I already unsubbed. I enjoy doing WQ’s, but don’t enjoy the fact that it takes 5 or 6 times longer to do them without flying. I don’t mind paying to play, but I do mind paying to waste my own time. Ill come back when flying is brought back.
not half as irritated as that I don’t have my bee mount yet.
I don’t disagree with anything you said. I loved TBC. I started playing then and have been hooked ever since. The journey is what hooked me. TBC was amazing. But…
If you remember, in TBC we were grounded for a really long time (about the same as we are with Pathfinder) due to the cost of flight training, and the first flying mount (or the grind for a free one) AND flight only gave a 60% movement speed increase until you were rich and could afford “epic” flight on every character, which was slower than a ground mount. Flight was so expensive, and so hard to get on multiple characters, that they added a “flying mount rental” NPC in K-3 for the poor folks so they could quest in Stormpeaks and Icecrown.
We’ve just gotten so used to having it at super speed that we’ve forgotten what it was really like to get it to begin with “back in the day”, and that slow flying was slower that using a ground mount. And our “rose colored glasses” leave reality in the fog and only allow the good stuff to find it’s way to us.
I’m not bored with the game. I am doing achievements, leveling a Dark Iron Shammy and a Nightborne Hunter, farming some pets and mounts and mogs, getting ready for the next raid with my new team. I have tons to do. I enjoy the game…which is why I continue to play it.
I’m also okay with having it “the old BC way”, which is basically what Pathfinder is (with the bonus of only having to do it on a single character, rather than every character). The only difference is that you have to follow a set path to get flight now, rather than the “any path” you could before.
PvPers also tend to forget that “back in the day” they were poor if all they did was what they liked. There was nearly zero gold in PvP. They have to PvE to get flight today; they had to PvE to get flight then also, unless they were okay getting it super late and always being slow.
I believe you that you will spend that long, but that doesn’t mean it takes that long. And I highly doubt that you will actually “just” be exploring. A few weeks of flying around pretending to look at things while waiting on queues sounds feasible.
I don’t feel the need to force you to do anything. I don’t make that decision. I don’t create the game.
Blizzard can, however, “force” you to play in a way that gives them, as the designers of this game, what they want. Griping at me for being okay with their decision is really a moot point.
They’ll give in when they feel they have to. So far the whining hasn’t worked (it’s been going on for 4+ years…3 expansions). Put your money where your mouth is. FF14 has flight.
Funny after all these years still cannot fly in WOD or legion unless you have Pathfinder. If they refuse to at least make this easier or do away with. You can expect them to just continue to just say it our way or the highway mentality. Not seeing that going away. It reason why I think it will not be available to close to end of this expansion.
No, the biggest difference is that when you can fly is totally out of the player’s control, and therefore isn’t something we can work towards.
That’s the most frustrating thing: It doesn’t matter what I do. I got Pathfinder in August. Where’s my flying? Nothing I can do is going to progress that goal.
I just have to sit here.
And wait.
For god only knows how long.
And that’s horrible. If Blizzard wants people to play more, then they need to have Pathfinder completeable in the launch patch but make it more challenging. If you give people things to work towards, they will do it. If you tell people to just wait for an unspecified amount of time… that’s going to make them angry.
/10 char
They’ve already said flight was coming in 8.2, which shouldn’t be that far off.
Pretty sure the year in-game isn’t 2019. Have no idea what it is but there’s no timeline equivalency to real life.
Game is measured by patch numbers and we’re not in the right one to fly in BfA - that’s all I know. Been flying all over the old world lately to level up some Alliance lowbies’ professions. Flying works where I need it so I’m okay with how it is.
I enjoy the way they have it implemented now. I just came back and didn’t have Pathfinder for Legion, so I worked on that for a few weeks. Very satisfying.
as someone already pointed out. I couldn’t afford flying in Outland or Northrend for a very long time. and it was a lot slower initially.
I like flying. Wish I had it from the beginning, but then I wouldn’t see everything that I need to to enjoy the game. So, I live with how they did it, and will enjoy it when I get flying in BfA.
yeah when is 8.2 and what part of 8.2. We still not got all 8.1 yet.
That’s because you didn’t experience it the way current players did. They should add a 1-year delay for flying after you get the achievement, for old expansions. How would you enjoy that?
If that was the way the game was designed, I would have to 1. accept it, and 2. probably enjoy it or 3. Unsub. But I would never 4. complain and whine about not having it.
Flying isn’t necessary. It is a nice to have, not a need to have!
I don’t disagree with you on that. I think there are a lot of tweaks that could be made to the “pathfinder system” that would make it more palatable to players who hate it and that would give players more control over when they could unlock it. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a specified time where it’s not unlockable.
But the reality is that players didn’t have “control” even in BC. Sure, we could continue working toward the goal of an amount of gold, but that gold wasn’t as easy to come by as a lot of players want to claim. The AH wasn’t as big as it is today. Players were more self sufficient (or reliant?). No one could make 250k gold on a green item because it was a “rare TMog” or 2500g for a single potion.
We had more control, but we didn’t have complete control.
Throw hands in the air. walks away.
I’m not irritated its not out yet. Hasn’t made much of a difference in how I play.
But if it came out tomorrow (even if I don’t have the requirements yet) I wouldn’t care.
Its a bit irritating when I’m on foot and someone flies in and kills the quest mobs I was running at, but it happens at every level of the game, so…
You meant hooves, right?
I don’t consider myself a casual player, but I don’t consider myself to be a hardcore player by any means, either. But I remember having enough gold that I could get flying the moment I turned 70. And I remember that’s how it was for a fair chunk of people. Or getting it within a week or two at the most.
It’s possible the economy was a lot better on the realm I was on back then, since realms were a lot more separate and unique in that regard. Certainly that was a factor. But surely that can’t have been some anomaly among other realms.
Why are you assuming I am being snarky? I just got back from quitting for 3 months for various reasons. I’m just stating facts here.
If you want to point fingers at what killed WoW, start with the LFG tool and go from there.
Ill say this again . I am sort of getting tired of saying it. The LFD tool is in WIDE USE across many MMOs and does not have the effect you claim it does.