Which server did you play on in Vanilla?

I scrolled down and didn’t see one, so I made one :smile:

It’ll be okay baby bird.

Hyjal server. Played Horde and Alliance sides. When I came back to WoW, I chose Proudmoore so I could play w/ my neighbor.

Kael’thas was my home in Vanilla and most of TBC.

Skullcrusher baby

Started on Hyjal (Alliance). The server was really unstable at times (sliding across ground loot lag, disconnects, crashes, lots of credits from Blizz for days of server downtime etc) since it was one of the original launch servers. We got to 60 and after a few months we rerolled new characters on Staghelm (Alliance) since there were no transfers back then. We rerolled Horde about 6 months later and landed on Ysera (all in original Vanilla).

I started to play seriously Horde on Garithos (PvP), I dabbled with alliance on a few servers never got over level 30 until Cata

Well you epic failed because I found it in less than 2 seconds butterfly. :blush:

It even has a blue response.

I don’t need to bump an old thread if I don’t see one that is an active discussion.

So what was your server?

Posted mine in the real thread. :yum:

That thread was made over a month ago… I can see that without even opening it. It’s not active. I don’t need to bump it.

Get over it.

This server, this character.

Not this guild, though. I had an alt in Lucid Dream (later Lucid Nightmare, later Succession, later Lucid Nightmare again, probably some others I’ve forgotten in there) in vanilla, but my main guild was Tears of Draenor.

Blackrock, baby :slight_smile:

Lol, you necro’d a dead thread. That’s against the forum rules, actually.

This thread is fine.

That word does not mean what you think it means. :wink:

It is the official thread. No need to start a new one. Get over it.

No it’s not lol, it wasn’t active until you bumped it. And you only bumped it because you searched for it. You didn’t scroll to find a month old thread. It’s an old thread.

Erm, o…kay

Last reply was 11 days. I don’t know what universe you live in where that constitutes a month but you need remedial math.

wHeN tHe ThReAd WaS cReAtEd


There I said it in a way you could understand.

Check the created dates of the stickied threads and get back to us. :kissing_heart:

Any archimonde alliance?