Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

Nonsense. Flying was added in BC when the game still had lots of growth yet to experience. What turned WoW into a series of minigames was when they removed the social aspect and started adding easy-modes of everything to keep the solo “I want to play an MMO but not with people” crowd happy.

If you want to point fingers at what killed WoW, start with the LFG tool and go from there.


I said flying contributed to it. And it did. If you think it didn’t, you’re wrong.

Edit: Yes, the LFG tool is another main contributor.

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I could care less about flying. Between mounts, gliding, and being able to kill everything quick and easy it takes no time at all to travel.

They could wait till 8.3 for all I care.


I will agree that there should be a window for people who consume the content slower than others, but I respectfully disagree with it being this long. And I definitely disagree that alts shouldn’t be a factor. If we’re at a point where most people (even people in situations like you or similar) have max level alts) then we’re already past the point where people have consumed the content at least once.

Blizzard’s argument is that they design/balance the game around playing it on the ground. And we’ve done that. Repeatedly. And I don’t think it’s fair to widen that window to cover absolutely every single player edge case. It is unfair to make 99.9% of the player base sit around and wait for those 0.01% edge case players. Yeah, I’m pulling numbers out my bum, and there’s probably a fair bit of hyperbole here, but my anecdotal observations for myself and hearing/seeing from others over the years is about what I said initially - that most people ding to max level 1-2 weeks in, and by a month in, even most of the slow pokes have crossed the finish line with their first toon.

I would also like to remind that flying is also gated behind the pathfinder achievement. So even if there is someone showing up really late to the game, they still need to jump through that hoop.

And on that note… this is why people are even more frustrated. It’s not just the timegate. It’s the timegate + pathfinder that’s really rubbing salt into the wound.

Because pathfinder pretty much forces the player to consume all of the content already. And that’s Blizzard’s main argument right there: providing an experience tuned to the ground. Well completing pathfinder forces the player to go through all the story lines, get exalted in the faction reps, etc. - forces them to consume all the content.

For me, it’s because I’ve already done pretty much everything I care to do. On eight characters. It is just a boring, repeating grind. I barely even login anymore at this point. But I love exploring. When we finally get flying, I will be spending the next several weeks just flying everywhere, exploring all the little nuances of the land that I could not realistically do before, because of inability to reach certain points, or not being worth it due to mobs, etc. I love that stuff. And I guarantee you that’s several week’s worth of gaming out of me.

And yeah, I’d be lying if I denied it wouldn’t also be about more easily being able to suffer through the daily WQ grind.

But you know what I will also say… being able to fly might actually entice me to finally turn war mode on.

Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion, man. Flying has been around since BC - the 2nd expansion. If you really believe flying is so bad, I’m sure you’ll be happy when Vanilla servers are opened and you can spend all your time there, instead.

I really don’t understand why you feel the need to impose your no-fly policy on others. All you have to do is not fly and your gameplay won’t be ruined, regardless of whether or not other people are flying. Why do you feel the need to impose your ideals onto others? This is bad, and you should feel bad.


Well to be fair you could only fly in sub areas within the zone, outside of the abyss. I mean you didn’t zone into Morheim and could instantly fly across the zone, it was limited to only a few sub areas.

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Okay. So what would you do with flight? If you’ve already done it all 8 times over, what difference will being able to do it faster make?

I don’t ever understand this argument. Flight isn’t added content. It’s just a faster means of travel. Please help me understand.


I told you what I’d do. In the same post you quoted from. In the very same paragraph, in fact. I invite you to go back keep reading. Or read it again.


The wpvp is a blast right now. Flying will destroy that


I did read it. And I saw that you’d “fly everywhere”. And I’m sorry, but even the slowest explorers don’t take “several weeks” do do this (or maybe they do, if they do it 8 times). But then what?

It’s still not new content.


No flight is the main reason I’m not subbed, along with a plethora of other bad design decisions that are running the players off.

And for me, the next raid tier might as well not exist, because I’m not going to play as a piece of trash horde and fight my own faction. What’s more, they’re going to artificially inflate the difficulty of heroics, so that’s more content I won’t do, alongside mythics. Not like gear is worth chasing anyway, since everything scales to your ilvl, so you aren’t actually getting stronger at all. AP is similarly worthless, since it is devalued every week and Azerite gear is one of the worst concepts in the history of RPG’s.

But all that aside . . .

No flying just speaks to the low quality of the game because it used to be that Blizzard could make expansions flight ready before they released. Now it takes them nearly a year after launch to finish that work, which is the main reason why we don’t have it: Cost-cutting.

It’s not about immersion, it’s about Blizzard desperately clinging to the players that want it who are slowly waking up to the fact that we will never be allowed to fly in current content ever again. Clinging to the few players left in a game that can’t attract new blood and can barely retain the ever dwindling number of veterans.

WoW is a lower quality game without flight, considerably less production value and that is absolutely a quantifiable fact. I’m past the point where I’m going to willingly pay a company for deliberate poor quality and poor entertainment value.


It’s faster travel. You answered your own question.

