Which server did you play on in Vanilla?


I realm danced a lot in early vanilla, I remember Dalaran and I think it was called Skullcrusher?

But when the Rp-pvp servers came out, that was my new permanent home.

I spent the majority of Vanilla on the Maelstrom(RP-pvp) server Alliance side.

It was quite the awesome community all through up until the end of Wrath…probably the best community you could ask for.

The horde characters I had were on Smolderthorn, though I didn’t get one higher than level 43.

Earthen Ring (Horde) for almost all of vanilla. Then switched to Quel’dorei (Alliance) about 1 week before TBC to play with some irl friends and coworkers.

Dethecus (Horde), and what a cesspool it was. <3

Onyxia it was small but i knew everyone before transferring to Mal’Ganis

Shui on Alliance- Wildhammer

Played Alliance on Khadgar! No idea how big or small it was as a server.

Alliance on Durotan.
Not sure when I switched over to Norgannon to be honest.

My main was a gnome warlock on Cenarius. I was there at the founding of Arathian Knights (followed immediately by a long trip abroad that left me hopelessly behind for raiding with them :frowning: ). I later joined Dreams of Ysera for a while to raid Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, then switched to Watchers, with whom I had a grand, silly time, full of naked gnome races and Zul Gurub shenanigans, until I quit playing WoW mid-TBC.

This character was my first toon, created on the day of Vanilla’s launch, and remains on the Mannoroth server, the one it was created on.

I played a warrior on Blackrock until oceanic Timezone servers were added, when I rerolled a Druid on Frostmourne. Both Tauren.

Llane, Shandris TBC thru late MoP


Khadgar - Alliance

Andorhal - Horde

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Windrunner - Alliance

Feathermoon (RP) – Alliance

This was my first character and is my main to this day. A buddy and I rolled on FM because at the time we believed that RP servers offered a more mature and pleasant community.

In reality, I don’t do much active RP, and never have. I do have a rule, however, that every character I create has a backstory that fits-in with the lore. Indeed, I’ve spent a fair bit of time crafting up interesting and viable backstories for alts.

I’d like to imagine (though I know this isn’t the case) that most players on RP realms do have some kind of depth to their characters, even if they don’t actively RP.

I honestly would have a hard time getting into a character without having some rudimentary concept for where they came from, who their family was, why they chose that path, and so on.

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I got into that in Skyrim (to make the story less drab) and I feel like vanilla did an amazing job of setting that up that thought process. So are you saying that you’ve found that people on RP servers are just as shallow, immature, and disengaged as normal ones?

I started on Malorne in May of 2005 with my brothers who quit like FIVE MONTHS later. I immediately moved to Kel’thazod, where I remain today.

Alliance Mal’Ganis

Why not just post in the thread we already have on this exact same topic?