Which server did you play on in Vanilla?

Once I settled down from the initial creating characters and trying things out I played Horde on Mal’Ganis but eventually I rerolled Alliance on Shattered Hand.


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Edit: Alliance (Playground Bullies)

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Alliance - Bloodhoof

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my first was pve cenarius, got to lvl 6 as a rogue.

then this character, arthas high pop pvp server. it’s why i appreciate gankers. half my motivation to keep trudging my way to 60 was revenge. world pvp - random encounters while leveling - was some of the most fun i had and my best memories from vanilla.

Moonguard? Moon Runner? Moon something… I still have 2 alts there… will have to dig them up sometime.

draka horde

Hakkar, Horde. Low pop PVP servers had that Mad Max kind of feel…

Started on Bronzebeard in August 2005, then started fresh on Balnazzar when it launched early 2006.

Anyone remember Chank the Tauren Shaman? Dude was nuts.

Alliance = Whisperwind (PvE)
Horde = Blackrock (PvP).

All my alliance toons are still on Whisperwind. All of my horde toons have be moved over to Hyjal.

Tichondrius - Horde

Ner’zhul (Horde) and Crushridge (Alliance)
Echo Isles (Horde)
Sentinels (Alliance) and Blackwater Raiders (Alliance)

By the time TBC came out, my focus was on Sentinels, but I still have characters on all of those but Crushridge, where my spirit was nearly broken in STV and my son got all my gold when I deleted that character.

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Dunemaul horde

A couple of my friends were on Bonechewer so that’s where I made my very first character, but I only leveled him to around 12.
Then I moved to Andorhal to play with a different friend and stayed there until Cata.

Arathor Pve server EU

Since then moved around a couple of servers, and landed on Blade’s Edge EU before I stopped.

My brother played Alliance on Shattered Hand.

I was Horde on Bloodhoof.

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Perenolde PVE US

Gorgonash PVP us


My wife followed EQ friends who wanted to join Fires of Heaven.

They joined FoH, we ended up joining the guild that drove FoH to use their Dev GM to procure an illegal pve > pvp server transfer off of hyjal. Good times, good times.

Vanilla and The Burning Crusade, Horde- Kil’Jaedan