Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

To be honest that is the only reason I can think why they keep flying out this long. Minutes played is clearly big with them anymore.

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No it isn’t. Blizzard only started talking about time-spent in game when it became clear they no longer had the development team that was talented enough to maintain their subscriber base.

In terms of profitability, or marketability, the amount of time spent in game makes zero difference.


Then theres no need to gate it.


 yawwwnnnnnnn :roll_eyes:

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Here’s what they did and when they did it.

After the attempted flight debacle in wod that was partly to blame for the loss of 5 million subs, they announced that they thought Pathfinder had worked great, and they would be implementing it exactly the same way in Legion.

Fast forward to Legion. There are now 2 parts to Pathfinder instead of one, and the amount of scut work required is greater than Draenor Pathfinder. Also, unlike Warlords, where Tanaan opened up access with flight, the end zone has been intentionally designed to prevent implementation of flight.

At the end of Legion, they announced that they thought Legion Pathfinder turned out great, and they would be creating one for BfA exactly the same.

Fast forward to BfA, where the amount of scut work in Pathfinder is greater and the wait for flight to be implemented is longer.

Anybody remember how on the beta, our first glimpse of BfA Pathfinder was one that required people to complete Loremaster for both Alliance and Horde and grind rep with both, on the same character? When people got jusifiably outraged, they announced that this was a “bug” that had somehow created itself, achievement panel entries and all. I guess the required faction change to get Pathfinder finally pushed people over the edge. This was in fact a trial balloon to see how far they could push people, and to make it appear that BfA pathfinder wasn’t “that bad”, because it could have been worse.


I like the fact that we still can’t fly.

I’d honestly be fine if flying never returned.


It all boils down to this.

I PvP and I hate flying cause people can get away.

There is NO other reason why there is no flying. Blizz is being run by people who want E-Sports and PvP over RPG elements and things like flying.

If we can get rid of PvP, the no flying issue will never be brought up again.


I am 100% fine with no flying.

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Then they should have made the PvP servers into non-flying servers, as was suggested to them for years.

As for today, turn off flight in war mode. Fixed.


Tewa, I love it when I completely agree with you.

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I love it when people argue how flying ruins everything. I always want to know if they played any of Burning Crusade or Wrath’s content, you know the expansion where they had entire zones designed for flying mounts? Do they realize what happens if flying is removed? Every instance in Netherstorm becomes inaccessible, including Tempest Keep. You couldn’t even summon people there when it was live!

How would the RP realms react when their flying dragons all suddenly get lame? How many years of flying mount designs get crapped all over when they’re no longer able to be airborne?

And most importantly
 how would you go visit that slightly creepy nursery in Outland’s Nagrand?! Those baby Tauren are frickin’ adorable!


5 months is just irritating. It’s not as if the quests weren’t tiresome after the first month.

Do we truly need a full year to “experience the content”?

Who didn’t have pathfinder complete by Christmas
even playing super casually?

This is them just pushing MAUs by any means necessary.

The game is honestly dying due to death by a thousand paper cuts. Their stance on flying is just one of many micro-nuisances.


Yuup. I’ve been putting up with a lot of wtfery to the point in questioning whether or not I’m a masochist, because I have so much history with WoW, but this was going to be the final straw for me, if that had made it to live.

Except I won’t have war mode enabled anyways. If anything, flying might make me reconsider enabling war mode, so even though I can “get away” from you, you might have an opportunity to gank me that you would not otherwise have had.

Yuup. Since Blizzard removed/consolildated pvp/pve servers to simplify/unify things, IMO it might be worth Blizzard test piloting no-fly realms. Let’s just cut to the chase and have separate fly vs. no-fly realms instead of arguing back and forth whether or not it somehow ruins the game or other peoples’ experience in the game.


Just feel resignation now. Just one more reason why. 8.1 killed my SSD (not really, it just was too large) and my motivation is gone. On a side note, why was the old WoW installation over 90GB but now my fresh install is only 56GB?

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I have other things that concern me these days. More so than flying in a video game.

No and I’m tired of hearing about it.

Because it replaced older stuff and optimized for multi threading.

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You are incorrect. I remember from the introduction of flying, people stating flying hurt immersion into the game. Might be hard to accept, but some us truly hold that belief.

Honestly i’m one of those people that don’t care whether we have flying or not, but I do agree it should already be implemented in BfA at this point - Prob either with the recent patch, or no doubt when Raid gets released, hands down

You folks seem to be believe that anyone who isn’t right where you are in your anger (or “upsetness”??.. not a word, though) over flight must not enjoy flight. You’d be incredibly incorrect.

I also enjoy flying. I love to explore from the air and find the little things the artists put in that you simply can not see from the ground. But I don’t feel like I’m “denied” that because the people who create the world of Azeroth want me to stay on the ground for a while.

Having flight changes things for about a day. Past that, it’s a means to an end
a way to get from point A to point B faster. And I may find a little hidden treasure along the way.

Just like I don’t want to be on the ground and unable to see those little treasures, the creators of this game don’t want their work to be ignored (or “flown over”). I think that it’s okay for them to ask us to be on the ground for a few months. We get to fly over what they’ve created significantly longer than they “force” us to wade through it.

They also give us tools, i.e. the whistle, flight paths, toys, gliders, class abilities, etc.) while they have us on the ground.

Travel time is just not that bad. Flying saves a few seconds at best. The ground is not that hard to navigate.

They are no more “spiteful” for asking us to stay on the ground for a short while and we are (players in general) for basically demanding they give in to our every whim.

If you hate it that bad, put your money where your mouth is and stop paying (in cash, or time). FF14 is :arrow_right:.