Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

When flight is available you still have the choice to explore from the ground though.

You have said that when flight was available people still had to wait, but that’s subjective. I hit level 70 and bought flight. No wait. I hit 80 and bought flight, no wait. The only wait was hitting max level. If a person had to wait, that’s on them not the designers of the game.

Now we have the designers of the game being the reason we wait for flight. Surely you can see that the delay, non-committal of a date, and constant time gating is the reason people are pissed.

Said a different way, if they announced BfA I can guarantee you there would be a lot of players that would essentially wait to purchase until it was available, not only would flight be there, but the expansion would be cheaper.

That’s a shame really. This still is a good game, and it doesn’t have to be that way.

If more people stay subbed because of flight, what good is it to delay it? It’s not like when flight is there people are quiting because they are bored.

I read a quote in a book the other day about a guy who found a secret room in his attic that lead to an overlook of his property. He said something to the effect of ‘it’s amazing what the changing of a viewpoint to something you already know, can excite you as if it’s totally new’.

I believe you when you say you enjoy it, that you like to explore and look for things. I feel the same way. It doesn’t nullify any content, it make the content you are doing more fun. You still can’t fight when mounted, you can’t skip quests, you can’t do anything other than fly, and even then you have the choice to not fly.


It’s a video game, not real life. Perhaps it breaks immersion for you, but it doesn’t for many others. If you want ‘exercise’ in a video game, go play Dark Souls.


They should have never added flying. But it’s too late to put that genie back in the bottle. I’m okay with Pathfinder being a compromise.

Yep. You can catch up to current content quite easily with flying.

Blizzard did say when we do.


What they haven’t said is when 8.2 will go live, but we can expect it in the next couple of months (3 max) since 8.1.5 hits live on Tuesday.

Didn’t say it was real life. If I’m going to waste some of my time playing a game, I want it to be fun. Vanilla wow was way easier than dark souls. It was moderately challenging, which was a nice balance. Now, it presents zero challenge. Why dont you go play pillars of eternity on story mode?

We had this in WoD, Flying will come just wait.

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So you’ve done Mythic raiding? Pushed keys in Mythic+? Reached top rankings in PVP? There are challenges to be found, if that’s what you’re looking for.

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I wish they would.

Because they’re busy doing stuff instead of horseback riding. When there’s stuff to do (like world quests and incentives to grind mats), then you see people out in the world. That’s regardless of flying. The reason the world was dead in past expansions was that there was no incentive to be out there. I don’t begrudge you your virtual horseback rides, but I’m irked that you want to force them on me.


2019? I’ve been irritated about it since May, 2015.


Hey Guys this is the OP. Ive been reading every post you guys have made the past few days and want to thank you all for contributing to this discussion.

If this doesn’t show that players want a change to how flying is earned then I don’t know what will.

Why punish us Blizzard? Why make us go through all these hurdles?

As someone in here said, once we earned Pathfinder Part 1, it should have been given then. Not almost 1 year later when the players have moved on to another island and theyre forced to grind out stupid treausures or whatever for hours on end.

If you want to not let us fly in the new 8.2 zone or make us earn a pathfinder for it then thats okay but why make us miserable and restrict our flying in zandalar/kultiras? We have already explored the zones, we have searched every nook and cranny. Why make us wait more? I just dont get it…


Yes, its so much fun flying in the skybox limit.

I wish flying would never be implemented. That would kill world pvp and any form of questing difficulty.

Hahaha! Quest difficulty? when has that ever been difficult? Unless you consider holding the w key down for 10 minutes to get from the barrens to ashenvale difficult lol. Adding more, and more instanced bg’s, and now warmode where you can click it on, and off did more to kill wpvp than flight ever did, or could. I could just as easily say removing resilience from pvp gear killed wpvp. Opinions mon.


what the hell are you talking about ashenvale and barrens? it’s out of context. I’ll be clearer for idiots like you. I specifically mean the current zone zandalari and kultiran for wpvp not to have flying because flying has one handedly killed pvp. kill someone and then just fly off. I’ve been wpvping lately and ive had Alliance/Horde push pulling arom stand for hours and that was fun wpvp. That will never happen with flying. Also about quest, the devs cant really make meaningful quests where people will just fly in and out kill a specific mob and fly away like whats happening with the arathi rares. Theres no real sense of danger or anything. Yes its annoying and thats how it should be until its not relevant anymore. So many people asking for welfare on current content. Geez. Whats next flying on raids? coz walking is so tiresome? Use your FP, Glider, Whistle. Class skills like stealth whatever and deal with it.

Yes, because certainly no one has ever done that exact same thing on a ground mount.

Seems to me that if the devs made meaningful quests, our method of transportation to get to the quest wouldn’t be relevant.



See even in BFA I, and others I am sure, don’t interact with the trash on the road between spots. Flying just makes this way less annoying. Like my VE…I loved quest flying in wrath and MoP. No trash just story, man it was nice.

Little to no reward by doing this even. If I saw 70 silver drops as my key to gold making, legion is where I would go lol.

My 120’s don’t take in XP anymore.

When I level alts unless the char has been sitting in a city for several days I want to use my rested XP bonus on quest mobs only to maximize XP returns for minimal time so I avoid road trash.

No rep on kills.

Many are the reasons why in BFA I have several ways to hop WQ’s making sure I see the least number of trash mobs possible.

And those I do see…I charge right through them. Unless knocked off the mount I see them for like 2 seconds lol.


I’m highlighting specific words for emphasis, even though by your post you seem to think everyone is exactly like you, which I find a bit disturbing, since that’s biologically impossible.

You don’t speak for me nor anyone else. Only yourself.

Just because flying makes the game less fun for you, doesn’t make it true for “everyone else” as you stated.

I don’t need to “read” your post again, so I can “learn”, I know that for me, the game is much more fun with flying.

And of course I played with no flying. From 1-70 until Cata, then every other expack at cap except at 77 for Wrath. And everyone who starts playing now, plays without flying until level 60. Everyone doesn’t boost their toons.

If flying makes the game less fun for you, either don’t fly, or play a game that doesn’t have it.

Why are you compelled to control total strangers and their play styles in a video game? And do you think we’re all lying when we say the game is more fun with flying?

You’re just angry that with flying, people who don’t want to engage in PvP can avoid being your griefing victim. You should at least be honest about it, instead of saying things like, “fun isn’t subjective”, and going on about how there have been studies that all humans have fun the same way.


I specifically mean the current zone zandalari and kultiran for wpvp not to have flying because flying has one handedly killed pvp**

Then make war mode no fly.