Complete the PvP experience, PREMADE VS PREMADE ONLY

Title says it all.

Blizzard, please make TBC pvp enjoyable for those of us who actually enjoy pvp rather than the clowns who just want to farm pugs all day.

No true pvp player wants to premade vs pugs.

This is a no brainer.

Two years of classic pvp was destroyed by this nonsense. Do the right thing.

An hour que means i wont participate in pvp. A 1 minute que to lose 90% of my games versus premades means i won’t participate in pvp. Why is this difficult to grasp?


You got what you asked for losers, stop whining so much

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your tears are delicious

They should just limit premades to 5 man groups. This would prevent the really horrible, unfun losses 90% of the time.

IMO, they should also implement RBGs (for aesthetic rewards only) for those that like full premades.

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You literally got what you asked for, it’s no one elses fault that you were too short-sighted to think of all the ramifications lel

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Yes, 5 man groups are perfectly fine. Any raid should be only versus another raid.


this nonsense has gone on long enough. Wake up Blizzard

imagine crying about people playing with their friends when the entire reason people refused to reroll was because they wanted to play with their friends. don’t like it? make some friends.


Yea. 12 hours is way too long. Blizzard, pay attention to this guy. He plays the easy mode faction and deserves handouts that y’all so readily give him. Don’t disappoint this guy.


Rated BGs and personal rating would be better than same faction BGs.

this has literally nothing to do with the premade vs pug nonsense

grow up

Undead Rogue rolled Undead ‘just because he likes how they look and his friends rolled Horde’, but he doesn’t actually have friends and can’t premade. It’s art, really.


You are the one on here crying about premades. I’m sure you cried about an hour queue.

Go back to retail.

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I’m sorry, what nonsense? You mean this horde vs horde game breaking nonsense?

So you crybabies get Blizzard to break the game for you by implementing a stupid change that will lead to the dissolution of my faction…and 12 hours after this stupid change becomes a thing you want more changes to it?


I ain’t mad; I was waiting 50 minutes to spam into alliance premades during the first week :slight_smile:

horde pugs about to master the art of farming quick losses for more hph.

welcome to the alliance, friend.

utterly irrelevant to the conversation.

affects both factions equally.

premade vs premade only. 3 or more needs to face a premade, even if that premade is a full premade.

remove premades or put any group of 3 or more vs other premades only, even if that premade is a full premade.

we need premade vs premade only, a premade is any group of two or more.