Who will canonically win the Warfronts in Arathi and Darkshore?

If BFA ends, who do you think will win and fully conquer the Warfronts at Arathi Highlands and Darkshore or any future Warfront this expansion would give us.

My guess is the logical one being Alliance takes Arathi and Horde keeps Darkshore.

But I kinda hope the Night Elves also retaken Darkshore for their sake.

Most things indicate that the Alliance won the Darkshore Warfront. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we’ll see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:

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And the Arathi Highlands?

The closest I can think of there is from the Alliance quest Dead Reckoning:

    Master Mathias Shaw says: The Horde is losing on all fronts. The Alliance should achieve victory in a matter of weeks.

And the Horde quest The Return of Derek Proudmoore:

    Nathanos Blightcaller says: My queen... reports are coming in from all outposts. The Alliance is tighening its grip. Victory is within their grasp.

Hmm … I think Arathi is sort of a wash for the Horde; especially now with Lor’themar committing to finally siding against Sylvanas. The Garrison location in that region is not particularly good, as its bordered by the Wildhammer to the North (and Stromgaurde holding any available ports to the South). It seems like a massive resource drain to even keep that place operating, especially now that the ONLY real Horde center of power in the region is Silvermoon.

As for Darkshore … that remains unclear. I think it may be safe to say that Darkshore itself (at least the Northern Regions of it it where the Warfront occur) are in the hands of the NEs. But with Felwood and Ashenvale still in the hands of the Horde (and likely MORE heavily reinforced and defended) I’m unsure how exactly far that front will push into Kalimdor canonically (even with the NE guerrilla fighters and super-Tyrande making serious plays in the region).

Not to mention, despite the NEs being far more able to survive directly off the land than most; they do still face similar logistic issues in Darkshore that the Horde is facing in Arathi. With a single Alliance seat of power remaining in the region (and one that was HAMMERED by the Legion in Legion) … reinforcements and supplies will be in short supply (and costly to obtain) outside of those that the NEs/Alliance can scavenge themselves from a wounded Darkshore itself.

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Felwood is in the hands of the Cenarion Circle. Horde haven’t been seen marching into Felwood as of yet. We also don’t know the state of Ashenvale beyone the Mission Table missions.

Sometimes during the Alliance Darkshore Warfront towards the end Malfurion will call out the following, and a bunch of new trees will spring up and grow to full similar to when you save the ancients at the beginning of the warfront:

It has only happened sometimes when I’ve done the warfront, and other times it hasn’t. Sadly I was already on my way to Sira when it happened this latest time, so I couldn’t get a good screenshot of the trees growing.

I have no idea what triggers this to happen sometimes and sometimes not. But nonetheless, Malfurion can just regrow entire parts of the forest in Darkshore like Cenarius was able to for Ashenvale back in Warcraft III.

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I understand and am aware of that fact, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Horde is prioritizing destroying those regrown portions of the forest; they are sort of right to do so considering they do help the NEs and Alliance; the Horde seat of power IS on Kalimdor still; and in order to continue to regrow those portions of the Destroyed Darkshore, the NEs will need to continue investing Malf (and others) to focusing on that … and less on pushing further South. Super-Tyrande and the Night Warriors are clearly making up for some serious deficits, but “available resources” also include “available forces” … and that IS something the NEs may not have in the best supply of

Long story short, I have no doubt that the NEs could hold Darkshore indefinitely (or at least for such a prolonged period it really doesn’t matter). I do however question how much they would be able to push through Ashenvale, if they are faced with more and more heavy defenses (and IF Ashenvale is NOT heavily defended and reinforced BY NOW; then either Sylvanas really does not care about winning this war, OR Blizz is deliberately handicapping the Horde Faction (as if we needed to be weaker than Alliance MORE) to allow the NEs that power fantasy. Which, to be fair … I guess is deserved to some degree … but it certainly robs my Racial Fantasy away.

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As I said, beyond the “Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire” Mission Table missions we don’t really know what’s going on in Ashenvale. With Blizzard going on about Tyrande having gotten vengeance for the Night Elves at Darkshore, I wouldn’t expect to hear anything about Ashenvale until the inevitable truce to finish off Siege of Orgrimmar 2.0.

the alliance but only 4 years after BfA ends in a random book and will never be shown in game.


Man … don’t remind me of that awful “Tyrande got her Vengeance” nonsense … it really is gross lol! However, you are right … I am unsure as to what to make of a lot of the mission tables. Several of the Horde ones also seem to imply many things for the Horde on both continents too. None of them really seem to give off a “we’re doing poorly anywhere” vibe for either faction.

That being said, I just don’t see a Siege of Org 2.0 coming up (just because Sylvie’s personality and “attachments” to the Horde are very different entities to what Garrosh’s were). I do however have this horrific feeling that Blizz is going to do something awful WITH Tyrande (not necessarily TO her) … which is why her presence seem so lacking in 8.2. But … its a gut feeling.

Granted, I also have this horrible feeling that they are going to have her kill Saurfang (which, I guess she is justified in doing that … especially with the information she has at her disposal). But with how hollow that would feel when she (or Sira/Summermoon) deserve a shot at Sylvie herself (and the fact that just ONCE I’d like a Old Orc to break the trend; and realize that a life of service and penance can be an honorable one) … I’d be bummed if that actually happened.

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there was a datamined quest where tyrande was giving a speech after retaking darkshore but apparently, it never make it to live.

honestly i feel desperate that i am not hearing anything about nelfs in 8.2 other than shandris.
they still have 8.2.5 and 8.3 to show us what actually happens, because o boi if they don’t i am going to be pissed.


