Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

I thought they said they learned their lesson from Legion and felt like they added flying in broken isles too late cuz everyone had moved on to Argus.

Come on Blizzard, sheesh.

And I bet you pathfinder part 2 will be another stupid long rep grind…Ugh…


The solution is to unsub until 8.2.


Only time I ever saw an MMO developer completely turn their back on a major mechanic of their game to artificially inflate play time was NCSoft with Aion where you could fly in old zones but were grounded in the new content.

I am not sure why they do not just flat out remove it from the game if they hate it so much. Why do we even have mounts or flight masters. The logic they use to justify no flying is just childish.


They tried that.

It didn’t go over too well.


I mean, the expansion has only been out for 5 months… Just sounds like impatience at this point. I don’t mind the running/flight masters whistle until flying is implemented… but that’s in my opinion.


That is the point, when we move onto nazjatar then we can fly in the BFA zones. Legion was the perfect way of doing it. Enjoy the beautiful zones, learn every nook and cranny that the art team had created.

Once you know these zones well and our journey takes us else where, then you may fly over them.


I… don’t remember them saying this at all. Do you have a link or something for this?

Because near as I can tell, Blizzard continues to not like flying, but continues to put it in the game because of the backlash they will receive if they permanently remove it. And so they continue to heavily gate it and only release it for content when it is effectively no longer current content.

They attempted to. And then the player base overwhelmingly responded to it, making their sales very significantly drop.


I think this makes even more sense


I was irritated when I got Pathfinder but still can’t fly.

(Actually, I was irritated before that, because I knew that as soon as I got Pathfinder I still wouldn’t be able to fly, but you get the point.)

Pathfinder should let us fly. Make it harder, make it take longer, but make it so we can fly when it’s done.


If you cannot easily and quickly navigate BfA zones with a 10 min hearth, a 5min whistle, and 4-8 FPs per zone, then that’s on you.

Flying is pretty much superfluous at this point.


“Only” 5 months. Most people got to 120 within the first 1-2 weeks. Virtually everybody but edge cases within the first month. At this point, most people have multiple alts at 120 with heroic+ raid level ivls. I personally have 8. I would have all 12 (I level/maintain 1 for each class) there, but I’ve been holding out to level new ARs when they come out.

The real issue is that Blizzard has stretched 8.1, 8.1.5, and 8.2 content out further than they should have, in an effort to retain subscriptions, instead of just making good, replayable content to begin with. Which has incidentally messed with the flight release schedule, since the tacit agreement is flying would be released when most of the major content has been released.


I have no problem exploring the zones and seeing all the new content. From the back of my dragon…that flies.


This is valid in the aspect that they’re stretched Uldir, for example, farther than necessary. However, it’s still only 5 months in. The amount of alts that someone has shouldn’t dictate whether or not flying is justified, or the amount of times they went through the content. I have two characters total at 120 due to the birth of my daughter at the beginning of the expansion making me miss a significant chunk of content at the beginning. There are people who are likely in similar boats to me. However, I do agree content is being dragged out longer than necessary with little to no replayability. But I could be saying that because I really hate Uldir.

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There is no reason other than spite to withhold flight at this point.


At 4.5 months, Uldir will be one of the shortest raid tiers in WoW’s history.


I don’t know why people so desperately want to fly over everything. It’ll just speed up the journey so they can spend even more time bored and complaining about lack of content once they reach the destination… Plus utterly destroy WPvP, I hope I don’t have to unsub when they do eventually add it. Imagine having to fly over everything for the next 1.5 years. shudders

Well that’s a massive misinterpretation, lack of gamedev understanding, and failure of imagination.

I think this makes the most sense of all.


I don’t recall them saying anything like that.

I do recall them saying that the timing of flight being obtainable and the timing of a new “no-flight” zone was a bit off (they shouldn’t have happened at the same time). But I do not recall them ever saying they should have added flight sooner.

Nice story, though.


I may not have flying, but I’ve got a hover-boat… don’t take it over water, though, it doesn’t work over water.


Flying is a bad mechanic that contributed to the devolution of a once great MMO into a series if unconnected and ultimately unsatisfying minigames. I hope it never comes back and they refund any gold you spent on your flying mounts.

That wont happen probably, but at least let us enjoy the game for a bit longer before they make it unfun again with flying.


We still have almost 1 year and 8months left of BFA - It’s way too early to allow flying.