Which server did you play on in Vanilla?

Same! All the way through TBC

The thread you linked isn’t a sticky thread, and those threads have nothing to do with it. It’s a regular thread that you bumped. Looks like this one has taken over anyway.

Looks more like you derailed this one than “taking over”.

Was a nelf rogue named Delf back then

Nope. You derailed it. I’m keeping it on track. Happy to see if anyone else here played on my server :wink:

Thanks for the support.

Glad I could help. At least you didn’t play on a carebear server.

No, I didn’t. I played Horde on one of the servers that remains one of the best today, and SH had guilds like Drama and Death and Taxes on it and pretty decent Horde guilds too.

World PVP was great on SH.

Mannoroth actually opened the gates of AQ first. Medivh cheated.


Should have known, that dude always cheats.


I started on Stormrage.
I had to stop playing for a while some time after (i don’t remember when, maybe a year after i started) and when I came back the Horde was gone from that server. There was one of these free transfers while I was gone.
I little later I got a free transfer to Area52. I guess the entire Horde was there when I landed.

Oops accidentally deleted my post…

Dragonmaw alliance on this dwarf pally,
TEAM PINNACLE represent!

Rexxar Alliance

Runetotem, PVE.

Same server I am on now, different account.

Medivh (PvE) - Troll Hunter named Fenriz in Vindication guild
Dragonmaw (PvP) - Dwarf Hunter named Disgorge


Mal’ganis. Don’t hate me :frowning:

Draenor, US, Alliance. still there now.

I played on Staghelm and Alleria for a few years. Eventually landed on Silvermoon, no idea why. just can’t remember.

Kargath since v1.12

Alliance on Azgalor. A paladin on our server was the one who one-shot Kazzak.