Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

Because if you’re stuck on the ground, I can gank you…erm, I mean, I will see you as I ride past not interacting in any other way, and that will make the world feel Populated™ and Alive™.


Got a source on that?


Why would players want to stay close to the ground after they can fly as though there is some virtue in that? If running around on the ground is ‘content’ then it is the worst content in the game and I would like to not do it. Running around on the ground made the last 3 expansions trash compared to what they could have been.


In the early days, yes. Having an internet connection was a rarity when WC came out. That’s how LAN parties evolved. Playing multiplayer WC II and SC was quite the novelty back in the day. I only ever played multiplayer WC II when a bunch of my friends and I agreed to bring our computers to the computer science lab at school, and my first multiplayer SC game was at a LAN party that a friend of a friend hosted one time. When battle.net first started hosting SC games, I played a handful of them, but mostly I played Diablo II on it. Diablo II was another game, incidentally, that I mostly played in single player mode.


Herbalism and Mining, I am sure I said that when I made my first post.

That is what I’m doing

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I personally don’t mind not being able to fly yet. The game sometimes already feels dead enough out in the world that I get excited seeing people and I don’t feel so alone.

However, once flying is unlocked I never see people just running around. Sure it is nice to fly to make everything easier but it takes away from the liveliness of the game.

I also don’t really mind pathfinder. It is fairly easy to get if you are playing the game anyway. I do however wish that once the xpac is over you should be able to buy flying to unlock pathfinder. I luckily have played unlocked pathfinder during current content but I can understand why for people who didn’t it can be irritating.

Yes, and then you said that you didn’t think people would stay close to the ground and be skipping content. It isn’t skipping content. It’s actually skipping to get to the content instead of running across a mile of water on a strider to avoid all of the annoying crap you would have to deal with. With or without gathering there is nothing good about no flight.


You kind of contradict yourself here, you say the game sometimes already feels dead so how is flying going to take away from the liveliness?

Also most people don’t mind Pathfinder they just think we should be able to fly once we get it and not have to wait however many more months it is.

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I personally don’t mind not being able to fly yet.

I do mind. Headed for what…five months in? Seen it all on the ground, fed up with the delay.


Dead meaning the actual amount of players playing. All I am trying to say is I like running around and seeing people also running around. I feel like in passed expansions, once flying is introduced you never really see people out in the world unless at a wq or something.

And that makes sense now. But would people still be okay with pathfinder if they had to wait a couple more months for it to even be unlock-able?

When I run around, I see people doing their herbalism laps and at WQs/incursions, which is exactly where I expect I’ll still see them once flying unlocks.


See I disagree with you, with no flying most people just sit around town unless they are doing WQ or Incursions, with flying they might actually go out and explore and fly around because its not so tedious.

I’m not sure what you are saying in your last paragraph, no pro flyers probably wouldn’t be ok with it if they had to wait even longer.

Once we have seen everywhere in BFA and done all the open world content there is no reason to deny flying to us.


Ultimately, I want to have the freedom to make as many of my own choices as possible instead of being forced down a single path, whether it is literally the only way to move forward, or other methods being so janky or underpowered that I’m forced to do it this one way (e.g. specific talents chosen, stats picked, etc.).

That is one of the hallmarks of an RPG vs. a Platform… multiple paths to a solution vs. a single path. I feel over the years WoW has turned into the latter in all aspects.

But more importantly, I just want to feel like I’m having fun. I wouldn’t mind endlessly grinding something if it felt satisfying and fun. This is one of the reasons D3 is so much more successful than WoW with the endless grind. You can just mow through mobs of baddies in very satisfying ways. Literally a ton of loot raining from the sky, etc. Yeah at the end of the day is still a grind, and there is no shortage of people who don’t like that, but there’s a reason why it’s a go-to just chill and zone out for a while grinding game.

To an extent, an WoW or any MMO needs to have some grind to it. There just isn’t enough resources to feasibly pump out meaningful content at a pace that can match how fast the average player can consume it. There are tons of ways the grind can be made more fun and engaging.

Blizz took a step in the right direction with turning a lot of the funner quests into repeatable world quests. But many of them are still boring chore. They took a step in the right direction with the Tortilla quests (and last expansion, Kirin Tor) having fun mini games in general. Yes, I understand people have beef with some of them for various reasons, but point is the principle in general is a good step.

Blizzard took a step in the right direction with Island Expeditions, but they didn’t go far enough with them. When they first talked about them, they made out like they would be these randomly generated islands with randomly generated objectives, mobs, etc. and there’s a little bit of that going on, but nowhere near enough. And working against another crew to get the AP faster kind of kills a lot of possibilities for a lot of things they could have done with it.

Same with warfronts. They hyped it up to be this really engaging in-depth experience, but they just ended up being afk-mode boring snoozefests. They could have done soo much more with them.

Integrating professions into the resource gathering and upgrade mechanics. Herbalists gather spawning herbs to contribute. Alchemists can go to a station to create pots with various buffs to hand to NPC and PC players. Have to build the Alchemist station to begin with. Chance to acquire permanent spellbook spells for them to be used elsewhere.

I can donate some resources to get 2 troop types to follow me around. But when this stuff was hyped up, I was led to believe I’d be running around a warfront commanding a ton of npcs surrounding me. What happened with that? Why isn’t that a thing? I want to be able to run around with like 10, 15, 20 npc types following me around.

Why aren’t we operating seige vehicles ourselves? We get to create one type and they are automated. WTF? We have multiple bgs with various siege vehicle types. Why wasn’t that added in warfronts? I wanted to be able to build a catapult vehicle and drive around shooting at points to capture or whatever, myself. I wanted to make a meat wagon type vehicle to travel around and mow down large groups of enemies.

Where is the replayability incentive? I join the warfront on recently dinged 120 toon when i get to the minimum ilvl requirement. I grind the warfront until I can fill my gear slots with the gear piece you get for completion, plus the once-per-cycle quest piece. After that, next cycle I may join one time for that once-per-cycle quest piece, if it’s actually a potential upgrade still. After that… there’s no real incentive. AP? Pffffffft. NOT WORTH IT. There needs to be more incentive. Let the mobs drop stuff to loot. Some gold, grays, occasional greens. Occasional epics, same as world drops. Add some chests that we can find with similar. Include the profession integration I mentioned earlier. These are significant things to keep us coming back.


And that makes sense now. But would people still be okay with pathfinder if they had to wait a couple more months for it to even be unlock-able?

I have pathfinder. Still cant fly and Blizzard wont say when we do. Headed for six months and I am over this garbage, Pathfinder 1 should have unlocked flight.

How long do we wait now.

Two months?


A year?

WHEN we do get flight?


And only three of them can be active, and then you have to sit around and wait for them to do their thing, with no means of actively progressing.

On every level, the warfronts could have been so much more. The islands could have been more. The story could have been more. But the devs seem primarily invested in ensuring we play “as intended” - on their rails, by their definition of fun - than they are in avoiding or recovering from the myriad missed opportunities in BfA.

Then go play street fighter or something lmao

I’m irritated that it’s 2019 and people are still complaining about a lack of flying.

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Ehh, okay. Well–in the time since the internet has been around (lol), multiplayer has been, BY FAR, the biggest driver of WC and SC sales.

At no point was I demanding for the game to be changed to suit myself. Pull your head in and stop being an idiot.