Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

That’s not actually what I said.

Yes, I realize. But the world isn’t where you’re saying the war is. Instances are where you’re saying the world is.

For many, flight takes the war out of the world.

What does that have to do with flying? Do you think we want flying mounts so that we can just fly around the world and hover over the action while merely observing? No one is suggesting that. Everyone would simply hop on their flying mounts and fly to the action the way a Champion of the Alliance should. Like we do in modern times. We don’t force our Generals to walk to the front or ride on horseback. We fly them there via plane and/or helicopter. If they spend any time in a vehicle, they get a chauffeur to boot. They already put in their time as a lowly Lieutenant and humped their ruck. They don’t have to walk anymore. As a former medic who served for several years in a light infantry unit, I’m pretty familiar with how war works.

Did you read the whole post?..

If you are flying above everything, you can’t engage as “randomly” as they would like. You have to see something and choose to “head down into battle”. Battle can’t just find you; you have to actually seek it out.

That diminishes the “danger” in the world. It takes away from the feeling of always being in danger that a lot of PvP players want in their natural game play experience.

Umm… No. And I also did not suggest that (which you said since you used “no one”…).

You’re probably not ever going to see the “other side of the coin”, so to speak. I will stop trying to explain now. :heart:

The 78 hearts I received prove otherwise!


Fine. If PvP players want that, they don’t have to fly. The rest of us want to fly. I don’t PvP. To each their own playstyle. Many of us don’t want to play a game where battle finds us whether we want it to or not. We want to raid, do dungeons, quest, and even PvP on our schedule. That’s not an unreasonable expectation for a game. Me flying doesn’t diminish your danger level. When you say a lot of PvP players want danger in their natural game play experience, you mean that a lot of PvP players want others to be in danger in their natural game play experience. Because that’s who flying impacts: the players who want to fly. If you don’t want to fly, then don’t fly.


I love WPVP and definitely want flight back lol.

With Blizz just announcing that the 400 gear will be nerfed down to 385 unfortunately WM might start to go back to dying and that’s with just ground mounts.

Flying has no effect on people mounting up and running away. Nice try but bad argument.


Umm… I do want to fly. I said I don’t PvP, not much at least and that when I did it was random BGs. I also said that Blizzard could “fix” the issue by simply making flight unavailable while WM was turned on.

I just don’t even know what to say or why it’s so difficult to see someone else’s side of the argument for so many people. I seriously didn’t mean to upset you; it seems that you are very upset I’m just not sure why.

But just so you know…

I do want to fly. I love flying. I have a large collection of mounts that I enjoy using. I get what you’re saying. I don’t, necessarily, disagree with you (which I also already said). Using “global” terms such as “we” and “everyone” includes, you know… “all of us”, which, coincidentally, means me too.

I just can see their side of things, even if their side doesn’t align with what I want in the game.

I am aware. I happen to be one of the “many of us”…

I’m not upset with you. I’m frustrated that Blizzard has doubled down on the no-flight philosophy that they’ve embraced for almost five years now. I only see downsides, and the upsides players have put forward do not seem compelling.


Dude it is 2019 and we have no flying, no housing, no parkour, crappy AI and some of the sloppiest cinematics in any modern MMO.

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And still no dance studio. :frowning:

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I hope we don’t get flying until the next raid tier!

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What is this “rep grind?” I had exalted with everyone in the first week…

Being able to fly actually makes me stay in the game longer, not less. If I can do WQ’s quicker it means I do more WQ’s, not just do the bare minimum then hearth out. I also stick around longer to play on my alts, because they can level quicker because they’re not being dazed and dismounted by a bunch of mobs.

I don’t even mind the current Pathfinder route, just don’t leave us without flying until the content is basically irrelevant.


I don’t make a big deal about it.

Flying will come when it comes.

Or not at all.

Can’t exactly put it pass them at this point, hmm?

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No I cant.

Two days ago I got an email from SE offering me a new deal, yesterday a friend showed off a new flying mount that flies in the current expac, Eorzea has a ROTATING night and day cycle so they dont play in eternal night…FF14 is looking more and more attractive with every passing day.


so if what you’re saying is there’s not much difference one way or another, why exactly are we waiting?

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I am well aware I would be starting over after years in WOW, but quite frankly, BFA is starting to test even my patience limits.

All I want to know is when do we fly.

Five months end of Feb and all we know is it is in a “future patch” with no release date , no details as to whats in it, no details as to how long it will take us, or when we even GET the reward for doing it all.

Why are we waiting even longer in BFA than we did in Legion?

Why cant we fly NOW?

Why are we waiting a YEAR for flight?