Who is going to tell the alliance?

Is it a secret to them that we are fighting the same premade teams with our PuG groups? I mean… horde vs horde means we fight those horde premade teams too lol. I wonder why we are not complaining about it like they are? lmao - this is a perfect example of the alliance welfare honor entitlement mentality. All of a sudden honor isn’t just handed to them and it takes some time to get now and they are losing their minds. Horde PuGs playing against these premade teams and losing are just happy to be able to play at all.


I think someone needs to read the forums a little more thoroughly.


its 90% alliance complaining about the horde premades. Look at the thread like 3 spaces below this one for a quick example titled: BG’s are unplayable for alliance now!

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Someone in my guild queued into an Alliance premade as Alliance yesterday, kind of fun to see.

Funny, I saw more Horde complaining about sitting in hour+ queues only to get into fights with Alliance premades than I saw Alliance ever complaining about Horde premades


Sitting in hour+ queues is a far bigger problem then facing a premade. I wont complain about a premade but I will complain about 1-2 hour queues. At least fighting a premade, you get to fight. If you cannot see the difference in problem size with that, you are blind to reality. How many horde are complaining now??? Now that alliance and horde have the same issue in the same way? Before when horde complained it was because of different situations between alliance and horde. Alliance were able to premade because of fast queue. Horde did not premade because its hard to keep a pvp group together for 2 hours waiting on a queue. Now that alliance and horde are faced with the same situation its only alliance complaining now.

you’re absolutely right (and there were far better solutions available than discount mercenary mode)

I’m just saying I’ve seen way more Horde than Alliance complaining about what you’re saying they are

Why is there so many Horde players who project about everything? Every other day there’s threads about Horde getting stomped by Alliance premades, to remove premades etc.

This isn’t to say there aren’t Alliance complaining about premades but get a grip and look in the mirror.

Or you can look at these:

And this could go on forever.

“I wonder why we’re not complaining about it.” :rofl:


but you only saw it BEFORE the fix lol im talking about now that the game is fair look who is complaining. Of course alliance weren’t complaining about premades BEFORE lol their were no premades before!

uh, no. look one post above you, bruh

WOAH LOOK! I can post on an alliance toon! I wonder if alliance can post on horde? lmao weak argument

Premades are a function of community engagement. No one should have a problem facing them. If they do, then make your own and then queue. However, hour+ queue times are ridiculous and discourage players from even trying to play that aspect of the game. If you can’t the difference between complaining about something that is easily countered vs. something that players have no control over then i’m not sure what i could say to convince you that they’re not equal.

What solution(s) would you suggest?

“The root cause is most PvPers go Horde, Alliance needs a bigger incentive to draw PvPers”


“More Horde complain about PvP issues than Alliance”

You get one.

The examples I posted were:

2 days ago
2 days ago
3 days ago

Here’s one from 9 hours ago:

Are you really going to continue to hang onto your incorrect premise?

They just want it all lol… Its the entitlement faction… As soon as everything isn’t handed to them they are going to complain for advantages… Horde has only been complaining wanting equality

one way Horde > Alliance transfers

people willing to swap for the sake of balance would do so, and those who are adamant about staying Horde will stay Horde. population balances out, and the Alliance doesn’t become a dead faction

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I wouldn’t have a problem with that. I don’t think that I’d switch to alliance but I’m sure some people would. However, that idea seems like a good solution in theory but I’m not sure how well it would actually work. I don’t think you’d see a mass exodus of horde players to alliance.

So are you implying that all the horde that complain about it are really Alliance? What if all the Alliance complaining about it are really horde!

Do you really want to go down that stupid rabbit hole?

Horde ARE complaining about premades and always have. Alliance are complaining about premades and always have. The contention that one faction isn’t complaining is idiotic.

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