Which Path Did You Take?

He self inserted himself into his own hero fantasy, that he was the Orgrim to Sylvanas’s Blackhand.

Hating this racial fantasy isn’t new or a recent development. This is a thread I made back before this version of the forums even existed: Why I Hate The Forsaken


Had a change of heart about the Forsaken in Before the Storm.

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He had a change of heart in one undead because he knew him in life. ifify.

(Removed “Forsaken” because Alonsus Foal doesn’t identify as Forsaken)

No, I mean after the Gathering when he saw that there are Forsaken who are just people.

I think he didn’t care so much about the people as, they were Forsaken who opposed Sylvanas.

I doubt Genn has turned over a new leaf. Trusting someone like Calia is a far cry from trusting a Forsaken like Belmont.


No, he even talked about Forsaken that went back to Sylvanas after their family members rejected them.

Do you think Genn really cares though?

The only way Alonsus got him to even consider was by saying “what if one of them was your son?” That’s just a think piece, not a suggestion he changed his whole perspective.

Depends. If the forsaken keep poking the old wolf, they’ll get the teeth again. :wolf:


He has been chased out of Gilneas and Teldrassil, as he abandoned them to ruin and ash. He only lives because his son was his human shield, but that shield is gone.

What teeth? More like a toothless bait dog.

The forsaken are 0-2 against a straight up fight with the worgen. Let me know when the forsaken win something without having to rely on their handicap called the blight :wolf:

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One has their homeland. The other has a note with a rain check at best.

Who had help from…you guessed it, The Old Wolf himself. In the end, the worgen still come out the better people overall :wolf:


Better if you like toothless bait dogs, perhaps. But the teeth you mentioned are nothing to fear.

Genn finally learned his lesson - stop picking fights like at Stormheim, and be nicer to the Forsaken. Then, MAYBE the Forsaken will be nice and let the Gilneas move back home.

They say you can not teach old dogs new tricks, but the Forsaken have finally taught Genn to behave if he wants to be let inside the house.


At least you can rest comfortably, after Calia turns the Forsaken into a vassal state of the alliance in all but name, than you’ll guys will have some moral ground to stand on.

Ironic it’s going to take a MENETHIL to rehabilitate the forsaken and teach them how to behave in society :wolf:



there has been shots fired by both parties. Forsaken and Gilnean tensions are high, more news at 11.

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50/50 Dark Horde/ Alternative Horde.

I was 100% behind Garrosh who just wanted to flex on the Alliance.The Horde was kicking a** and taking names. But was done with him when he became a fascist and a racist.

I will always favor Elves, undead, foxes, and pandas over Orcs, Tauren, and sometimes trolls and goblins. Unless from the Grimtotem tribe most Tauren come off as passive whimps, and the orcs can’t make up their mind what honor means to them for the week.

And to this day I still stand by the attack on Teldrassil was a long time coming. Basically to me the Horde always came off as justified conquers, but internally it always got in its own way. So yeah Dark/Alternative for me


Didnn’t see this.

No, I didn’t. That’s not what the screenshots are at all. Why would you lie about this?

The very first thing that happens upon loading Stormheim is Genn and Admiral Killhorde killing the Horde.

Well… until we kill her for trying to usurp our kingdom for the Alliance.

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Do you play wow on a potato? Those screenshots are terrible quality.