than ever.

Or right being that kael ended up locked in a cell at the mercy of a half wit who’s only saving Grace was that he wasn’t important enough for arthas to kill

After the elves all but abdicated themselves from the alliance.

What is worse is the possibility of Quel’thalas getting assaulted by the Alliance. The Horde without some evil Old God shenanigans from Sylvanas was never going to win the war, so it is all the risks of losing everything with no chance to gain.
I would argue the Orcs and Trolls do not really have anything to gain from a Sylvanas victory, as what will they be once she has destroyed the Alliance and raised all the dead she can? Loose ends, most likely. Then again the problem of the Horde being unlikely to win the war so all the Horde races just have stuff to lose not gain.

Considering both sides have stated that the Horde is “losing on all fronts”, I’d hazard a guess that NElves retake Darkshore and Stromgardians (is that the right word?) retake Arathi. I’m honestly okay with both because Stromgarde is long overdue their turn in the spotlight.

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Wouldn’t the orcs and trolls just be happy they get to kill something?

Not to get killed and raised themselves.

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The funny thing is, since chasing after Sylvanas’ leftover ships and then getting sunk in Nazjatar seems to be the only truly significant thing the Alliance’s fancy new Kul Tiran fleet will end up actually doing, I fail to see how events in 8.2 remotely turn things around for the Horde. They’re said to already be “losing on all fronts,” but the Alliance navy isn’t really even what has them on the ropes.

Unless we find out Sylvanas somehow mana bombed and plagued half of Azeroth off-screen while were messing around with Azshara, how does losing the fleet really even change things? Even if there’s an Alliance army on board, it would be an army that isn’t one of those already abroad stomping the Horde in the existing theatres.


haha canon victories oh i cant breathe.
remember when night elves retook ashenvale after garrosh? neither does blizz.