What would I do with flying?
I would fly out to Uldir faster and save time.
I would fly out to dungeons faster and save time.
I would fly around to world quests and save time.
I would fly to the emissary turn ins and save time.

And MOST OF ALL I would save time flying around the Horde capital that we’re stuck with this expansion.

All of this wasted time is not fun. I just AFK on a flight path as it is. I would rather play the game instead of AFK on a taxi.

It’s like commuting to work. If I can cut my commuting time in half, do I? You’re damn right I do. And so do you. And so does everyone.


You know what if Blizzard came out and said this then a lot of people would probably be ok with this.

Thank you for being logical and respectful in your arguments. I’ve played since Vanilla, and I will always agree that flying adds a depth to this game that you cannot get while just restricted to land travel. However, I do not think we need it yet, but I definitely think that we need it prior to any new larger sections of content. All in all, flight is an easier means of travel, yes. But it’s not just that for everyone.


So unnecessary to lock flying behind 2 patches, why they didn’t just make pathfinder reward with flying right since start of the expansion so people could work towards it.
Are they intentionally trying to slow us down so we took more time to run all of this lacky content?
At least we can still fly on the warfront zones, for now…


I just want Zandalari lol


By the time flying becomes available I really won’t give a damn about BFA. So no flying in this expansion for me.


It’s nothing like commuting to work.

Cutting your commuting time in half allows you to sleep a few more minutes in the morning. Or maybe stop for that cup of coffee at that place you really like. Or maybe to sit down for breakfast with your kids. It allows you to get home sooner in the evening so you can spend more time doing fun things, with family, whatever.

Cutting your play time in half just makes it easier for you to log out faster.

The journey used to be what was fun about this game. Now what is “fun” seems to be “how fast I can log back out”.

It takes all of 20 seconds to get to Uldir from the place I enter the zone. How am I living without that extra 5 seconds flight would give me?

There is a FP almost at the entrance of every instance. That 2 seconds longer that the FP plus walking 3 feet is just more than I can bear.

WQs are just so spread out…and the rewards are so unique to each one that I have to go halfway around Azeroth to get the one WQ with the one reward I want!.. But seriously, there are almost always 4 WQs clumped pretty close together and the rewards are just not that different in most zones. I just don’t know how we do a whole Emissiary group without saving that 2 minutes flight would give us back.

Because there’s no way to quickly get to the closest FP, and there’s no FP near the turn in. :roll_eyes:

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Blizzard got rid of pve vs. pvp realms, which simplified and consolidated players. Maybe they should use this as an opportunity to introduce no-fly realms, where flying is not enabled anywhere, ever.

Then all the people who feel the game is better played without flight thrown into the mix can go play on those servers, and enjoy their game knowing there isn’t going to be anybody up in the skies (somehow) ruining their game play experience.

And all the people who enjoy being able to fly, can play on a server that allows for flying. And yeah, it will almost certainly be gated behind content releases and pathfinder achievements because Blizzard doesn’t like flying even though they will happily make flying mounts to sell us, but whatevs. But maybe they will at least relax the restrictions/gates a little bit, since everybody on the flying-enabled realms want flying.

If I say I will spend several weeks flying around looking at all the details of the lands, take it at face value. It’s not up to you to decide how long it should take me to do this. Or how much enjoyment I should get out of it. Or whether or not it is new content (it effectively is new content to me. As I said, there are plenty of places I can’t get to right now on foot. Or fully explore because it’s not worth it because of mobs, etc.). Or what I’ll do next (which is irrelevant).

Again, why do people feel the need to force other people to play the game based on their own idea of what’s fun? Nobody is forcing you to mount up and fly around. Or decide what to do to entertain yourself if you do. If my idea of fun is spending all day flying above some mob typing /fart, then let me do that. It doesn’t hurt you. Stop trying to force that on others.


If you only play the game on easy-mode and don’t do anything else, then sure, you just log out faster. But if you actually play the game then there’s endless stuff to do.

Blizzard is using the wrong solution to their problem. They look at flying as the culprit, when what they actually need to do is go back to what worked in Burning Crusade:
*Remove LFG
*Remove LFR
*Removal Normal mode dungeons & raids
*Dial back on the gear give-aways

The reason that BC worked is that if you wanted to see and fight Illidan, or Kael’thas, or Vashj, you actually had to fight them. Not a dumbed-down version that fell over dead in minutes even if you did everything wrong.

The reason people “get bored” is because Blizzard is offering too many easy-modes that people beat the same day they come out.

Have you ever seen a Mythic raider complain that they’re bored, and have nothing to do? No, you haven’t, because Mythic raiders always have their hands full. Same with people who do competitive ranked PvP. The people who complain that they’re bored are the people sticking to easy-mode. Blizzard needs to knock it off with the hand-holding, taking the training wheels off the bike, and encourage people to play the game with all the meat on the bone.

Meanwhile, they need to let us all fly again. Because the removal of flying is also irritating the people who AREN’T bored with the game.


I don’t know about you…but I have flying. I can fly almost everywhere.