Which Path Did You Take?



Saurfang was an Alliance agent actively weakening the Horde from within. Him being right about Sylvanas doesn’t change that fact.
Meanwhile, Vol’jin tried to keep it in the Horde and only begrudgingly reached out to the Alliance when he realized he couldn’t besiege Orgrimmar on his own.

By your definition I am: Alternative Horde
But I prefer the term: Not a Filthy Bootlicker

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How is this?

Well just before Saurfang quit the Horde, while he was still a part of it, when he had the chance to kill the High King at Lordaeron, Saurfang spared Anduin.

During their little jailhouse rendezvous, Anduin brings that up.

The whole Saurfang sparing Malfurion thing is not clear if it was Saurfang himself or Elune intervening, so maybe that isn’t fair to lay on him. But sparing Anduin was all Saurfang, and that was while he still was a member of the Horde, before he quit.


Under this ideology, Sylvanas has been weakening the Horde from within since vanilla.
Checkmate, atheists.

She definitely was after her deal with the Jailer. But at least she didn’t spare the leader of the enemy Alliance, like Saurfang did.

As a matter of fact, she had a hand in killing the de facto leader of the Alliance before she even joined the Horde, when she had Garithos killed.

Both worked against the Horde, but she at least killed the leader of the Alliance when she had the chance, unlike Saurfang.


Yes that happened. What is your point?

That was a bit after she left the Horde, saying it was nothing. And after she accepted Tyrande’s judgement for her crimes.

Saurfang spared Anduin while he was a member of the Horde, in the middle of a battle defending from Alliance invasion.


This wasn’t.


Again what is your point? The video you previously linked was after she left the Horde lol. So, yeah. That was nonsense.

Then you link a different video?

Sometimes I wonder if you are broken video linking AI that just spams random video links.

Link what ever random unrelated videos you want, Saurfang spared the Alliance High King during a battle defending Horde lands while he was a member of the Horde.


Sylvanas, who just moments before said she would never obey a Troll Warchief specifically does not kill any member of the Alliance and instead aims to work together beside them exactly as you lamented Saurfang had done.

Your argument was dumb, because Sylvanas has an incredibly long history of doing this.

That is a horrible comparison.

The Darkspear Rebellion was not fighting the Alliance for Orgrimmar, they were working together. So Sylvanas blasting every Alliance in sight wouldn’t make sense. And the Alliance walks away, leaving the Darkspear Revolution to rule Orgrimmar.

However at Lordaeron, the Alliance and the Horde were not working together. Saurfang and Anduin were at the front of opposing armies fighting for a Horde city.


May I reacquaint you with the original Battle for Lordaeron, in which she doesn’t attempt to murder Varian Wrynn despite Varian announcing he would kill the Forsaken?

Jaina teleports the Alliance away. The Alliance didn’t stick around and fight for UC. What are you on about?

You seem to confuse sparing the Alliance High King in the middle of a fight for control of a Horde city- like Saurfang did, with Sylvanas not randomly killing Alliance leaders before they leave a Horde city in Horde control, like in the WotLK UC event or the end of SoO.


Long after Varian’s tirade had begun and he’d contributed to the destruction of the Royal Apothecary Society.

Let’s continue, though. She has a long sordid history of this that you love to ignore whilst bemoaning Saurfang’s one moment of weakness.

Sylvanas lets the Horde burn to the Legion as she works single handedly with Helya – damning your soul to Helya’s afterlife zone – so she can have a chance at True Immortality.

Um, I don’t pretend everyone is glued to my every word, but if you are gonna make such claims…

I am not ignoring her sordid history. I mentioned it. Maybe she was focused on killing Arthas prior to the end of WotLK, but after her deal with the Jailer, she was pretty much selling the Horde and everything in the cosmos down the river.

That was the subject at question. Someone called Saurfang an Alliance asset. Someone else asked how so.

So I mentioned that Saurfang did spare the Alliance High King as the Horde attempted to fight off the Alliance’s invasion.

That is true regardless of what Sylvanas did. Sylvanas’s crimes do not have to be listed when someone asks about Saurfang.

It is almost like some people need to hear a list of Sylvanas’s crimes at the beginning of every post.


Sylvanas is the type of person that will hide the zombie bite in a zombie apocalypse movie.

Well for such a pivotal moment Blizzard should really have had Andiun helpless on the ground on the battlefield with Saurfang’s axe held high but he hesitates or it strikes only dirt as Andiun scampers to safety.

Instead, the only thing we have is Saurfang headbutting Andiun in full plate armor instead of hitting him with his axe as the act of “Sparing” andiun. Its not really compelling story telling if they are trying to sell us on this.

I feel like this is the heart of any debates with Dreadmoore. No points have been made. Bet there’s no greater understanding of nuance. Everything is surfuce level undestanding. Has the IQ of a box of crayons.

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No. I don’t know if anyone said it was, other than folks on Blizzard’s payroll.

As far as the BfA intro, I initially wrote off Anduin being smacked away as a typical contrivance of Fiction. Where big name characters clash but do not die.

Lost Honor laid it out as some intentional dramatic act fraught with purpose.

I think more people commented on how pretty Greymane’s fur was, than praised the story in Lost Honor.


You would think it’s her fans that keep bringing her up in every discussion but it’s her critics. It’s almost as if, they are equally if not more obessed with her.