My general hope is that the focus will be on them for 8.2.5 and 8.3 on the Alliance side. There may be some speckling of the Worgen as well (with them getting new models), but with the Worgen and NE peoples being so close … I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing architecturally. The Kul Tiran and EK racial stories of this war do seem to be hitting a slowing point as well, so it SHOULD be time to shift focus to the Kalimdor front (for both factions tbh…)

For the Horde, the focus should start drifting towards the Forsaken situation a bit more. I still hope in vain that Sylvie’s warbringers is true and that Nathanos is being built up to not only turn on her; but replace her (as I do genuinely think there is potential in that character, if only he could break free of his Banshee Queen and focus on the needs of his people over her) … but I guess the Horde narrative is a different topic for a different time.

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I posted this back for the Tide of Vengeance PTR:

I stand by that still.

To be fair, the statements from Mathias and Nathanos would come well after the time period the Mission Table missions were first available.

Crazy enough, we per-emptively basically already get it with the saving Baine scenario.

I predict the raid will actually be Siege of Stormwind, and both Horde and Alliance will be racing to save Peach Anduin from Bowser Sylvanas.

I could definitely see Blizzard doing this so everyone can blame the Night Elves for the war continuing just when peace was going to be possible. Just to kick the Night Elves into the mud another time for good measure. (I also like Saurfang and I would rather see him try to atone for the War of the Thorns, so him dying in general would bum me out in general, too.)

However, at this point it would be the more obvious thing to do to have this all wrap up with peace between the Horde and the Alliance as per the MoP 2.0 script, so I find it more likely the Night Elves will just agree to peace and probably start working with the Horde again like at Mount Hyjal and Val’sharah again.

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i do hope that as well, now that basically the kultiran story will be over with azshara (she was basically the cause of 50 % of their problems) including the fleet and probably jaina’s arc
it would be time to focus on other things, such as, more than anyone the nelf storyline.then maybe, just maybe in EK with alleria trying to conquer the sunwell but i am speaking way more ahead.

i seriously doubt that nathanos would turn of her.
his goals are literally die with her if she does.

also, i am still hoping that the “tyrande got her revenge” was just a dev who knew nothing or was just lying, it would not be the first time.
it’s pretty sad that at this point i want to be lied by blizz.


I think that Saurfang’s death in BfA especially would bum me out because it would stand staunchly in opposition to the messaging of his Cinematics (and YES, if there IS a 4th cinematic lined up for BfA, it should be for Tyrande). His messages are “Live Another Day” (even if it would be easier to just die and let it all go, but his people need him); and “We Don’t get to Hide” (and death would ABSOLUTELY be hiding from his mistakes). Saurfang NEEDS to live out a life of serving his people, and attempting to atone for those he’s harmed … for those messages to have any lasting value.

He cannot work to atone through death; he cannot serve his people by dying…


don’t know, he is pretty old, in a year or two he will become useless as a fighter, i feel like the message of bfa is passing the torch to newer generations.
and we are really close to see the end of the character arcs of many wc3 legends.

and zappiboi would replace saurfang, probably.

To me the cinematics are pretty much a sequence of Saurfang finally being able to realize that the burning wasn’t him, but Sylvanas:

  • Saurfang’s Flashback:

    Sylvanas War of the Thorns Old Soldier.jpg

  • “Old Soldier”: So… You know me? Is that it? What I’ve seen? What I’ve done?
  • “Lost Honor”: I have given EVERYTHING for the Horde! Bled for it… killed for it… And Sylvanas is destroying it! She will destroy everything!
  • “Safe Haven”: Do you know? Do you know what she’s done while you’ve been hiding?

That last line, as I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people pointing out, Saurfang might as well have been saying to himself with Thrall as a stand in for a mirror.

I would far rather Saurfang do something to atone for the War of the Thorns (like helping the Night Elves take their lands back as part of 58.3 Battlefield: Barrens Ashenvale) than just be killed off.


He doesn’t need to serve through battle to continue to serve; just look at Drek’thar.

Few orcs have as much notoriety amongst the Orcish peoples, and he hasn’t fought a battle in ages. Saurfang’s mistake is the belief that he needs to die an honorable death in battle (like his brother, like his son); but dying after an honorable life of Service is also an option for orcs (like Drek’thar). Also, Zappieboy needs a LOT more work put into him to be palatable; and with Blizz’s absolutely atrocious track record of killing off Horde A and B listers (and not putting in the effort to replace them with anything) … I’m not optimistic.

As for Nathanos … we’ll see. He has a lot of similarities with Jaime Lannister; but whether he will go the route of BOOK Jaime, or show Jaime (and there is a MAJOR choice Book Jaime makes that show Jaime really doesn’t)… I dunno. However, his new form is changing him (the form Sylvie forced upon him); and the symbolism in Sylvie’s Warbringers is interesting. It begins with BOTH Saurfang AND Nathanos standing beside her (the three architects of the War of Thornes). It ends with Sylvanas standing alone (with neither Saurfang OR Nathanos at her side anymore).

Best guess, these first two Warfronts will be Alliance victories, while the next two will be Horde victories. With all the talk of Barrens and Quel’thelas Warfronts, those would make sense to go to the Horde (considering they’re already Horde territories and should continue to be), but there’s been largely radio silence over Warfronts as we approach 8.2.

So it’s anyone’s guess as to what the future of Warfronts will look like. Hopefully it’s not just these two.

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Darkshore should be an Alliance victory and Arathi should be a Horde victory. Screw Stromgarde and the treacherous disgusting human thieves. Plus Arathi began as Horde attacking, Alliance defending. Darkshore begins with Alliance attacking, Horde defending. So I am just thinking that the “attackers” at the start will always be the canonical winners.

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